

Angie sat in the soft, cushioned grass, staring at the clouds. Victor had just gone back to Walton City only a few minutes ago, and she was already missing her dearest friend in this world. She was so lucky to have Victor and Marick in this strange world. Angelina sat there a little longer, so restless, but tired at the same time. She found herself thinking about Walton City. How were her friends, the town, her school? What were they doing in their classes? What did her hospital room look like? That last one, not as much as the others, but still many questions swarmed her feeble mind. She was beginning to become homesick. A thought she hadn't had in over a year. Last time she had the dreadful, sorrowful feeling, it was summer camp. But, this one was worse. She was in a coma apparently, her family worried to death, her best friends crying their eyeballs out... This was how it was for now on. She continued to dream that she'd be back home really soon, her hope decreasing as she woke up again and again in the strange world. Angelina sighed deeply, fiddling with her skirt. She sat up, removing the daisy that was behind her ear. She smiled, smelling it's sweet fragrance, her cheeks growing hot.

"Oh, Juniper. Isn't Victor the sweetest?"

Yes, he is such a gentleman here.

"I wish he was back home..."

He is just having an identity crisis. He will find himself sooner or later.

"Hopefully sooner than later." The distressed girl sighed. "I still can't believe he spent all of his wage on me. I'm still shocked. No one has ever been as kind to me as he has." At that moment as she stared at the book in her lap and the daisy in her hand she realized something.

Whatever is it, dearest Angelina?

A lump in her throat made it hard to speak. "I... I..."

Go on! Don't leave me hanging!

"Oh, Juniper! I... I might... I might love him..."

More than a friend?

More than a friend indeed. She massaged her temple. "How have I not noticed?! I have never noticed my feelings! This changes everything, Juniper!"

All it changes is your feelings.

She groaned. "Whatever will I do?!"

Nothing. You will do nothing. You will wait for the right time.

"Thank you, Juniper. I don't know what I would do without your guidance."

It's what I'm here for.

Angelina inhaled deeply, taking in the fumes of nature. She opened to the first page and read the first sentence to the wind:

"The distressed woman screamed at her husband, shoving him out the door. Her good for nothing husband scrambling away, scared of her temper. The fire burned in her hurt eyes, as she screamed to the harsh wind, "Why me?!" She melted to the hard floor sobbing her heart out.

Her life was over! Her husband kept cheating on her, her two children died in a school house fire, her parents died of yellow fever, her friends all abandoned her. She was alone. To her surprise she fell asleep on the floor, her cheeks wet from her tears."

"Do you want me to read more, Juniper?"

Oh, please! I've never been able to read and I've never been read to!

"You don't read? Why so?"

The Land of The Guardians has no books, meaning we can't read and you are the first person I have ever been a guardian for.

"That's a shame... Well, for now on I will read to you."

"Delilah woke to the sound of paws scratching on the wood floor, scaring her. She looked around her little cottage, looking for the source of sound. A grey animal with a black mask over his eyes ravaged around the kitchen, in search of scraps of food. Delilah quickly got up, yelling.

"Get! Get! Shoo!" The racoon scowled at her, running out the front door. "Cursed racoons!"

The girl sighed, brushing the dust off of her skirt, going over to shut the door. Delilah opened all of the window shutters one by one, then started her chores, trying to keep her mind off her wreck of her life. She swept the kitchen then the living room, her mind wandering in a different direction.

"Do you think I'll ever find another?" She asked the wind, tidying up the kitchen area.

"One day you will." The wind answered.

"What do you think he will look like?"

"Curly black hair, blue eyes, muscular bod?"

"Oo, I hope so."

As the lonely maiden finished up her dishes a hard fist pounded against the front door. She wiped her wet hands on her dirty apron and crossed the room. "Liam, that better not be you! I do not want your apologies! I am done with you for good!" She opened the door to find a tall, muscular man in a white tunic and black pants. He ran his large fingers through his curly black hair.

She gasped. "I'm sorry, Mr. Can I help you?"

"I recently moved into the old cottage a little ways over there. I wanted to meet my neighbor. I'm Elliott Charles."

"Oh, the old cottage? Are you fixing it up?"

"I am."

"That will take a great deal of time."

"Whatever is your name?"

"Delilah Daisy."

"Nice to meet you. I know it isn't any of my business but who is Liam?"

