
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Archive 3: The ends justify the means.

Although this was a lot of information to process, Magnus already had a clear idea of how humans operated, well a surface level of understanding anyway, but regardless of all of that, his perception of them was much better than before.

He simply chalked it up to humans being unpredictable creatures. And this conclusion troubled him. 

Eibhlhin could sense her master's emotions and hoped to offer him some words of comfort. 

[Though humans can be unpredictable, for the most part, they all think and react similarly when faced with certain situations.] 

Magnus let out an exasperated sigh upon hearing this.

"I appreciate your words of comfort Eib but one of the points you made was their ability to think for themselves.

Each individual has their own thought process and their own experiences, and I admit there could be situations where they would all act the same, but because of external factors, their ability to process a situation compared to another could be drastic. And this is the sort of problem I would like to avoid." 

How to you convince people to not do something when each person has their own reasons for why they are doing it?

There was also another point that he simply could not understand.

Why humans used violence as a means to justify their idiotic reasonings when they very well knew the consequences of their actions? 

[Magnus to humans, violence is a justifiable means to obtain what they want, wether they are for righteous or unrighteous reasons.] 

"Unfortunately, I do not agree with this way of thinking. And what exactly do they have to fight for? They are already blessed enough to be able to exist so what exactly is the problem here?" 


 Eibhlhin did not reply back to her master, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't have the authority to do so.

She knew how intelligent her master was and could understand his reasoning, even so, his logic was somewhat flawed, but it wasn't his fault.

His understanding was limited, and the only way for him to fully grasp this unknown concept was to experience it firsthand, however she did not think a day like that would ever come.

She could only hope that during his mission, he would learn and come to recognize his way of thinking was simply too naive.

Like a child who had been sheltered for all their life, their knowledge of the world would be limited, and the same could be said for Magnus. 

Magnus didn't dwell on this dilemma for too long and decided to make contact with Uriel, his second in command. He quickly sent him a message via air mail to let him know that there would be a meeting tomorrow morning.

Once the message had been delivered and Uriel let him know that he would inform the others, Magnus spent the rest of his time at his study, reading ancient scrolls and refreshing his memory on various battle tactics.

Since he was an angel and didn't need to sleep, he stayed up until dawn.

 He said his morning prayer and started his daily routine. By the time he had finished, it was already after seven, and his meeting had been scheduled for eight.

Magnus didn't have anything else he needed to do in the morning so he decided to leave early so he wouldn't be late.

Magnus was perfect in most things except punctuality and he would always argue that it wasn't his fault.

There was always something preventing him from making it anywhere on time. Leaving early would also allow him take his time and relax a little. He had done a lot of research last night that he needed to empty his brain and relax his body and mind before the meeting. 

He knew it was going to be a headache especially when it would come down to selecting who would be going down with him. He wanted to make sure he made the right choice and needed his second in command's help with this important decision.

While making his way to the recreational building, he opted for flying instead of taking the tube today.

The building just like the tactical training unit was located on the other side of the Mesial Court and could only be traversed by flying or empyrean tubes.

Magnus relaxed his body which allowed his wings were hidden to retract and emerge from the tissues in his back.

He took the door that led to the exits which also lead into the open air and took flight. His colossal sized wings flapped back and forth propelling him into the cloudy skies.

During this time, Magnus' body and mind were completely placid, allowing himself to let loose. Although he found flying a little bothersome, he could not deny the fact that he felt the most free when he flew. But unfortunately he couldn't allow himself to relax too long because upon checking his virtual watch, he got an alert that he didn't have a lot of time before his presence was expected.

So much for having a little down time he thought to himself. 

Upon arriving in the tactical training unit he encountered two of his fellow "colleagues" Asriel and Aeriel also known as the divine twins of the Heavenly Realm from the Virtue Division.

As their title stated, they were the only twins in the entire Realm and their fairylike looks were not an exaggeration. 

"Glory to the Heavenly Realm Grand Chief Magnus." They both said in unison.

Magnus rolled his eyes internally.

He hated how stuffy that greeting sounded but since they went out of their way to greet him, Magnus could only reply in order to maintain decorum. 

"Glory to the Heavenly Realm." He politely said.

"Looks like you're on your way to the tactical training unit again?" Aeriel asked in an attempt to make conversation. 

"You guessed correctly. Are you guys going to the weather forecast simulator room?" 

"Yup, like always." She responded chucking lightly. 

"By the way, congratulations on your monthly reports, looks like it's been a good month for your division." He said sincerely. 

"Thank you!" They replied back in unison.

Magnus realized that besides the greeting and the thanks from earlier, Asriel hadn't uttered a single word. He couldn't help but shake his head, still as quiet as always. 

Magnus opened his mouth to try to talk to him but was interrupted by a ding from his virtual watch, while looking down he got an alert that someone was trying to make contact with him.


He then heard a melodious yet austere voice say, "Magnus, where are you right now?" 

"I'm on my way."

The line soon got caught off and Magnus turned to look at the two who were still with him and quickly excused himself.

He then quickly made his way to the training room where he came face to face with him. 

"Cutting it a little close huh." 

A little warning.

I am someone who loves unique and complicated sounding names. So I'll most likely include a little section in these "author's thoughts" dedicated to explaining how these names can be pronounced.

Eibhlhin: Ei-ba-lin

Ei (like the e in evolution)

Asriel: As-ri-l (Asri and then the letter "L" sound)

Aeriel: Air-i-l (The "L" is pronounced the same as Asriel)

NkSchancreators' thoughts