
3 Birth of the Elves


40 years before the invasion

Aerion led them to the realm through portal first they were scared but they still followed , after crossing they were mesmerized by the beauty of the Elvenheim Erion led them to the castle there were many big mansion inside the wall surrounded by gardens and fields . The castle was so beautiful that they were awed they had never seen anything like that.

" Welcome to my home , this is the place you'll live from now on " all the villagers looked at him like god they were so happy they finally be at peace and live there life.

Aerion pov

"Finally I'll create elves first I need to transfer them knowledge with the help of system,i should first transfer the knowledge to Dorian and Lyra, they will help them to settle here then I will transform them into elves. Looking at there happy expression and worship for me now i understand why people like to act mighty i should act more awesomely.

"Dorian and Lyra come forward, I will give you knowledge of language and things around here you help them settle down and take them to meet me throne room in two days .Then I will give all of you power and make you like me ",said Aerion.he touched there forehead and knowledge was transferred to them then he left them to do there work.

Lyra Pov

We have never seen anything so beautiful and peaceful place forests ,river, mountains i can see them from here and so big and warm .

I have never seen so big house and beautiful houses he called the big house castle and this place will be our home , i can't wait to become powerful like him so no can hurt us . He called me and Dorian said give us knowledge he touched my forehead and something warm entered my head and i started learning words and about the castle and Elvenheim.

Dorian pov

I have never seen anyone so beautiful,even my wife was not so beautiful. I was so happy that he saved my granddaughter Lyra. Eren is just 2 name days boy he was crying for his sister. What would have happened to them if he didn't saved her and the childrens i can't even imagine. when I saw at first I was cautious but I somehow knew that he'll not harm us . "Then he said he said he'll take us to his place where will be safe and he will give us power and make us powerful like him. Then he created the round thing and entered and told us to follow we were cautious but be believed and I saw such beautiful trees and huge houses all white he called me and Lyra to give us knowledge at that moment I knew he was a god he gave me knowledge of words the realm of Elvenheim, told us to meet him in the throne room where he'll change us like him .

Aerion pov

Now I can just be lazy after changing them "system! when I will give them a drop of my blood then you'll turn them right and they will always loyal to me right " . 'yes host it will be easy he specially designed me for it and they will forever be loyal to you, you can make them normal elf or high elf '.

"What's the difference I know from the books that high elfs are nobels "

"Yes host! , High elfs will have same stats as your basic stats were 5* normal human, they'll

Live for 20000 years and always stay young'.

While normal elfs have 3* every stats and 3*magic therelife spans are 14000 years but they'll grow old but slowly '.

Then turn Dorian ,Lyra and Eren to high elves they'll be my personal subjects and everyone else will be normal elves .

2 Days later throne room

They came in the throne room all of them were excited to become powerful . Aerion appeared in the room and all of them kneel down to him out of respect. He sat on his green and golden throne and said "rise my people "

"Now as I promised I will make you all powerful" Erion said . "Dorian,Lyra and Eren come forward he took out knife and cut his palm and blood floated infront of him ," he said start" blood move towards the trio and entered there body and they were surrounded in cocoon green light flashed in ten minutes the cocoon dissolved and infront of him were three High elf all three had blonde hair and green eyes . He waved his arm and clothes appeared on them . He said from this day forward you'll have family name Elfendor. They said yes my lord . All the villagers looked shocked to the core . He cut his palms again and blood moved forward and cocoon surrounded them and the all turned in to beautiful black haired blue green eye elfs . Then he waved his hand and the clothes appeared on them . From this moment forward you all are not longer humans you are elfs . I have given you knowledge and power as I promised. They all kneeled infront of him .

Now go and live your life as citizens of Elvenheim.

Dorian pov

I became young and I feel so powerful I have knowledge of magic, runes and many things. I knew it he is a God. He gave us new family name Elfendor. I vow to myself I will forever serve Aerion Godson.

Lyra Pov

I feel so different and i became so beautiful my grandfather also become young and i have magic i can feel it and see the magic in the air it's like I have been living like animals till now . I will forever serve my lord.

Random pov

We people now have beautiful home be became powerful have plenty to eat and now we became elf and have magic and knowledge to make ourselves more powerful we will forever serve our lord Erion.

It's been 42 name days since Aerion created elfs allof them living there life doing party singing practicing magic of body strengthening. Learning different arts now Elvenheim became more lively.

Aerion pov

I have been practicing magic and weapon welding I am good with spear and sword

So I am practicing first mens invasion probably have begun i should probably look after them they are my father's creation.

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