"My husband."

"Husband? Didn't sound so."

"I am divorcing him."

"Whatever makes you want to do that?"

"He has cheated on me multiple times."

"Was that you who was screaming last night...? I heard but I figured it was none of my business."

"That it was. I'm sorry for the disturbance."

"Don't be."

"Where have you moved here from?"


"That's a big move. What made you want to come here?

"To get away from city folk. I have to go start on the cottage if you need anything. I am one walk away."

"Thank you, Mr. Charles."

He nodded his head then walked off to his horse, hopping on. Delilah watched as he rode off into the woods, shutting the door as she went back inside. "Look at that, Mr. Wind. It's like our dream came true. Someone has come into my life again."

"That was earlier than I expected."

"Oh, Mr. Wind!" Delilah laughed at her old friend."

Wow, thank you, Angelina. I needed that. Juniper smiled.

"Of course, Juniper. Do you want more?"

No thanks! Maybe another time, but it is getting dark soon, you need to get back.

Angelina looked in the sky, spotting the sun going down. She sat up, patting her dress's skirt, getting up. She put the daisy in the book, flattening it. She held the book in her arms, walking through the alleyway, trusting nothing bad to be in the abandoned alley. As she walked the streets, on her way back home she admired the beauty of the village. Angie looked down a street full of little cottages, spotting the little boy she bought the clay horse for playing in the middle of the road by himself. She felt pity for him. Did he have any siblings? She continued her walk, ignoring her worry. She opened the back door and stepped inside the bedroom. The girl heard laughing coming from the kitchen. She sighed, setting her book on her bed then fished a fresh nightgown Sarah made her from a dresser. She quickly undressed, redressing herself with the nightgown before anyone could walk in on her. She sat on her bed, running a hairbrush through her frizzy hair, humming a beautiful tune. Angelina set the brush next to her and began to braid her hair to the side, tying it with a piece of brown twine. She got up, crossing the room to set the sturdy hairbrush back onto the dresser. She heard the door knob turn, Chadrick and Sarah entering the sleeping quarters.

"Aria! Hello! We didn't hear you come in!" Sarah grinned ear to ear, taking her ash blonde hair out of it's braid.

"Hello! I'm sorry I was so late. I got caught up in a book."

"You know how to read, Aria?" Chadrick gasped.

"I do! I learned when I was little."

"Wow. Most kids don't learn to read that early on."


Chadrick shrugged. "Parents never have the time to teach them or money to spare for a scholar."

"Oh. When did you guys learn to read?"

"I learned at age seventeen." Sarah sighed, brushing her tangled hair.

"As did I."

She nodded her head, curious. Obviously still learning about Elysia. "Aria? Would you like any supper? There is bread?"

"No thank you, Chadrick, but thanks for the offer. I think I'll just head to bed."

Angelina stuffed her book underneath her pillow then laid down, covering herself with her thin blanket. She closed her eyes, trying to sleep. A few minutes later Sarah blew out all of the candles, the room getting dark. Angie listened as they settled into bed. She fell asleep a good while later.

Angelina woke up for no reason at all. She looked around the room, spotting no sunlight coming from the window, just darkness. She figured it must've been midnight or around that time. The girl groaned, thinking about everyone back home and how worried sick they were. She just couldn't get her puny mind to stop thinking about her stupid coma! Victor came to her mind, replacing the coma thoughts but she quickly began to feel sorry for him, although then found herself wondering what Victor thought about the whole situation. He had rarely shown much emotion towards it. Was he filled with worry or sadness? Or was he filled with relief and peace? She shook her head, knowing he wouldn't be relieved or happy about it, but there was always one little voice in her head telling her the opposite. "Ugh."

Chadrick and Sarah stirred in their bed, which made Angie stiff, fearing she would wake them up. Finally, they settled and went back to bed. Angelina sighed then rolled over on her side, facing the wall that her bed was set against. She needed to go to sleep, but it's just so hard to do, when she knew people were worried sick about her. After a while, her eyes grew heavy and glued shut, becoming extremely hard to open.

