
Revealing the Mystery Behind The Power

"It's a disease or a disorder wherein a person's ability to think, feel, and behave is tremendously affected. Its symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, emotional flatness, etc. for approximately thirty days. Treatment can help, but there's no cure for this condition as of today, therefore, it can last for years or even lifelong," I blurted out, like a machine gun spitting bullets.

The entire class appeared dumbfounded, in a similar manner as they did in History class last time, although a little less this time as History was one subject even I detested since I was a topper in Psychology they were rather dazzled. And Rachel's expression of bewilderment was beyond measure, as I had unknowingly bitten off the words from her mind. Miss Clarissa's expression on the other hand stayed quite normal, which I assumed was since she already expected me to know the answer to the question.

"Very Good Ellie," she appreciated, and continued with the rest of the lecture."

My mind was bombing with a million queries and doubts about myself such that it began to ache atrociously. Did that happen? I thought, staring out of the school bus window.

How in the world could I possibly have read someone's mind? And it was mind reading wherein Rachel's voice boomed in my ears with just a glance at her. I felt infinitely puzzled, and also a little ashamed that I had so bizarrely, but unknowingly and unwillingly cheated for the first time in my life.

"Hey girl," called Judy, tapping me on the head lightly. "What's the matter? I have noticed that something's been bothering you since Psychology class. Spill it now will you,"

"Um….Judy, I don't know how to put this but, I won't beat about the bush. Although you will be forced to deeply question my sanity after this-"

"Just spill it!"

"Alright, during Psychology class when Miss Clarissa asked the definition of that word, I was completely clueless, I had never even come across that word before, but, when I suddenly turned to look around for a second, my eyes fell over Rachel Dawson, and, my mind sort of started buzzing and..." I paused, bringing the rest of the words to my mouth with a gulp. "Her voice rang in my head as clearly as though she had uttered it loudly," I finished, and looked at her with a nervous smile, half-expecting her to roar with laughter. But her expression was quite serious and her mouth hung open wide in bewilderment.

"Ellie, is this the first time that something like this has happened with you?" she inquired, staring at me with utmost serenity. I thought for a second, whether to refrain from telling Judy about the incident at the carnival or not coz that was ridiculously insane too, however, the seriousness of her tone and expression kind of reassured me that she had believed me.

"Uh, no Judy, this type of incident has occurred previously too, at the carnival. Matt had left me at a stall for some time to grab some food, and a few minutes later, I heard your scream in my ears as clearly as if you were standing beside, when the stall was about five hundred meters away from the ice rink," I narrated, my heart became lighter with each word that came out of my mouth.

"Ellie," muttered Judy, continuing to stare at me. "I want you to make an unequivocal excuse at home about having remedial classes tomorrow,"

"But why?"

"Coz I wish to take you somewhere," she stated, without blinking. "It's highly crucial, hope you understand,"

I agreed to follow her instructions and took my parents' permission with a defiant lie about the remedial classes.

The next day, after school, Judy and I got down at Camden Town, a residential district in London famous for its market and a haven of counter culture popular amongst tourists, teenagers, and punks.

The school bus had dropped us at an old rusty pub by the name of 'Drake's Bar' written in bold. We entered the pub, which seemed extremely dilapidated and ancient, the chairs were placed upside down on the tables with cobwebs formed on them.

It seemed as though people hadn't visited it in about a century. A Fat and plump man stood at the counter, intensely cleaning a few mugs. He sported an unusually long and thick grey beard that nearly touched his waist and wore half-moon glasses.

"Judy," I murmured, agitatedly. "The last thing I want to hear from you today is that we have come here to enjoy some beer, coz you feel I am hallucinating or going crazy,"

"Relax Ellie, I'm not that stupid or ludicrously jobless to think in that direction," she shot back, as we moved towards the counter. The man diverted his attention towards us and nodded approvingly. He wrapped up his work and then gestured to accompany him to a door beside the counter.

And I followed Judy, as we entered the room, my heart thumping with mystery and intimidation. A bright green light illuminated the room emitting a deadly aura across the place. It was a small oblong room with two couches placed opposing each other and a tiny bulb on the wall whose green light spread across the room.

"Please have a seat," he requested courteously, his voice was gruff. "Would you both like to have something, brandy or maybe a cocktail?"

"Thanks, Mr. Holden, but we are good," Judy refused, with a polite smile.

"So how are you Judy, I hope your studies are going well?"

"Yes, Mr. Holden, all's well. This is my best friend Ellie, whom I spoke about yesterday. And the incidents that she's been facing since last week," paused Judy, and the man shifted his attention towards me for the first time. He surveyed me through his half-moon glasses which was extremely unnerving.

"Hello Miss Ellie, I'm Sebastian Holden, a former parapsychologist and a friend of Judy's late father," he stated, offering his hand, which I shook quite tamely. "Judy has already confided in me the incidents that you have been experiencing, however, would you like to express what exactly happened?" he queried, sipping from a large mug, which I assumed to be an alcohol of some quality. I took a deep breath and explained both the incidents that had occurred, from Judy's scream to the Psychology class incident.

When I finished, he moved his gaze away from me for the very first time and stared into space for a few seconds. Abruptly, he got up and moved out of the room without saying a word. I looked at Judy reproachfully, who gave a sheepish smile and shrugged.

Mr. Holden arrived, but this time, holding a Swiss Army knife and began to walk towards me, with an evil smirk on his face. I jerked up instantly and was rooted to the spot in intense terror.....