

Lily lookout of her of her office window her beautiful eyes could be seen a trace of sadness. "It as been six years now and it time to leave the past behind"she said and sign. Lily turn as her assistant entered. Susan adjusted her eyes glass and greet Lily "good morning ma'am "which Lily reply with nod and gesture her to continue speaking Lily as a friendly approach the opposite of lily who is cold beauty. Ma'am your coffee is ready Susan said while placing it on the table and lily turn from her computer and take it and take a sip "Ma'am your schedule for to are this "two important meeting to attend and Mr Hall invited for the dinner tonight "lily stop sipping her coffee in hear what her assistant just said and she frown her beautiful eye which were emotionless was can be see a trace of annoying there because she knew that Oldman won't stop nagging about her getting married. She stand up and start to walk towards the the meeting room while putting the thought of her meeting alot of annoy people tonight her beautiful black hair was pack in pony style

hello my readers sorry for some Grammarly mistakes it is my first novel and English is not my first language so I hope all can understand and read with love thank you

Timmy_9940creators' thoughts