She was in a dark room with no light or windows and no way to get out except a brown door at the very end of the room. Angie was standing alone, no one around her. She was completely alone like she had been most of her life. It was a nightmare. She was sure of it. Angie felt sick to her stomach, as she felt an airy breeze run through her, sending shivers up her spine. An echoey voice told her to walk to the door. She obeyed. She scanned the area briefly, waiting for any possible jump scares. But, none came. She inched closer and closer to the door that she was now right in front of. Angie took a deep breath and turned the knob. She walked into a room, a hospital room in fact. She noticed her family crowding by a hospital bed, all kneeling, tears streaming down their faces. Angie walked closer to the grieving humans, relief spreading through her.

"Mom! Dad! Celeste! Marci! Aunt Carol! I've missed you guys so much!" Angie cried running towards them and giving her mom a hug, but her mother didn't even notice her. Neither did her family.

Angelina looked over to the patient in the bed, it was her. She was lying there, tubes up her nose, IV's on her arms, gashes on her forehead. She looked lifeless, just lying there. Her strawberry-blond hair laid upon her shoulders, flat, greasy, and frizzy. Her eyes were shut and her chest moved up and down every time she took a breath. The Angie on the bed's breathing was exactly in sync with her own. Angie stepped closer to the strange twin of hers, sitting down at the edge of the bed. Angelina stared at this figure with sad eyes. Victor had described her perfectly. Angelina grabbed the stiff hand, hoping to give herself comfort. It gave her none. She got up then turned slowly to her mother, her hurting mother, the one that raised her, the one that birthed her, the one that put up with all of her nonsense and drama. Angie gently lifted her hand onto her mothers wet, beautiful face, and she wiped her tears away. Her mother looked up at the lifeless Angie, startled. She looked around the room, her eyes in search of something. Angie took her hand away from her mother's face, then her mother put her hand where Angie had hers. Tears streamed down her face even more than she had been.

"Angie? You're here aren't you?" Her mother said softly, looking at the body of Angelina, she seemed as if she was crazy but Angelina couldn't help but tear up. Her mom felt her!

"I am, mom! I really am!" Angie cried, crumbling to her knees, completely losing her cool.

Her family turned their heads to Mrs. Barrings, looking at her with faces of pity. Aunt Carol got up from her chair by the door and walked to Angie's mother, who was kneeling on the ground in front of the hospital bed.

"Shh, calm down, Jemma. It'll be okay. I promise," Aunt Carol shushed, taking Angelina's mother into her arms.

"I felt her. I swear. She put her hand on my cheek, and wiped my tears. I swear, it was her, it was my Angelina!" Jemma Barrings cried, still touching the spot Angie touched.

"Shh. It was probably nothing. She's in a coma. Stuck in her body. How would she be walking away if her body is right there." Aunt Carol replied to the sobs, her reasonings quite full of sense.

"I felt it! I swear! Angie show Aunt Carol you're here! Please!" Jemma cried in between sobs.

Angelina looked at her mother, then her aunt. She was, believe it or not, scared to do it. So, she gathered up some courage to show her aunt that her mom wasn't crazy. Angie slowly placed her hand on Aunt Carol's shoulder, then her other one on her cheek where she had touched her mom. She looked startled at first, then her expression decreased to a sad look. She believed! She felt her hands touching her gently!

Tears started welling up in Aunt Carol's eyes, "Angelina? It really is you."

"Told you I wasn't going mental." Jemma cried to her sister.

Celeste and Marci ran to their mother, hugging her.

"Can Angie hear us, mommy?" Celeste asked, her bright blue eyes looking around the room, not once landing on the dream form of Angelina.

"Yes, my dear."

"Angie? Please come back. We miss you! We wish you were here. We love you, Angelina! Life hasn't been the same! I'm sorry for all of the fighting and all of my selfishness!" Celeste cried to the lifeless body of Angie.

The weird, different awakening was slipping away. She was returning to Elysia. Angie quickly looked at her mother and traced letters, on her mother's hand, to spell something, I -W-i-l-l -b-e -b-a-c-k -s-t-a-y -s-t-r-o-n-g. Then, she found herself on the soft bed, cradled in a ball.

Sarah was shaking Angie awake, "Aria? Aria, dear? Wake up."

Angie groaned, looking up at Sarah.

"Where did Vincent go?" Chadrick called from the kitchen.

"He went to go play ball with the other boys on the streets, probably won't see him in awhile..." Angelina lied. They seemed to buy it.

