

Greek mythology - The life of the Greek Gods and Goddesses

SilverScorpion · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"WHO IS WILLING TO VOLUNTEER TO HELP?" Kronos asked his siblings.

The girls wisely backed down.

Themis: Um so, little brother, you see there's this thing where someone was fighting and I need to restore peace so...yeah.

Theia: It's time for my daily um...thing, like sun bathing you know?

Phoebe: There's this place I need to go to, prophecies and stuff. Ha. Totally not lying.

Tethys: Soooo Pontus has invited me over for dinner, so bye!

Rhea: You see, the thing is...I have this child delivery system to attend to, you know, as my job, I need to earn money and all that.

The girls wouldn't have helped much anyway even if they agreed to join, so Kronos turned to the boys.

"Who will help? I'll give each of you to rule the four corners of the earth!" Kronos offered again.

Oceanus smiled awkwardly. Even though he was the oldest, he was the most cowardly titan between all of them.

Oceanus: So...I have a appointment. Bye!

aaaand he vanished without hesitating.

Kronos stared at the place where Oceanus vanished grudgingly. He'll get his revenge.

There were exactly 4 titans remaining.

Kronos smiled evilly: "Alright, there is exactly 4 of you left, let's bash some heads now."

Hyperion quickly put both his hands in front of himself: "Uh Kronos, or brother...um, I don't feel like-"

Iapetus quickly put his hand over Hyperion's mouth: "Yeah, we're in!"