
Embattled throne of emerald city

A wonderful world but danger is everywhere. Dragons are the overlords and chaos fills the world as a virus till tigers and lions had enough of it. Dragons are in danger and red tiger challenges the blue dragon and defeat him but .. Will dragons come back again will tigers be able to restore the world in order and peace lets find out..

Hilary_muiruri · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


The dark realm and a humoid being appeared having 7 head with eyes all over its head had 6 limbs and it was just awful and gruesome sight to behold. It announced loudly " all beings in this plane welcome her royal highness jealousy together with bezazulu of the dark royal lineage" Darklings together with its allies bowed to the ground immediately.

" We welcome your majesty to this plane" they cried in unison

Two human like beings came out slowly with cries of agony filled the upper dark realm. Demons were in pain of utter humiliation and when they saw the royals they just wanted them to avenge them thus the current scene. The lady said with thunderous voice " SILENCE" and there was no single noise in the vicinity. The lady was beautiful beyond words and could topple worlds instantly and was flawless in every aspect except her eyes which were filled with envy that could materialize and her frost demeanor as a result of royal but when she faced her partner all of her haughtiness would vanish and would be humble before him and she would look at him with lust. The man was handsome but that which could kill and he had aura of dominance, but today things were totally different because the Ancients had interfere with affairs of supreme realm, this was dangerous. they were here as dark envoy to negotiate with Ancients.

The appearance of first Elder confirm things would be messier if not well taken care of " damn these puny darklings could they not assault in the void" the golden hair man cursed. The golden light did not diminish at all then the voice soften and said " first seraphite deliver my order in person and First Elder come back here" The First Elder bowed and vanished faster than blinking of an eye.

 Seraphites were more powerful than archangels and were only second to elders in rank, a creature of this rank could dominate the entire supreme worlds which were 4 in existence. The first seraphite was terrifying that he slew the first royal prince of dark realm with one exchange, and now he was coming to this world. All 1000 archangels appear instantly and led everyone to give a grand welcome to this great terrifying existence. 

A holy fire descended and more powerful than the cats innate power and blatting of wings were heard as thunder clapped mighty as glory covered the seraphite as he stood in mid air. Everyone did not dare to look at him.

"The darklings have broken the order of high heavens invading another world and manipulating beings and also threatening them thus they have earned themselves this judgement." He spoke slowly and mighty "total annihilation of their race for challenging the Ancients" He continued as if it was nothing. Darklings were trembling at this moment and regretting their actions as deathly silence covered the place. He then turned to the two dark royals and called " envoys of the dark do you have something to say about this?"

The man stood up straight and said " we do in fact, the darklings went far but there were no casualties of the inhabitants of these world according to laws of the supreme world thus declaring their race extinct is not fair and we shall we withdraw our forces and agents from this plane what do you say a truce for now ?" The seraphite knew what was stake as long as the dark were force to corner and move out of this plane it would be best but someone would pay a heavy price for that.

" Present the agents you sent to the dragons together with those who were under him to be slain for what their had done and remember if you challenge the high order again i and 50 of my brothers shall pay you a visit" He said " Hear me angels and darklings battle in the void or the ancient battlefield or else you shall be eliminated understood for this the new order of the high heaven so all of you here of the supreme realm swear that order now" He commanded with might.

They swore with the Ancients Name to obey the New Order, the darklings agents were brought forward before the seraphite and something like coal descended upon them. A single small coal landed down and flames emerged and consuming them whole and they cried out only once before nothing of them remained. The small coal went back as if what happened earlier had nothing to do with it. All present beings shouldered with fear and respect.

As bezazulu wanted to say something but the seraphite cut him off by saying " dark force move out of this world NOW" So the dark forces matched out of the world and vanish in the starry sky .

" Dragon race appear before me" The seraphite ordered.

The dragons appeared before the seraphite trembling with fear and were scared out of their wits. They once used to dictate the laws of the high world were now helpless. Their prayer was that they would not be extinct. " your pride and arrogance have gone far. Therefore you are hereby banned from leaving dragon island all of you until the day you ascend the throne of mighty and golden creature kingdom. This is a second chance to you all other creatures may enter and leave the island but none of you if you disobey then you shall be killed and banish to dammination like the darkling before you understood?" 

"Yes Your highness" they cried out and moved to the dragon island.

" Cats for your bravely in this confrontation your hereby granted the position of custodians of this realm until crowning of the new king. If one day your descendants become king then they shall be given a seat at the middle council of the second heavens" the Seraphite said compassionately. The cats rejoiced and bowed in unison declaring loudly such that the ground shook intensely " we shall not fail you our master and the crown is ours " 

The seraphite went back and the light glory and fire vanished without a trace. All angels hurried back for the Ancients summoned them back for a big task thus the realm was at peace. The cats felt empowered and were now custodians , full of power they brought order though it was a short period. 

The second prince of darkness said in loud voice " it's not over "

Young Redir was able to face in equal footing energy sensing core a higher realm than his. The darkling saw an angel guarding him then he transmitted the information to dark realm. All six prince gathered together and planned for a shocking comeback to the very Ancients themselves.

A weird crow flew over the cosmos screaming " troubles !troubles! this is time of trouble, someone save me i see a massive trouble" Unfortunately a winged high ranked demon swallowed it before it's message reached anyone.

" let's have fun it is our time and moment" it said vanishing as it's words echoed the cosmos spreading fear to all beings.