

The forest was so dark and eerie, making her arm hairs stick up. The shade made the air frosty. Oliver and her hadn't found any food yet, and they had been gone an hour or so. Oli was starting to complain that his feet hurt.

Angelina was starting to get fed up with his complaining.

"Oliver, stop complaining, we've only been walking for like an hour, plus we have taken like five breaks."

"An hour!" Oliver groaned.

"You can go back if you want, but I'm finishing our job." Angelina informed him.

"I'm not leaving you alone in this creepy forest."

"It isn't creepy."

"Really, look at the fog, plus can you see the sky?" Oliver argued.

"Well yes, and no, I can't see the sky, that doesn't mean it is creepy."

"You know what, maybe I will go back, you can stay here and do this! We haven't even found a single berry bush!"

"Fine! Go!" Angelina yelled.

Oliver started walking off, she didn't think he actually would. When Angelina could barely see him she heard a sound behind her. She swerved around to find a gigantic creature. Angelina screamed.