
Beloved Woman of the Crown Prince.


Dear reader, you may have heard about my work "the Numbers". I love this novel, and it holds a special place in my heart. But I have wanted to write a novel in the fantasy genre, with a big open world and many deep and interesting characters. Finally, the process has begun, and here you go. Your comments are most welcome.

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"Your Highness, it's time to get up," the girl whispered sweetly, drawing imaginary patterns with her fingertips on the man's bare chest.

"Mmm, Vivienne, let me sleep a bit more," he pulled the girl to him, his eyes remained closed, hoping to enjoy the rest of the sweet dream.

"Frederick, you will be late for an audience with the Emperor again. I don't want you to have problems because of me."

The man let out a displeased growl, and turned abruptly, pressing the girl under him. "Vivienne, can I not hear any mention of my father, at least from you? Can I be an ordinary man next to my beloved woman without all these formalities?"

She did not say anything, and instead of words, wrapped her arms around the prince's neck, joining their lips with an enticing kiss.

A beloved woman. For Vivienne Askold, the Empress's lady-in-waiting, the attention and love of the crown prince was the most important reward. The whole court knew about their relationship, including Frederick's parents, for which the prince repeatedly provoked the Emperor's wrath.

The Empress had nothing against her son's affair with one of her ladies-in-waiting but immediately made it clear that Vivienne did not count on anything more than the bed of the crown prince.

However, for the moment, his bed was enough for her. Frederick Lockhart's passion and impulsiveness played into her hands. The man lost his head from the skillful caresses of the most beautiful lady-in-waiting of the imperial court. And she enjoyed the power she had over the future Sun of the Romalian Empire.

Half an hour later, Frederick reluctantly left the girl's warm bed, washed and began to dress. The nights over Malva have become noticeably shorter. Previously, he could remain in Vivienne's chambers until dawn, but now this dawn came too early.

The summer in the Romalian Empire was short. And if the residents of the capital used the long daylight hours as an opportunity to get more things done, for Frederick this meant that his nights with Vivienne became three hours less.

"Count Derwinder is hosting a masquerade ball today at his estate to mark the end of the war with the Kingdom of Linthia. Will you come? We have never danced together yet," Vivienne got out of bed, and without the embarrassment of her nakedness, walked to the closet, took out a silk shirt, put it on and began to examine the dresses, deciding which one to choose.

Frederick watched her every move eagerly. In his eyes, she was a beautiful nymph, so attractive that he was ready to kill anyone who would encroach on his woman.

"Are you going to my uncle's ball? Vivienne, you know what I think about such events. And you also know that the Emperor does not approve of the royal family attending such meetings."

"But, Frederick, Count Derwinder is your mother's brother! Holidays in his estate are the most famous in the capital, all the aristocracy of the city will be there! Moreover, this is a masquerade ball. Nobody will even recognize you!" the girl threw the first dress she chose on the bed, sat down on the ottoman in front of the mirror and began combing her hair, ignoring the prince's gaze at her back.

"I can't go there, and you know about it, Viv. I would very much like to dance with you, but I am not a knight of the royal guard, I am the crown prince."

The girl looked at Frederick's reflection in the mirror. Sometimes it seemed to her that he did what he wanted, but not enough to do something meaningful. Maybe that's why the Emperor was unhappy with their romance, and the rest of the court turned a blind eye to it?

They thought that no matter how the prince loved Vivienne Askold, he would not have the audacity to go against the decisions of the Sun of the Empire, the majestic Augustin Lockhart.

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it. You're right," the girl put the wooden comb back on the table. "They say the head of the Imperial Guard was going to attend the event. After signing a peace treaty with Linthia, he became the most eligible bachelor in the empire after you. Do you think the commander will agree to give me one dance?"

Vivienne knew that the name of Adrian Lockhart, Frederick's older cousin, had been hovering with its shade over the prince for four years.

Outstanding military talent, charisma and external attractiveness of the young aristocrat made Adrian the object of envy, admiration and secret dreams of more than half of Malva's inhabitants.

The aristocratic circles of the capital were waiting for the return of the hero, and no one doubted that he would lead the Imperial Guard - this was the highest achievement for any noble. And even more so for someone who has been banned from the royal right to ascend the throne.

Unlike Adrian, Frederick has never participated in military conflicts, he was trained in secular conduct of state affairs. He was an excellent archer, perfectly mastered both magic and conventional weapons. But he could not boast of any personal achievements.

All he had was the name and title of the heir to the throne.

"Did you see Adrian yet? Elea said her brother and Adrian became best friends while serving at the border. I saw Liam when Elea and I visited the Dalcrove estate. Is it true that the Emperor appointed him as your personal mentor?"

Frederick pulled the buttons of his tunic, these stupid loops annoyed him more than the need to wear cufflinks, "I see that the Empress's ladies-in-waiting are busy discussing other people's affairs, not their duties. How is Elea Dalcrove supposed to know about the Emperor's order, which will only take effect today?"

"God, Fred, she's my best friend! You know how happy I was to learn that her brother will protect and help my beloved man!" Vivienne pushed back her fiery red hair and turned to the prince, "By the way, she's the only one who supports me. Although she says that I am too fussy," the girl smiled like a sly fox, and Frederick nodded in the affirmative at her comment.

"Lady Dalcrove is right, you are a fox. So don't you dare make your sly eyes to someone at today's ball," the man straightened the collar of his shirt, attached a saber with the royal coat of arms on the hilt to his belt, lifted the girl's chin and bent to her lips, leaving his seal of belonging on them, "Only I am allowed to kiss these lips. Behave yourself, you got me?"

Vivienne's eyes narrowed playfully, "What if Commander Lockhart asks me to dance? It is impolite to refuse such a person."

"You will refuse him. Don't tease me, Vivienne, it's useless. I'm all yours anyway. More than you imagine," Frederick stroked the girl's cheek with his thumb and kissed her forehead.

"Have a nice day, Your Highness. May the power of Romal keep you."

"May Great Romal hear you, my love. It's going to be a damn long day without you. But I promise that the night will be all ours," the prince stroked Vivienne's silk hair, left her chambers and walked with a relaxed look down the long corridors of the palace.

He was already late for a meeting with the Emperor. There was no sense in rushing now.

Country: Romalian Empire, Capital: Malva

Royal Family:

Emperor - Augustin Lockhart

Empress - Cassia Lockhart

Crown Prince - Frederick Lockhart

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