"Oh, well, I hope he has fun," Sarah sighed, walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

Chadrick slipped on his white blouse and followed his wife. Angie sat up and looked around the dull room. It was so boring and dark in the sleeping chamber. Angelina's mouth curved into a slight smile. She would decorate it for Sarah and Chadrick, a gift to them for letting her and Victor stay with them.

Good thing I'm not working today, She smiled.

Angie slipped her nightgown off and pulled a new, ironed yellow dress on. She paced to the corner of the room where the wash basin was and washed her face and hands, then turned around and looked at the room, her smile as wide as a banana. It was a tiny bit small, but she could do it. Nothing was too small, or too big for Angelina Barrings!

She made the beds and then sweeped the dirty, wood floors, she then scrubbed the floor clean of any dirt or dust particle. The place was already looking better, all three of the beds made, the floor completely spotless. Angie opened the curtains to the windows that were placed at the back wall, then opened the shutters to let fresh air in the room. After that, she walked over to the beds and looked at them. How was she gonna move them herself? She tried the best she could. The beds ended up against the back wall evenly spaced out. A nightstand stood beside each bed, which held a candle in a candlestick and old books Angie dreamed of soon reading. She placed a heavy, thick, furry blanket on the ground to act like a rug, then she moved the wash basin to the other side of the room in a corner. The wall above the basin was bare, and so were the other walls. Angelina suddenly got a great idea, she rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a roll of makeshift transparent paper, which Angie called tin foil in her world. She got a piece of plywood about two feet wide and five feet tall, starting to wrap tin foil around the wood cautiously so it wouldn't rip. After she used half of the tin foil she smoothed it out with shoe grease. In an hour or so it looked like a mirror, allowing one to admire themselves. The strange thing is Sarah nor Chadrick never checked up on her. Angelina looked around the room to find something to hold up her lightweight mirror. After a minute she found several nails and took a rock, pounding the nails into the wall as quietly as she could, hanging the mirror up. After she did that she stepped back to examine her nifty work. It was much lighter in the room and it looked so clean. It reminded her of the cabin her grandparents had owned when she was a child.

Suddenly, pulling her from her terrible memory, Sarah walked into the room and gasped.

"Oh! It's beautiful! Did you do this yourself? Chadrick! Come look at what Aria did!" Sarah called, glee spreading across her face.

Angelina gushed, "Thanks, I just wanted to do something for you guys. It's a thank you for letting me and Vincent stay with y'all."

Chadrick walked in, "Oh my! It's so different! Wow! Thanks, Aria! You really didn't need to do this!"

"That's the thing, I did." Angelina stated.

"Well, I'm glad you did." Sarah sighed, admiring herself in the mirror. "Where did you get this mirror?!"

"I made it myself with transparent paper, wood, and shoe grease."

"Innovative!" Chadrick exclaimed. "We better get back to work. Aria you should go for a stroll or some outdoor activity."

"Okay, I guess that would be a good thing to do." Angelina sighed, slipping her shoes on.

"Well, go on then," Sarah replied, ushering Angie out the backdoor.

Angelina stepped out the door, fresh air ran through her lungs, making her feel purified. As she stepped onto the busy street a little boy ran past her quickly, knocking her off her feet. A young man stepped in front of a cart coming right at her, ordering them to yield. They all obeyed quickly. Angie's heart was beating so quickly, it made her lose her breath. Before she could get up herself, he stood over her, his hand held out for her. Angelina couldn't see his features, for the sun was in her eyes, although she imagined a muscular boy. She took his hand slowly and he helped her up and stepped off the streets onto the side of the road by a shack.

"Thank you." Angie replied, out of breath.

"Anything for you, my lady." The strange boy replied kindly.

"It's Aria." Angie told him gradually.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Aria."

"And your name?" Angelina asked.

"Alywin, Lady Aria." Alywin informed her with a scrawny bow.

She got a close look at him. He had wavy, blond hair that moved in the slight breeze. Alywin was wearing a fancy white tunic, a black cloak, and black pants with a sword at his side. His beautiful, ice blue eyes staring deeply into hers. Alywin's luxurious lips moved slightly as he talked to her. He was dashing. She gasped, taking into more concept than she did originally that he had a sword, a real sword, only the important people did.

"I'm not really a lady, Alywin." Angelina corrected.

