
Emerald Eyes || Miya x Reader

Y/N recently moved to a new city in Japan, after having moved away at the age of 10. They had been skateboarding since the young age of 4, and had moved to Canada in order to train with one of the best skateboarding coaches out there. Their family and coach decided that it would now be a good time to return to Japan, and train with their old coach. What they didn't know, was that they would meet the one that they would love to the moon and back. !Disclaimer! This anime does not belong to me. This is a gender neutral fanfic! I don't see nearly enough of them, they're all meant for female readers.

OatmealVirgin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

~Trial and Failure~

You wake up in the morning to hear the calm sounds of the bird chirping out the window, feeling a newfound purpose within you. You now have a clear goal to work towards to. And that was to become a good enough skater to beat ADAM. That was what some would call impossible, but you're sure you can do it. Your eyes remain closed as you ponder over a few thoughts, your mind still foggy since you had just woken up.

After a few minutes, you open your eyes and rub them, in order to get a better view of everything around you. You pick up your phone to check the time. The clock reads 11:19am. You then scroll down a bit with your thumb, and see a text from an unknown number..


Meow meow motherfucker

'What a wonderful thing to see after waking up,' you think. Of course, it's Miya. You turn back to your phone and begin to text back.


I'm guessing this is Miya-


no this is bob the slime -_-


Ha ha. very funny bob.

*Y/N has changed (***)-***-***'s name to Bob*




well hello there



*Y/N has changed Bob's name to PoutyChild*



*PoutyChild is now offline*



You let out a small chuckle, and out your phone down. In a few hours, you and Miya would be skating. You were planning on asking him how he did the trick. After a few quick searches, you found that the trick was called a Primo Slide. It made sense that you weren't very familiar with the trick, since you wouldn't have anywhere to use it because you didn't usually race like they do in "S".

After messing with your phone for a bit and checking all the notifications, you get up from bed and walk up to your closet. From there, you retrieve a, a black hoodie and some jeans. Nothing too special, but it was pretty decent.

You quickly put your clothes on, and walk towards the bathroom. Wash your face and hand, and brush your hair and teeth. You begin heading downstairs for breakfast. You serve a bowl of cereal and milk and quickly eat it. You drop your dish off at the sink, and begin walking to the entrance of your house.

"MOM! I'm heading out, 'kay?" you tell her, so that she wouldn't think you've been kidnaped or something.

"Okay!" she yells back from upstairs.

You grab your board, a water bottle and helmet, and walk out, closing the door behind you.

You hop on your board, and carelessly shove your helmet on your head, not closing its clip. You push yourself forwards with your foot, and begin to pick up speed. You would've invited Miya to come with you, but you didn't want to bother him this early in the morning, since you were gonna skate with him later anyways. You make your way to the skate park, and as expected, its completely deserted. You decide to try a primo slide.

"Alright...So pretty much all I have to do is hop on the edge of the board...should be easy enough...." you reassure yourself.

You position yourself, and set yourself up for a jump. As you jump, you flick the board with the tip of your foot, hoping that it would make the board go in the proper position. While in mid air, you realize that it's simply not gonna work by trying to do it with out any more knowledge.


You fall to the ground, and let out a groan.

"Holy fuck that hurt like a damn butt cheek on a stick," you curse, feeling the pain of the board.

You stand back out, and go do the same position you placed yourself in before. Of course, you tumble to the ground once again.

'How. Does. He. Do. This??!?! I can't even get on the board, so how the hell does he balance on it while sliding, and still go fast??' you question.

You end up trying the trick for about an hour, before deciding that you should try again another day, and begin doing other tricks. You considered asking Miya for his help, but decided against it for now. If you kept struggling for the next few days you decided that you would ask him. But for know, you wanted to keep up your status as a non-slime comrade.

After a while of skating, you sit down on the hard concrete. You take the clear water bottle an uncap it, taking a nice long drink from it. Your thoughts trail back to the trick that you were previously trying to to land. It was so damn annoying trying to learn that trick...You quickly grew frustrated.

"Ugh- Why can't I get it right?" you say out loud, growing frustrated at yourself. "I guess I can always ask them for help..."

