
The Girl In the Red Dress

I ran my hand over the silver coated book that my boss had given me. " You sure this is it?" I asked hesitantly.

" Yes, yes I'm sure about this." He said snobbily, even though he peaked over to read the title. He stumbled forward, catching himself with his hand waving around crazily in the air. "Are you done yet?" I asked, snickering behind his back.

He ruffled his hair and embarrassedly checked his watch. "I'm fine" he mumbled, fidgeting with the gold and silver switches on it. I rolled my eyes and looked ahead. The gold mountain peaks and sunset colored sky shimmered around me. If I wasn't about to rob a whole castle, I would be admiring it carefully.

I looked back at the ancient looking castle. Inside that castle was a grand duke of north east, and he was waiting carefully for me to join him at his rich people dining table. There I would distract him, until eventually he would get drunk and I would slip poison into his drink.

Yes, it sounded cruel, but I was really doing him a favor by getting his mouth shut. I smirked and turned back to my idiot boss, Samuel, who was now fiddling with his shoelaces. He noticed my eyes on him and fixed his stare onto my book.

The black book, which was lined with expensive gold and filled with secrets, and mysteries that I wasn't allowed to touch until today. I was supposed to use it to find secret passageways and hiding spots so I could steal everything and come back untouched. Surely the police would find Duke Wallington's body somehow, so I had to make sure I left NO traces.

But that was easy for me. I had done several other missions, including climbing a tower in Texas, Assassinating a spy in a hotel in Barbados, and even getting a bunch of important information out of a prisoner in Santa Maria. I could deal with a immature duke and his paw patrol squad

But what truly worried me, was the book that I held so delicately in my hand. If I wasn't allowed to touch it until I turned 16, Then why would I have so casually been given it? How did it know all the passage ways of that one castle, and if it was so important to have been written for this specific mission, then why would I be the one carrying it out?

So many questions, that just didn't add up. Something was going to happen tonight, and whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, I still didn't know. I turned curiously towards samuel. I knew he wouldn't just give away answers, so I figured I'd have to fish them out of him.

So samuel.... What's so important about this mission? I mean, surely, being the genius you are, you would have an intelligent trick up your sleeve..? I buttered him up.

His eyes glowed with excitement, and he started rambling. "Oh- yes of course I have a plan! Its very very smart, and would probably take another man 4 years to craft, but I created it in 1 month, yes I did! First of all you're going to go into the duke's castle and have lunch with him ( which will most likely be his last lunch) and well you know.. And then once his body is off in some trench, You'll read the book and head towards the cabinet area where you'll find the key-"

His eyes narrowed. "Yes?" I asked innocently. "You're trying to get me to tell you the plan aren't you!?" He asked accusingly, eyeing me with suspicion. "Of course not sir" I said quietly, even though I knew my cover was blown.

" Well you're not going to get anything out of me!" he said trippingly, somehow finding a way to be proud of being tricked. Suddenly, I thought of it and yelled, "SO THERE IS ANOTHER PLAN TO THIS!" pointing my finger up.

He looked flustered, and pulled my finger down. "Don't you know it's rude to point?" he scolded. "And no. There isn't." He said smarty.

I rolled my eyes and headed back to the corner of the cliff we were standing on. Somehow I was going to find out what they were really planning. I checked at my watch again, the familiar butterflies coming in that I felt at every mission. 12:55 on the dot. I signed and turned to Samuel who nodded and motioned his hand towards the stairs leading up to the dukes castle.

It was time.