
Embattled throne of emerald city

A wonderful world but danger is everywhere. Dragons are the overlords and chaos fills the world as a virus till tigers and lions had enough of it. Dragons are in danger and red tiger challenges the blue dragon and defeat him but .. Will dragons come back again will tigers be able to restore the world in order and peace lets find out..

Hilary_muiruri · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: The revifal and transformation realm directorate

The young red tiger is called a redirator a vibrant jovial red tiger and very talent one. He is the son of the chief of small tribe of red tigers. They are overbearing, crafty, ruthless and ferocious beasts. In the family of tigers they are on the second tier from the white golden tiger which are the rulers of this family.

In the heavens above, a powerful mighty voice spranged out like thunder " come forth my sons and seals him again for it is time" A moment after the voice sounded powerful aura locked at the heaven and brilliant light were headed this way and a unison voices were echoed in the lower realm of angels " yes father we are coming" and thunder was released with a powerful might in the universal atmosphere. Gates of heavens were opened and figures appeared and entered at once disappearing in the vicinity. Lower rank angels whispered to one another " it is time to shut him again pheww things are going to difficult than expected" Suddenly at this moment a bright golden light was emitted and heaven was silenced nearly an hour. Then a golden staff appeared to be born at this moment and incomparable suppression was emitted from it to other creatures, it was overbearing powerful, it was entirely terrifying with a might of a ruler as its disposition and aura. Drums were sounded one after another in the universe signaling its arrival. An elderly mighty voice was transmitted throughout the universe saying " it has began and war between light and dark race is emanate so prepare"

As all of this were happening in the heavens above, immortal creatures were preparing for battle for kingship even since that staff appeared. Redir as his clansmen used to call was practicing the tiger roar with a lot of seriously face because a tiger roar can shuttle mountain and quake the land and was a sign of a mature red tiger at the peak of strength and power. However only geniuses of tiger race can touch the slightly of this Mighty Roar called Red Tiger Shuttling Roar. This sound technique was passed within the clan from generation to generation however as the son of the clan head, he was given two full volume of such roar technique, that is the former and The Might Quaking Tiger Roar which was even at a bigger scale of destruction of planets and can quake the cosmos. However, he was practicing "The Red Shutting Roar" with an aim of reaching greater perfect mastery. But, this was a wishful thinking though he barely roared at the minor mastery level, but this was his start point . "Ah! it has been 4 days every since i came here to train but this what i can amount to, such a waste of my time and energy but, i will try again" Now he channeled his core to the max and then a storm was blewimg in the south and then a "roarrrrrrrrrrr!" came out of this throat shutting the valley down bellow.

Redir was delight and a loud tiger-like laughter was heard from the mountain top and then a massive energy cagorated at the paw of Redir for few breaths and vanished into thin air. This however was a blessing in disguise because at this level one can transform immortal spiritual energy into physical energy to strengthen one's core to perfection before any major or minor breakthrough in pursuit of power and was called Transformation Directorate realm. This was difficult to achieve because only terrifying geniuses can obtain this with creator's blessing and a bit of luck. Redir was startled at this new development and was happy though.

He then began training again in immortal energy refinement and continued this until he was at the peak of level 5 Revival realm and a step away to level 6. He was waiting for an opportunity to breakthrough to the next level. At this juncture the "Golden Rod" descended into this world in a majestic manner as if a ruler descending onto the common men, a bright light penetrated into this world and vanished when the rod rested on the highest mountain which was towering and had an ancient aura. Redir broke through to level 6 and continued to the very peak of it but he clearly showed no signs of stopping. The core was shrank at this point within him but was very steady than before, ripples of energy began showing up with him the faint holy fire was ignited, Redir twitched in pain and every part of him was transforming into a being far greater than the dragons. immediately a powerful holy aura swept over the land, his bone were strength to a terrifying degree and on his forehead a marking of 7 ethereal stars appeared with a faint glow of pure red golden fire was imprinted to him.

Redir benefitted a lot from this encounter and he decided to return home to share this amazing good news with his father. He rushed home with a faint lingering holy and powerful aura that slowly entered into his core slowly and was no more on him. Redir was among the fastest red tiger in speed since he was ranked 4th in the speed tiger family ranking of the tiger family. He was like a streaking light as he passed though the difficult terrain of the red tiger south boundless land. He arrived at the red tiger main capitol city, one of the big cities of the Tiger clan. The tigers that were on guard were massive in length and had strength of golden core reinforcement realm, and exclude a bloody aura from their body intimidating other weaker weak immortal creatures and of course trouble makers. The guards ensure order was maintained at the gates of the city, by now Redir had arrived and he let out a wisps of red energy towards the guards that was a young master aura and disposition. The guards immediately let out low growls to the packed crowed immortal creatures until a path was formed after the commander had said coldly " let the young master pass the gate, guards make way for him" so a young red coated tiger walked majestically past the envy eyes of other creatures.

" what is there to be proud of brat? level 7 primary Revifal realm and level 2 transformation Directorate humph!" a snort reverberated in the spacious Chief hall. Then Redir proud face was washed away with those words and aggrieved face surfaced at once. His father Raditect was indifferent when he saw and continue " remember son if u have this little strength and you are proud of it then you will accomplish nothing in the future" Redir was aware of this bitter truth xo he nodded with bitter face. Then Raditect said something to this fragile tiger that made him ferocious viscous and a force that was impossible to recon with in the future. He said "son aim at the peak of strength and look down on those arrogant dragons unite everything, you must prey the strong and arrogant. Make them knee son this is your era" a will that Redir never had appeared within his heart and a legend was about to be born when everything was falling apart.

" father they will knee before me even i will have a seat in the heaven's council, this son will not fail you father" a deep voice erupt from Redir with a force of enormous willpower fanning the flames of will.