"I see you as a darling lady in the future though." Alywin gushed. Such a gentleman!

"Thank you, Alywin." Angelina replied, blushing so much her face was probably as red as a tomato.

"That would be Prince Alywin to you, little girl." A man roared. The man came out of nowhere, plus two other men, who were dressed similar to the strange man. She realized they were Elysian Kingdom's Royal guards.

A prince. Of course. No wonder he is so handsome!

"Oh, now, now, Ulric! She doesn't have to call me that!" Alywin laughed joyfully, calming down the angry guard.

The man, Ulric, growled under his breath. Angie stood there nervously, not knowing what to do. Finally someone spoke.

"I'm sorry, Lady Aria. They are my knights who have to follow me around practically everywhere. Don't mind them." The prince replied giving Aria a smile that could light up a room in seconds.

"Oh! I don't mind them at all! They are just making sure you're safe, Prince Alywin." Angie replied with a sweet voice.

"I'm glad you understand. Please, I insist, call me Alywin not Prince Alywin. It would please me if you didn't call me prince." Alywin kindly offered. "I have grown quite tiresome of the title I have been given.

"It would please me if you followed the rules! Yet, here we are. The citizens are supposed to call you Prince or Prince Alywin. It is your father's rules! You must follow them too!" Ulric demanded.

The prince grew silent for a sec, "I suppose..."

"I would love to thank you for your act of kindness, Prince Alywin. I would be dead if it wasn't for you. You saved my life, Prince Alywin." Angelina thanked, giving a much needed curtsy.

The prince smiled, "Of course my lady." Then he turned around and whispered something to Ulric, so silent Angie couldn't hear.

The prince finally turned back around, facing Angie, "We would love to have you and your family come have a feast with us at the palace. Would you like to come?"

"It would be rude not to accept, Prince Alywin." Angelina accepted with another curtsy.

"Great! I will send a messenger to your house to fetch you in about two hours time, so you can get ready at the palace. What is your address?" Alywin asked.

"I live at the Rindrentsaty Bakery, Prince Alywin." Angie replied. Chadrick and Sarah were going to be so happy!

"Really! The best bakery in the village!" Alywin stated.

"Aw! I don't know about the best, but thank you, Prince Alywin." Angie gushed.

"Anytime my lady." He said with his charming smile.

Angie giggled, then he said, "I must go, Lady Aria. I will see you and your family at our feast?"

"Yes, Prince Alywin. We will be there. Goodbye!" Then he walked away, back to the castle, his bodyguards closely behind him. She figured he was taking a stroll.

Angie jumped in the air, a big smile plastered on her face. She couldn't wait! Her and her house members were going to a royal feast, who would have thought! But, Victor wasn't going to be there. He hadn't come back from the real world yet. She hoped and hoped to God that Victor would come just in time. She really wanted him to be there alongside her. Suddenly, she remembered that she only had two hours! She sprinted to the bakery to tell Chadrick and Sarah the wonderful news. By the time she was there, she was out of breath again.

"Chadrick! Sarah! You wouldn't believe it!" Angie called from the sleeping chambers.

Sarah and Chadrick came running, "What is it child?" Sarah asked frantically.

"So, it's kinda a long story... But, there isn't much time left, so I must be quick," She started the story of how the Prince invited her and her family to a feast at the castle.

By the end of the story, Sarah was on her toes, so happy to hear the news, and Chadrick stood there in awe.

"That's wonderful, Aria! Oh! I can't wait! A feast! Oh my!" Sarah cried, clutching Chadrick close to her.

"Yes, it is indeed wonderful! What a story!" Chadrick replied.

"I know!" Angie cried, jumping up and down.

"We must get ready! The carriage will be here in an hour and a half!" Sarah cried, running to her small wardrobe.

"Ya! I know..."

"Sarah! The prince is picking us up so we can get ready at the palace!" Angie called.

"Oh..." Sarah said, sitting down on the edge of her bed. "How kind of him!"

"Chadrick? You're going, right?" Angelina asked, realizing he had gone quiet.

"Oh! Of course!" He said with a smile.

"Good! We would love for you to come!" Angelina said skipping to the door and peering out impatiently.

Hey, Juniper! We haven't talked in awhile! How are you? Angie asked Juniper.

