
Embattled throne of emerald city

A wonderful world but danger is everywhere. Dragons are the overlords and chaos fills the world as a virus till tigers and lions had enough of it. Dragons are in danger and red tiger challenges the blue dragon and defeat him but .. Will dragons come back again will tigers be able to restore the world in order and peace lets find out..

Hilary_muiruri · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Ancients called upon the entire high heaven to a meeting because an old civilization was coming back to myriad of universes. The entire high heaven basically stopped everything they were doing and headed to the High meeting Grace of the Ancients in the Skylight city

On the other hand in dark realm demons had a meeting in the lowest hell. There were 7 magnificent throne if one looked a far but if one could look at a closer then one can see all seven thrones were made from skeletons and skull beneath blood was flowing non stop. Human-like being sat on them but only six sat on them and everyone else stood and were talking joyful and the prince were playing with demonesses body. One could see that this important meeting could be more of party but that was not the case since everyone here was waiting for someone who was the sole ruler of dark realm.

The princes stopped having merrily and had a gloomy face as the Shagratia surrounded the princes and the princess with a formation. One of them asked " where the heck is he?" " wait a little, you dumb head " the second prince replied irritated.

Then the charming and charmtress princess spoke " dear brothers what do you think of the titans?" The princes frown hearing her questions because titans were part of ancient dark force and were higher in rank than superior demons and were powerful giants of the old also they hated the Ancients to the core . It was said that they led a campaign against the Ancients and a bloody war erupted in the cosmos. They were first creature that the Ancient dark force gave birth to and carried its ambitions. The Seraphites were rallied and all the heavens armies were called upon to eradicate this force from cosmos. Titans and the heaven's armies interlocked at the battlefield of chrocos and many of titans fell together with angels. For the first time in history of creation the Ancients entered the battlefield and all He ( Second Ancient also known as THE SON) did was to speak , saying " Titans, sons of dark force you have cause a lot of suffering in the cosmos, you hereby banished to realm of tronicas ( realm of solitude and suffering), together with your beloved father and the Ancient dark realm will be no more" 

As He spoke chains bounded the titans and another supreme plane was formed in the starry sky and titans were drove there while they were screaming in pain and agony. The Ancient dark realm was the most supreme realm of all the supreme realm second to High heaven and just like that it was destroyed with holy fire. That how dark forces were reduced to their current statewithout the Ancient dark force or Dark king by the Ancients. 

But what happened in the world of creatures broke the highest order among the planes thus unleashing the titans. ( The order was no supreme races would ever battle in a superior plane otherwise everything would be broken loose and chaos will reign in the cosmos until another order was set in place). Although the seraphite brought the new order from the Ancients, this was another matter all together since the Ancients had not mended the order.

The main purpose for what darklings did in the mighty and golden creatures world was to break the order so that the Ancient dark king may be released. Now he was out they were waiting for him to make plans and arrangements for chaos to run amok in all creations. For starters they would bring the High heaven must pay, and pay dearly.

Surely there would be a big comeback to the central power of the myriads of world …

On the mighty and golden creatures world had no idea what was happening in the higher worlds, they were busy in preparation of the final battle and also for the era of kings. For now the plane was peaceful and joyful, the 7000 champions were busy preparing themselves both in skill, strength and divine willpower. The newly appointed guardians were having a nice time but no one was a fool to think because the dragons were in isolation that peace was that cheap. In this society there was unspoken rule " the strong devour the weak"

So days went by in this plane without any unprecedented events, however the young Redir was training hard under strict supervision of Tishe. He was at latter stages of Ascension spiritual beast core and could walk on air with outburst of power. He could rival the earth ascension will realm beast stage 1 & 2. Tishe said " no bad youngling, even in the chaos realm you would be in top 5 but in combat you are sorely lacking. At your age of 19 seasons( years), I will allow you to experience life and death battle but after the realm wars so perfect your willpower in order to reach earth realm willpower, by doing so you will be able to advance in power. Remember cultivating the willpower to will force is difficult and is of great essence for your future breakthrough more than strength. You may wield great strength but your will force is too weak to control it thus instability and weak points appear which will turn to massive bottlenecks in your path, do you understand youngling?" he asked with a smile as he taught.

" Yes master I do understand master and can i ask something" Redir said with anticipation. " Go ahead " Tishe said lazily. " What do you think will happen in the realm wars master and who will win?" Redir asked

"Ha! Youngling you got me there so i have no idea what will happen and as for the winner who damns care for the winner that's my opinion though. lets wait for things to unveil themselves, now stop messing around and get back to training you brat" " yes sir" Redir saluted as he trained with the seriousness.

A mature red tiger came to same peak to see the white tiger, as he lowly roar as a form of submission as he greeted him " good morning my liege, i would like to have a personal audience" The white tiger roared slightly high to show dominance as he said " audience granted" Surprisingly it was the champion of the tiger tribe then they went to a secluded place in the mountain range leaving Redir alone.

Now when it was one day left to the combat, now there was serious meetings that were happening in all the realms of heavens. But the most important was at the high heaven as the First of Ancients was conveying this meeting , He said " according to plan we shall deploy troops in all universes for a direct confrontation with titans and the archangels to the plane closest to the dark realm." The Second said " the Ancient dark king will create the Ancient dark realm so that they will have a base but that will take long and cost him his Ancient force thus there will be no heavy weight from him until the new era Father"

Elders listen and were given to give their counsel, some agreed with the plans of the Ancients other more or less added to it. The Ancients spoke with oneness " gather the troops plan for the war and keep my creation safe for me as my power will go with you. Apart from the three Elders that were sent to that plane of creatures others move out and eliminate titans" 

"Yes Your Lordship" the entire heavens chorused since Ancients were addressing all of them.

Finally this ancient civilization would come to an end together with its terrors of the cosmos.

Far away from the heavens a plane opened up like an ancients beast opening its mouth and darkness so ancient as the ancient light covered one of the universe of the myriad universes. No light could prevail lower forms of lives did not know that doom had arrived. Worlds shook terrible and then breaking of chains was heard round and clear as day. Then a deathly silence and then a world-shaking explosion was heard as the last supreme blasted, " FINALLY I AM FREE AND COSMOS HEAR ME CHAOS SHALL RUN AMOK IN YOU. TITANS SHOW THEM WHAT YOU ARE MADE OF" an eerie voice said domineering. 

Then, giants flooded that universes with mighty power and destroyed thousands of lower and middle worlds while cursing the Ancients. After their comeback and that massacre they head to the dark realm with that Ancient darkness leading them and they were like killing machines as they trample on anything on their way.

The creation will be in dire situation and who will help them as the Ancient dark Lord marched to his kingdom?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hilary_muiruricreators' thoughts