
Chapter 30: I Need You

We're now on our way to Chris' house. Since none of us has a car, we chose to ride in a taxi again. This time, Colleen and I are seated together at the backseat while Vyl is seated on the passenger's seat. I warned him not to do anything idiotic while we're just meters apart from each other. He's not used going out of the condo after all.

I think he took my warning seriously because he's unexpectedly behaving in front which is a relief.

We arrived at our destination earlier than expected. So, there's only me, Vyl, Colleen, Rain and of course, the owner of the house.

"Hey, this is my cousin Vyl, by the way. Sorry, I didn't inform you that I would bring him beforehand." It was a bit rude of me to just randomly bring a stranger without informing them or even the leader. Although this was partly Colleen's idea.

"There's nothing to say sorry for, Ven. Nice to meet you, I'm Rain Lozano." Rain extended his hand to Vyl to offer him a hand shake and then a memory flashed through my mind rapidly. Before I can react, Vyl raised his hand beside his forehead as if doing a salute.

I put my palm on my forehead, embarrassment was evident on my face when I saw their reaction. By that, I meant Chris, Colleen and Rain.

When Vyl showed no sign of lowering his still raised hand, I took the initiative to take his hand away from his forehead. To save him from total embarrassment, and to also save myself for further explanations, I placed Vyl's hand on Rain's previously outstretched hand and I shook it myself.

And for some reason, Colleen laughed and that made the others laugh too. I sighed in relief.

"You two are an odd pair. Definitely cousins," said Rain while still laughing. He was the first to let go of Vyl's hand.

What the hell does that mean? Is it an insult or a compliment? Before I can say anything else, Chris told us to come inside the band room.

I sat on the couch and Vyl immediately sat beside me, so as Colleen. They were both on either side of me. I noticed that Rain was a little frustrated because he would have sat in his usual place, which is beside me. I'm always seated between them for some reason.

I look like the only freaking obstacle for Colleen's love for Rain. Like a big bolder stuck on the water's path to prevent it from flowing continuously. It made me feel irritated all the time.

For the first time today, I silently thanked Vyl for coming along. And also, Colleen for suggesting that Vyl comes because Rain had no choice but to sit beside Colleen this time.

Chris entered the room holding a tray of food and refreshments. He said we should eat first while waiting for the others to arrive.

"Hey, will you be singing?" Vyl whispered out of nowhere while we're eating. I just nodded at him because my mouth was still full of food. "While you're accompanied with some musical instruments?"

I nodded again but this time with a bit of shock because he knows what musical instruments are. I swallowed the food first and drank some juice before speaking, "Where did you learn that?"

"Saw it on T.V," he said with a matter-of-fact tone. "And we have something similar back in Pluvilia. We call it Glintillant."

Their term is too long. Too many freaking letters.

"I would like to hear some of your songs too," I casually said without thinking too much into it.

"Then come with me already."

I laughed suddenly at what he said. A heartily laugh which somehow made him laugh too, making everyone in the room turned their heads to look at us.

"Hey, what’s that? Let me join in," Colleen interrupted to join the conversation cheerfully.

It didn’t take that long for the other members to arrive. I introduced Vyl to Tyrone and Nathan. Tyrone's excited to meet my so-called cousin which makes no sense at all. But another unexpected thing happened, they got along really well. And again, I realized, they are both idiots. I guess birds of the same feathers really do flock together.

They set up their musical instruments while I do mic tests to prepare my voice but I can't help myself to look at Vyl. Ever since he saw the aquarium outside the band room, he's been uneasy. A large glass is serving as the window of the band room so we can see if anyone is watching outside. And those on the outside also see what is inside.

There's a big aquarium placed just outside the band room. There are a lot of fish but mostly goldfish. And ever since Vyl noticed that, he's been fidgeting all over and even sweating too. I've tried asking many times but he would just say nothing. I admit I'm starting to get worried.