Juniper's small voice replied, Do you think Prince Alywin really is sending a carriage to retrieve you and the others?

Oh! What makes you ask that question? Angie thought. She was asking herself the same question. It was all too perfect to be true. No one was that lucky.

You look like a peasant girl... Why would a charming prince even talk to a peasant girl? Juniper replied cautiously.

I hate to say this, but you have a point.

Hush! Is that the carriage coming down the road? Juniper pointed out.

"It's already here? It has only been a little over thirty minutes."

The adults looked out the window, staring at the beautiful carriage, assuring it was real. The three walked out of the bakery. Angie's hair was tied back in a low, curly, loose bun with a headband the color of sand. She sighed, comparing the fabric of her apron dress to the cloth the majestic carriage was made of. People stopped and stared at them, wondering greatly. Two men appeared from inside. One opened the door for the three, and the other helped them in. The man took hold of Angelina's hand and boosted her in. The door man closed it, and then they took off.

They rode through the village, attracting more and more stares. Angelina felt uncomfortable but ecstatic! It was all really happening! She had actually met the prince less than an hour ago and look at her now! She was going to the royal castle for a feast! They drove out of the village, driving on a road surrounded by fields. Angie couldn't help but think that the flowers beside the road were just gorgeous. They took her breath away. She took in every landmark, remembering them head to toe. They were just so beautiful! Next thing she knew, the carriage was pulling up in front of a magnificent palace, the same castle she began her first awakening in front of. She gasped! It was bigger than the White House! The door man opened the door to let them out, then the other one, once again helped them out. This time Angie spoke a soft thank you to the men. They didn't even seem to care, or notice. Immediately, maids swarmed out of the palace, leading the three to rooms of their own. When the maids let them through large doors into the palace she gasped at the sight. There was a high ceiling, a beautiful mural of flower fields painted upon it, complementing the ten large, diamond chandeliers that hung equal distances from each other. To Angelina's right was a grand marble staircase, leading to the upper floors. On the wall the staircase leaned upon, one large door was stationed on each side, leading to different parts of the castle. On the wall she faced was one large set of doors right in the middle. On each side of the door sat a large pot with a small, nicely trimmed pine tree. The wall to her left mimicked the wall to her right, minus the staircase. She admired the paintings decorating the walls. They took a grand staircase all the way to the third floor. It was tiring! By the time they reached the third floor Angelina was heaving, struggling to breath. The maids didn't even seem to mind. A jumble of maids led Sarah and Chadrick to their own rooms and the rest took Angie to a big, majestic room, probably bigger than the bakery itself. She gasped at the glory of the room. A bed stood against the large back wall. It must have been bigger than all three of the beds in the bakery. It was huge. Paintings and silk fabric spread across the walls. She noticed a wardrobe the size of the kitchen in the bakery. This place was unlike any other place she had been to. Maids scrambled fastly around the room. One maid finally came up to her and spoke.

"Hello. I'm Marigold, the maid in charge. We will be getting you ready for the feast with the royal family." Marigold wrinkled her nose at how dirty Angie looked. "You need to take a bath for goodness sake."


Suddenly, about five maids started slipping Angie's dress off. This made her feel uncomfortable, they were strangers to her. They slipped a white, fluffy robe over her shoulders and led her into the grand bathroom. They took off the robe and helped Angie into the bathtub. They washed her hair and scrubbed her pale body. By the time the bath was done there was dirt and grime in the water. She felt so much fresher, and clean. The maids dried her hair and body with a soft towel. After that they put the robe back on her and led her back into the main room. The rest of the maids were awaiting Angelina's presence and started dressing her. They put her into a soft yellow gown with white lace across the tip of her ribs and all along her back. She felt bare. It also had a strip of bright white fabric stitched into the waist of the dress, squeezing her stomach. The gown's fabric stretched onto the ground, about four inches of fabric just sitting on the ground around her. The dress was silk, extremely too nice for a village girl to wear.

