
Chapter 2: Ember's Trial - The U.A. Entrance Exam

The sun hung high in the sky as Ember, his heart pounding with anticipation, stood before the imposing gates of U.A. High School. The entrance exam was about to begin, the ultimate test to determine if he had what it took to become a hero. Around him, aspiring heroes from across the country gathered, each with their own unique quirks and dreams.

The exam was divided into three phases, each more challenging than the last. Ember knew he had to give it his all. He was determined to prove himself and honor the faith Flame Guardian had in him.

Phase 1: Robot Rampage

The first phase of the exam was a trial of combat and strategy. Three types of robots roamed a large arena: one pointers, two pointers, and three pointers. The higher the pointer value, the more challenging the robot. Ember's fiery quirk made him well-suited for this challenge.

With a deep breath, Ember ignited his hands and charged into the fray. He unleashed torrents of flames, swiftly dismantling one-pointer robots with ease. The two-pointers proved more resilient, requiring him to use his control over fire to create shields and deflect their attacks. As for the formidable three-pointers, he employed cunning tactics, striking their weak points with precision blasts of fire.Amid the chaos, Ember spotted a fellow examinee, a girl from Class 1-B named Yui Kodai, struggling against a two-pointer robot. Without hesitation, he rushed to her aid. With a burst of flames, he incapacitated the robot and extended a hand to help her up.

"Thanks," Yui said, her gratitude shining through. "I owe you one."

"Don't worry,we are here to become heroes right?"

"Right,still,thank you again for helping me,and good luct in the exam"

"No problem,good luck to you too"!

Phase 2: Capture the Flag

The second phase of the exam was a test of teamwork and strategy. Ember's team was made up of examinees he had never met before, but they quickly formed a plan. Their mission: to capture the opposing team's flag while defending their own.

Ember used his quirk to create a wall of fire, obscuring their movements as they advanced on the enemy team. He worked in harmony with his teammates, using fire to deter opponents and protect their flag. The teamwork and synergy they displayed were impressive, and Ember knew he had made the right choice by coming to U.A.After a fierce battle, Ember's team emerged victorious, with the enemy's flag secured. They celebrated their victory, knowing that the final phase awaited.

Phase 3: Save the Innocent

The third and final phase was the most challenging and noble of all. A massive, towering robot with a menacing presence known as the "Destroyer" was unleashed. It was programmed to wreak havoc and endanger anyone in their path.This was called the SURVIVAL trial,and all they were tod to do was that they had to resist and distract the robot for half an hour,time enough for the heroes to help.Little did the kids know,this was actually a test of heroism.Will you leave people in the dust to save your skin,or will you help protect those in need.

Ember watched in horror as the robot targeted a girl from Class 1-A, Tsuyu Asui, who had become trapped under debris. Without hesitation, he charged toward the colossal robot, flames surging around him.

The battle was intense, Ember's fiery attacks against the steel behemoth. He risked everything to protect Tsuyu, who was terrified but unharmed. With a final, powerful burst of flames, Ember managed to disable the robot, earning him precious hero points.

Tsuyu, safe but shaken, looked at Ember with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you for saving me," she said, her voice trembling.

Ember smiled, feeling a surge of pride. "That's what heroes do.Im sure you would do the same...uhh..."

"Tsuyu Asui,butbut please call me Tsu ribbit"!

"Right!It was nice meeting you Asui..."


"i said cll me tsu"

"Rr-right,Tsu,anyways have a good day"!

"You too kero"!

As the U.A. entrance exam concluded, Ember reflected on the trials he had faced. He had proven his mettle, not only as a powerful hero but also as someone willing to put everything on the line to protect others. His journey at U.A. had only just begun, but he was ready to ignite his destiny and become the hero he aspired to be.