You take your phone out from your pocket, and put the password in. You go on the messages app, and press on Miya's contact.










Can you help me with something...?


well what is it you need my help with


primo slides jdhfsjkhfkdsf




Wait actually-




Thank youuuu


don't thank me, idiot. i'm your friend. friends help each other.


Thanks anyways edge-lord


great. yet another nickname.




I'll meet u at the skate park in 10 minutes


Kk. im already there by the way.



*PoutyChild is offline*

You smile to yourself, glad that he was willing to help you. Though, you hoped that they didn't quite pick up on the 'thanks anyways' part. You only said it because really, you thought of him as little more then just a friend. A crush...

You get up and decide to practice a few more things. You went over some of the things you practiced when training with your coach. Before you know it, the 10 minutes quickly passed.

"Hey," he gives you a small wave.

"Hey! Okay, so...how exactly do you do this?" you ask, showing him your sad attempt at it.

Before he can say anything, he bursts into laughter. They laughed like they never saw anything more ridiculous.

"H-Hey! Stop laughinggg!" you pout at the green eyed boy.

"Maybe YOUR name should be 'Pouty Child' in my contacts," he says, calming down from his previous laugh-attack.

"Hmph," you turn away from him jokingly.

"Okay okay. Anyways, when you go to flick the board back, put strength into it, but precisely. You can't just kick around the board anywhere. If you do that, than you'll never get whatever you did back there to be a good primo slide," he begins to explain.

You try it, this time following his instructions, and this time find it to be easier. You try again and again, and it gets easier the more you do it. Within a few minutes, your lading on the board's edge nearly every single time.

"There ya go," he encourages. You wished he could be this nice to other people too. But part of you, wished to keep this part of him to yourself. Like a cute little secret.

'Oh my god no no no. I can't think that about him! He can act how ever he wants how ever he likes.'

"Miyaaa I'm tired. Can we try again tomorrow?" you ask, "Also, I'm hungry."

"Fine. We can practice more tomorrow. Also, there's an ice cream place nearby. Wanna go there?" he offers.

'Ice cream with Miya? Sound like fun,' you think, before replying.


With that, you and Miya begin making your way to the ice cream parlor.

"So what flavor do you think you're gonna get?" you ask.

"Probably something like strawberry," he responds. "How about you?"

"Probably F/F."

"Oh that flavor is pretty good too."


You make it all the way to the ice ream parlor, and talk to the girl standing behind the wooden counter.

"Can I have a medium F/F, and a medium strawberry?" you ask the lady at the counter, deciding that you were gonna pay for Miya's treat.

"Okay. That'll be 1500 yen."

You notice Miya giving you a look, which you assumed meant "Why'd you buy my ice cream?!"

You stick your tongue out at him, and hand the money over to the lady. You then walk away from the counter, and give Miya a small smirk.

"Well, that was the least I could do for helping me today!" you respond, booping his nose.


You stick your tongue at him once again. The two of you continue like this until the lady at the counter hand you the ice creams.

"Hmph. Next time I'll pay for it then," he sticks him tongue back at you.


You both stay quiet for a while, enjoy the cold treat. You decide that it would be fun to skate slowly while you eat your ice cream.

"So. What's up?" they ask, trying to initiate a conversation

"I've been thinking...You know how a few of the skaters at 'S' have their own image. Take SHADOW as an example. The make up and the clothes," you start.

"So I assume you want to get yourself an image," he predicts the last few of your words.

"Yep! I wonder what it should be..."

"I didn't really make much of an image to be honest. I just wear my cat hoodie when I go there. You don't really have to go all out like SHADOW or ADAM. You might end up looking a bit of a clown like those two."

"Pffft- yeah yeah, I'll make sure I look decent enough. I sure don't want to go around skating, looking like shit. That's for sure."

"Um, I could help you with your image if you want.." he offers shyly.

"Ah well, who knew that you were such a helpful person Miya?" you say, not expecting a response.

"Hush. So I take that as a yes, correct?"


The two of you continue walking back home, happy with today's practice. You had fun.

If only you could be more then just friends..