
Emerald Eyes || Miya x Reader

Y/N recently moved to a new city in Japan, after having moved away at the age of 10. They had been skateboarding since the young age of 4, and had moved to Canada in order to train with one of the best skateboarding coaches out there. Their family and coach decided that it would now be a good time to return to Japan, and train with their old coach. What they didn't know, was that they would meet the one that they would love to the moon and back. !Disclaimer! This anime does not belong to me. This is a gender neutral fanfic! I don't see nearly enough of them, they're all meant for female readers.

OatmealVirgin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"You have quite a good quote there," the man in the exotic wear struts in through the crowd, causing the people to clear his path.

You look at the people around you, looking for a hint on who this man could be..

"Skateboarding should be fun,"

You hear the crowd react in surprise. You hear the name ADAM slip up. So that's who he is...

He slowly approaches the five of you, slowly riding his board that matched his outfitt towards you in a strange manner.

"ADAM?" you hear Miya mutter the man's name in surprise.

"Wait..ADAM? The legend??" His eyes light up in excitement at being able to see the skater with his own eyes.

"You're all empty now, MIYA," ADAM says, looking at your friend.

A look of surprise spreads onto Miya's face. Their eyes then trail down to the concrete floor.

"Friends, skating," he continues, "You at this point, have nothing left."

You notice Miya's hand begins to tremble, and anger at the man rises in you.

"He's not empty! You couldn't be more wrong about him you bitch." You take a step towards the man.

"Are you sure about that, little Y/G?" He too, takes a step forward.

"He has me as a friend! And as far as I know, I'm certainly a person. I'm not just a nobody."

"Oh well.. Having a single person doesn't automatically make his life fulfilled. He is still just an empty shell of what he used to be."

"Shut the fuck up, okay ADAM? He's not an empty shell. So stop talking about my friend like that, won't you?"

"Feisty now, are we?" he asks in a rather flirtatious voice.

"Okay, first of all, I'm a child. So don't you go using that tone of yours unless you want me to call the cops on you. Second of all, I'm gonna need you to fucking take back what you said," you take glance at Miya, who is still looking at the ground.

"Y/N- Just let it go. I don't care. It doesn't matter to me whether he takes it back or not," he said, finally looking up from the ground.

"No! I'm not letting anyone talk about my friends like that. He WILL be forced to take it back," you say, glaring at ADAM on the last part.

"I see..How about this. I challenge you to a beef," the crowd lets out a gasp of surprise, "If you win, I will take back all I said about little Miya there. And, if I win, you will end your friendship with him. It's as simple as that. Now, what do you say about it?"

"Fine. But know, I'm gonna fucking win you bastard."

"Well I hope you bring the same attitude from here onto the race..It excites me.."

"Do I really need to repeat the fact that I'm an actual child?"

Once again, your comment goes unnoticed.

"I will have one of my assistants inform you on the date of the beef once it is set. I hope you practice. I want to have as much fun as I can with this."

"You won't be having so much fun when you lose." With that, you grab Miya's wrist, and begin to walk out of 'S', with Langa, Reiki and SHADOW all following behind.

You walk away from the place as quickly as you can, your anger slowly diminishing. Once you're finally at a sidewalk, Miya turns to you and says, "Y/N.."

"Hm?" you respond.

He looks up at you, tears slightly pooled in his green eyes.

"What's wrong?" you ask, concerned.

"Why would you bet on that...?" his voice is quiet, and a little sad. But most of all confused.

"Ah. Don't worry. I know I can win." you say confidently.

"But HOW do you know that? You've never even seen him skate!" he slightly raises his voice.

The others step further away from the two of you, deciding it would be best to give you both some space.

"It's gonna be fine Miya. Even if I lose, he can't force me to leave you."

"You realize that the bets made at 'S' aren't just some kind of joke, right? People take them seriously," he says, knowing you probably weren't very aware of this, having just joined 'S'.

"Well, then I guess I'll have to win either way then," you begin to feel slightly guilty..

"But what if you don't win Y/N! What then? I don't want to lose my only friend. Not again."

Guilt hits you even harder.

"I just...I can't stand him talking about you like that when you're so much more than what he said.."

"I don't care that he said that. But I care about YOU," he points at you, looking you in the eyes.

"I care about you too. I'm gonna practice day and night if that's what it takes to beat that creep."

"You better do that, Y/N..."

You stop walking, and face him. You gently bring your hand up with your pinky finger stuck out, and bring his hand up too. He mimics the pose you've done with your hand. And with that, you intertwine your small fingers.

"I promise, okay?"

"Fine.." he says, feeling just a tad better.

You begin to walk again, and decide to ask Reki about something.

"Reki. So you know how I was talking about your board and stuff?"

"Yeah?" he answers, momentarily looking away from Langa.

"So, when I said I wanted you to build me one, I wasn't just saying it as a compliment. Can you like, actually make me one? If I want to win against ADAM, I'll need all the practice I can get with a good board. Plus, I need a new board anyways so why not buy it from you," you say with a smile.

"Oh okay! I'll need to watch you skate before I can make you one though...You can help choose out the bearings, wheel, trucks and stuff," He gives you a thumbs up.

"Oh yeah. You can find videos of me on the internet or you can watch me skate while I practice."

"Wait wait wait. You're famous?" he asks, catching on about the part of you being on the internet.

"Well...Not that famous. I just compete quite a bit and a few of my competitions are online," you say nonchalantly.

"That's so cool!"

"Heh.." A bit of blush spreads on your face. People don't praise you very often.

"Also, you and Miya are dating right?" Reki asks.



The two of you claim that his words were wrong, which they were. But, a small part in the both of you kind of wished it were correct..

"Ah well, sorry 'bout that! I should probably introduce you to my friend properly. This is Langa!" he points at the tall guy beside him.

"Hello," he says in a monotone voice.

"Hi. My name is Y/N."

"Nice to meet you I guess."

You guys talk for a small while, until you remembered something you wanted to do.

"Hey Miya, so I was gonna text, but then I realized I didn't have your number."

You grab his hand, and open it from the loose fist it was formed into. You place a small piece of folded paper into their palm, and close their hand.

"Anyways. You wanna come skate with me tomorrow?"

"Sure, I guess," he answers. He didn't see why you had to ask the question in the first place, seeing as you always skated together.

"Can I ask the other guys if they want to come with us? They seem nice enough," you ask in a quiet voice.

"Fine. But if they start acting like slimes then I'm kicking them."

"Violent much," you say, letting out a chuckle.

"Langa, Reki, Old man. Do you want to skate with us tomorrow?" you aks, still persisting on the nickname for the oldest of you guys.

"Ok.And OLD MAN? If you call me that then I'll call you child.'

"For your information, I'm a teenager," you say, sticking your tongue out at him.

In return, he does a weird face.

"Damn old man, and I thought you couldn't get any uglier! Clearly, I was wrong," Miya chimes in.

"I just love being bullied by children," he sighs.

"Lovely, isn't it?" you say sarcastically.

The conversation goes on, and turns to various different topics. You learn that Reki has been skating for a long time, and that Langa was from Canada. You also learned that SHADOW acts completely different outside of work.

"Oh! So you're kind of like Cat Noir and Ladybug aren't you?" you mention.

"Why am I being compared to characters from a childrens' show..."

"I mean...Is Y/N wrong? As far as I know, they're kind of correct," Miya says holding back a laugh.

"What has my life come to.." The old man wonders to himself.