Maids led her to a large vanity and sat her down. Some did her hair and some did the makeup, which was only mascara, blush, and liquid lipstick. They pulled her hair into a beautiful braid that started on one side of her head, and ended into a braided bun. She had a simple shade of dark red lipstick on and blush that lay upon her cheeks. She felt so royal. The maids pulled her up and seeked the wardrobe for slippers. They gave her clear, crystal high heels. They were like nothing she had ever worn, reminding her of Cinderella. A big mirror about three feet wide and six feet tall stood by the wardrobe. Angelina looked at herself in awe. She barely recognized herself. She looked like a queen. Maids pulled her away from the mirror and led her to the door, which was opened by door men outside the doors. Sarah and Chadrick were just barely walking by, with all the maids that were assigned to them, when Angie and her maids stepped out of the room. Sarah wore a beautiful pale yellow gown with yellow lace stretched over her arms. Her hair was up in a high, slick bun with two strands of curled hair in front of her ears. Her makeup was much simpler than Angie's, with only light red lipstick on. Chadrick was in a bright, clean white tunic with black pants which had brown boots over them. His hair was slightly slicked to his right side. The three walked together, with their maids all the way down a flight of stairs. Apparently, the dining room was on the second floor. The three entered alone, with a maid each. The royal family was already there sitting down. Three seats were unoccupied, meant for the three. One by the Prince Alywin, another one across from the seat of the prince, and the last directly facing opposite of the king. Angie's maid led her to the seat right next to Prince Alywin. The maid whispered into Angelina's ear.

"Curtsy slowly, but gracefully. Then, sit down. Make sure to eat slowly." She told her.

Angelina curtsied and then sat down in the chair next to Alywin. Sarah did the same, but directly opposite of the king, and Chadrick bowed and sat at the last seat.

"I'm happy you could come, Lady Aria." Alywin whispered to Angie.

Angelina nodded, "Me too, Prince Alywin."

The king cleared his throat and then said in a harsh voice, "Thank you for joining us this lovely night."

"You're welcome, Your majesty." Sarah replied.

"Please, introduce yourself and your family," The king spoke to Sarah.

"I am Sarah Rindrentsaty, and this is my husband, Chadrick Rindrentsaty. Lastly, that's my adopted daughter, Aria Rindrentsaty, Your highness." Sarah pointed out slowly.

The king turned to Angie, "A pretty young lady you are." The king complimented.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Angelina replied with a sweet smile.

"No wonder my son invited you." The king pointed out, an eyebrow raised.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Angie repeated.

"Where are my manners? I haven't introduced you to my family!" The king sighed. "That is your queen, Queen Jolesia. Right there is my adopted son, Severin, and of course I'm King Egbert."

"Nice to meet you all." Angie replied with another sweet smile.

She took a look at the royal family. Severin had blond hair like Alywin and wore the same clothes. They must be the same age as Angie. The Queen had dark brown hair that was in one long braid to the side. Her white dress fit perfectly around her waist, unlike Angie's, which was tight. The woman was pregnant, Angelina realized. She was very beautiful, but had a sharp, harsh look on her perfectly sculpted face. Alywin leaned towards her.

"How do you like the palace?" He asked with a sweet expression on his face.

"It's wonderful! Not like anything I've ever seen." Angie replied.

Severin, who was on Angie's other side snorted. Alywin gave Severin a sharp look.

"As you can tell, Severin can be a little bit... mean. Don't mind him." Alywin told Angie.

"Hey! That's not nice, Al!" Severin growled.

"Whatever." Alywin replied.

"How old are both of you?" Angie asked shyly.

"Thirteen. How about you?" Alywin replied.

"Thirteen." Angie said.

"Interesting." Severin said weirdly.

"Shut up, Severin." Alywin demanded.

"No! I want to talk to Aria too!" He growled.

"No, I invited her!"

"Well, I want to talk with her!"


"Because there is nothing to do!"

"Boys! Stop fighting! Both of you! Not in front of our guests!" Queen Jolesia screamed.

The boys stopped, "Sorry." They both said.

The king, the queen, Chadrick, and Sarah talked, and Angie, Alywin, and Severin talked to each other.

"You guys would really enjoy my brother..." Angie told them.

"You have a brother?" Alywin asked in surprise.

"Yes, he was also adopted. His name is Vincent." Angie said.

"Cool." Severin groaned harshly.

"Severin." Alywin scolded.

"So, where is this brother of yours." Severin demanded in a mean voice.

"You don't have to answer that, Aria. It's a little personal." Alywin said.

"Yes, she does! I'm the prince and she HAS to follow my orders too! So, answer my question!" Severin roared in a whisper.