Everyone finished setting up their instruments and we were about to start when Vyl suddenly stood up from the couch and walked towards the door of the band room. He went out and I made no movement while looking at him and trying to predict his next move.

For the fucking second time in my entire life, I choked on my own saliva when Vyl put his hand in the aquarium and reached for one of the innocent-looking goldfish! Even the other band members were shocked because of what he did. We all look dumbfounded. I quickly returned the microphone back to Rain and ran out of the band room to where Vyl was.

I desperately grabbed his hand away from the water and away from the aquarium. "What are you doing?!"

My eyes widened to look at him. He just looked at me back while frowning. He had already opened his mouth to speak but stopped when we heard the band room door opened.

"Vyl buddy, what are you doing?" Tyrone asked as he burst out laughing. "That's not food, bro."

I saw the others went out too with Colleen who almost fainted with laughter. I snorted at the sight.

"Looks like you found your other half, Tyrone." Nathan was the only one who's not laughing but a wide smirk is currently plastered on his face while saying those words.

Tyrone put his arm around Vyl’s shoulders and invited him to come back inside the band room. Vyl was still frowned like a child whose toy got stolen. I was just following them while still confuse of Vyl's actions. What made him do that?

"Mind telling me why you did that?"

I again talked to him through mind link but he's not saying anything back. He's didn't even bother glancing at me. I sighed.

We were in the band room again and Vyl and Colleen sat back on the couch. Before going back in front, I first went to Vyl and took the handkerchief from my pocket and wiped his wet hand that he dipped earlier in the aquarium. I feel like I'm babysitting a three-year-old child.

After wiping his wet hands, I brushed his hair that's blocking his forehead up with my left hand. I touched his forehead while he was just looking at me, still frowning.

"You don't seem to have a fever," I murmured to myself but it seems like Vyl heard it because his brows arched. "Explain it to me later."

He just nodded at me and I smiled at him. I turned my gaze to Colleen who was just sitting on the side and saw her face filled with amusement. I raised a brow because of her expression. She just shook her head and looked at me knowingly. I just ignored that and walked back in front.

I reached for the mic that Rain was holding but before I could finally get it, I stared at his face. He has this kind of expression that I can't read. He just stared into my eyes intently which made me a bit awkward. I tilted my head sidewards like asking him what's wrong but it was as if he suddenly snapped back to reality and shook his head at the same time, finally handing the microphone to me.

They decided to start with our first song which is I need you by LeAnn Rimes.

We actually have practiced tons of songs because we are not yet sure what songs we will play on the BOTB that will really make an impact. They are really determined to win. Only two songs are needed and so far, we only have four left to choose from our list. I think we will finally decide after today's practice.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself. I saw Vyl looking at me intently. I smiled at him but he's expression didn't change and that made me a bit irritated. I just ignored him again and focused on singing.

---Now playing: I need you by LeAnn Rimes---

I don't need a lot of things

I can get by with nothing

With all the blessings life can bring

I've always needed something

This song is actually great. Both the melody and lyrics are heart-warming so there's a special impact in it that can capture the audience's attention. This is one of the reasons why it is currently included in our selection of songs. The song also adopted some modern sonic elements which fits the genre of my voice, making at the top of our list.

But I've got all I want

When it comes to loving you

You're my only reason

You're my only truth

The feeling of the writer can be felt just by singing it. Or maybe even just by listening to it. This is one of my favorite songs because of the deep meanings of the words here. It mirrors how deep I feel somehow. I am about to hit the chorus so I closed my eyes and put all my attention to feel the song more/

The person is very much in love with someone whom she cannot live without. A very important someone that she even involved the word heaven in the song that portrayed the intensity of affection that she's feeling.

“I need you…”

I opened my eyes and stared at Vyl's direction. His previously expressionless face has now been replaced by a sweet smile. A very sweet-warm smile that made my heart skip a fucking beat. I unconsciously held my chest. Until I finished singing, I didn’t take my eyes off him. I again lost myself in his emerald eyes that offered me comfort and warmth.