"Um, he's in another village right now, visiting a friend," Angie lied.

"Oh really. What village." Severin demanded.

"I can't remember the name... It was like Ado---" Angie replied nervously, hoping some village would come to mind.

"Adolonta. You mean Adolonta." Severin sighed.

"Severin! Stop cutting her off." Alywin scolded.

"Whatever." Severin growled.

Suddenly, butlers piled into the room with plates of food. They set one in front of each person at the large dining table. They lifted the lid and revealed some kind of pasta.

"What's this?" Angie asked Alywin in a whisper.

"We call it fetti." Alywin answered.

Angelina took a bite, "Wow delicious."

"I know." Alywin replied.

The fetti had a white, creamy sauce that soaked the soft, rectangular noodles. Small vegetables were placed on it; broccoli, the golden corn, and celery. After everyone ate, more butlers came out and took the plates of pasta and replaced them with a small piece of cake. Then, more came out right after the butlers served the cake with a bottle of wine for the adults and milk for the three teenagers.

When the cold milk made contact with her mouth it gave her a painful brain freeze. She groaned silently, setting her tongue at the roof of her mouth, soothing the cold headache. Angie took a small bite of the cake. It was moist, yet dry at the same time. But, the vanilla was the best part, it made the cake feel heartwarming and safe. She'd had vanilla cake before, but it wasn't as good as the cake in front of her.

Alywin spoke, startling Angie, "Father? If it is okay with you and Angie's family, could they stay a day?"

"Um, I don't see why not. It's their decision." King Egbert said, gesturing towards Angie.

As in their, he meant Angelina's. Why did she have to make it?

Angelina took a deep breath, "Only if it truly is fine with you, Your Highness."

"Of course it is. You are the guests after all!" He replied flatly

After everyone finished their beverages and dessert, they stood from their seats. Severin got up quickly and Alywin got up slowly, like a true prince. Angelina began sliding her chair back but then Alywin did it for her, and held his hand out so he could help her from her chair. She took his hand and they both smiled at each other.

"Thank you, Prince Alywin." Angelina thanked as Alywin let go of her hand.

"Ew." Severin growled behind Angie.

Alywin gave Severin a dirty look, "Would you like me to walk you to your room, Lady Aria?"

"That would be greatly appreciated, thank you." Angelina replied as they walked out of the large dining room.

They reached the grand staircase and started walking up it. No one spoke for a long time. Angelina's heart was racing for a reason she couldn't identify. When they reached the third floor, Alywin began slowing his pace down.

"You look lovely tonight, Lady Aria." Alywin said sweetly, then he stopped walking.

"Thank you, Prince Alywin. You look splendid if I say so myself."

Alywin started blushing, which made Angelina blush, "I'm glad I invited you. You really are a pleasure to be around. You're not like other girls." He told her.

"What do you mean?"

"You're kind, and funny. You aren't obsessed with Severin... Or me. Also you're shy, it's like you're afraid to talk. Those are just a few reasons. You're just... Special."

Angelina giggled, "Obsessed with your brother, heck no. I'd much rather have you. And, thank you. You're the kindest person I know. You're a good person. Sweet. A lifesaver. Caring. Kind. You have a sense of humor. You aren't stuck up."

Alywin laughed, "Thank you."

He looked her in the eyes, his expression sad looking, but glad at the same time. Angelina stared into his iceberg blue eyes, reminding her of Victor. The prince set his hand on the back of her neck and leaned closer. Closer and closer. He kept getting closer until their noses touched. He still looked into her eyes, and she still looked into his. Then, Angie closed her eyes as Alywin's lips came together with hers. They locked together then Alywin pulled away from the kiss, a slight smile on his face. Angelina opened her eyes and took a deep breath. Alywin removed his hand from her neck and stared into her eyes.

"What was that for?" Angelina asked softly.

"Just because you're beautiful See you in the garden!" He answered, then he began walking again.

Angelina followed. What had just happened?! She inhaled sharply. Then he dropped her off at her bedroom door and stood there till she went in, and the doors closed. Angie stood in the middle of the room, surprised and dumbfounded about what just happened. A memory she'd always keep. Plus, she had just met him, yet he had kissed her. Her mind was racing, full of busy thoughts. How would she go to bed that night? Too much nagged at her brain.