

"ELITE KISS" invites readers into a captivating world of Alexander Westwood a genius billionaire heir attending Veritas university. Though gifted with unparalleled intellect and boundless wealth, Alexander struggles to find meaningful connections amigst the expectations placed upon him. When Ruby Thompson, a bright and determined young woman from a modest background, enter Veritas university on a scholarship, fate intertwine their lives. Drawn together by their shared passion for knowledge and a deep desire to make a desire to make a difference, Alexander and Ruby embark on a transformative journey of friendship, love and self discovery.

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Chapter 5: In Hurry

Ruby's alarm blares through the room, jolting her awake. She groggily opens her eyes, realizing that she has overslept. Panic sets in as she quickly jumps out of bed, her heart racing. She glances at the clock and realizes that she has only a few minutes to get ready and make it to her classes.

Without wasting a second, Ruby dashes into the bathroom, splashing water on her face to shake off the sleepiness. Her mind races as she contemplates the fastest way to get ready. She hastily brushes her teeth and runs a comb through her hair, not caring much about her appearance at the moment.

Ruby throws on a simple yet presentable outfit, slipping into her shoes in a frenzy. She grabs her bag, shoving in her books and notebook, barely having time to double-check if she has everything she needs. As she rushes out of her dorm room, she nearly collides with other students hurrying down the hallway.

In her haste, Ruby forgets to grab something to eat, leaving her stomach grumbling with hunger. But at this point, there is no time to spare. She knows that making it to class on time is her top priority.

As she reaches the lecture hall, she sees the doors closing just ahead. Desperation fuels her sprint, her heart pounding in her chest. With a burst of energy, she manages to slip through the narrowing gap just before the doors shut completely, breathing heavily as she enters the room.

All eyes turn toward her as she finds an empty seat, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment. The professor gives her a stern look, a silent reminder to be punctual next time. Ruby nods apologetically, grateful that she made it in the nick of time.

As the lecture begins, Ruby takes a moment to catch her breath, mentally preparing herself for the day ahead. Despite the chaotic start, she is determined to make the most of her classes and embrace the challenges that lie ahead.

The math professor, Dr. Andrews, stands at the front of the lecture hall, ready to make the class more engaging and relatable. With a smile, he announces, "Today, we'll explore how the mathematical concepts we've learned can be applied to real-life situations. Math isn't just about numbers; it's a powerful tool that helps us understand and solve problems in the world around us."

He begins by discussing how algebraic equations can be used in various professions, from engineering to finance, and how they play a crucial role in creating and understanding models that predict real-world scenarios.

Next, Dr. Andrews dives into the world of geometry. He showcases how geometric principles are applied in architecture, construction, and even art. He presents captivating examples of how famous landmarks and structures, such as the Eiffel Tower or the pyramids, are the result of precise geometric calculations and innovative designs.

To illustrate the relevance of statistics, the professor presents data from real research studies and demonstrates how statistical analysis can provide insights into various fields, such as medicine, sociology, and economics. He emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making and how statistics can help make informed choices.

As the class progresses, Dr. Andrews introduces calculus and its applications in physics and engineering. He shares stories of how calculus enabled breakthroughs in understanding motion, forces, and complex systems.

The professor doesn't stop there. He explores probability and its significance in everyday life, from weather forecasting to risk assessment in financial investments. He even introduces game theory and how it plays a role in understanding strategic decision-making in competitive situations.

Throughout the lecture, Dr. Andrews encourages students to think critically, ask questions, and actively participate. He poses real-world problems for the students to solve together, fostering a collaborative learning environment. As the students work on these challenges, they begin to appreciate the practicality and relevance of math in their daily lives.

Ruby, who was initially hesitant about math, finds herself engrossed in the real-life applications. She starts connecting the dots between mathematical concepts and her interests, realising how math can be a valuable tool in fields she is passionate about.

Alexander, already a math enthusiast, becomes even more intrigued by the possibilities that math offers. He eagerly engages in discussions, offering his insights and learning from his peers' perspectives.

Dr. Andrews, seeking to challenge the students' problem-solving skills, presents the class with a set of complex equations. The room buzzes with anticipation as the students prepare to tackle the mathematical puzzle.

"Alright, class," Dr. Andrews begins, holding up a set of equations on the whiteboard. "Who's up for a challenge? Let's see if we can crack these complex equations together."

Mia, hesitant about her abilities, looks at the equations with uncertainty. Sensing her hesitation, Dr. Andrews encourages her, "Mia, why don't you give it a shot? You might surprise yourself."

Mia musters up her courage and nods, stepping up to the challenge. But as she begins to analyze the equations, she realizes they are more intricate than she initially thought. She searches for a starting point, but the complexity overwhelms her.

Just as Mia begins to feel discouraged, Alexander raises his hand. "Sir, I think I can give it a try," he says with confidence.

Dr. Andrews nods approvingly, inviting Alexander to approach the board. With focused determination, Alexander carefully examines the equations, noting patterns and potential strategies to approach the problem.

As the class watches, Alexander's mind races, applying his extensive mathematical knowledge and problem-solving techniques. He makes calculated moves, manipulating terms, and employing advanced algebraic methods to simplify the equations.

Time seems to stand still as Alexander meticulously works through the complex equations. With each step, he demonstrates his expertise, unveiling the hidden solutions to the challenging problem.

Dr. Andrews and the rest of the class observe in awe as Alexander navigates through the mathematical maze with precision and confidence. His solution begins to take shape, one equation at a time.

Finally, with a triumphant smile, Alexander confidently writes down the final answer on the board. The room erupts in applause and admiration for his remarkable achievement.

Dr. Andrews commends Alexander's exceptional problem-solving skills, saying, "Bravo, Alexander! You've shown us what it means to tackle complex equations with grace and precision. Your dedication and understanding of mathematical principles are truly commendable."

Alexander modestly acknowledges the applause, grateful for the opportunity to showcase his abilities. Meanwhile, Mia, inspired by Alexander's performance, feels a renewed determination to enhance her own mathematical skills.

As the lecture draws to a close, Dr. Andrews concludes, "Mathematics is not just a subject to be memorized and forgotten. It's a language of the universe, guiding us to explore, understand, and improve our world. Embrace its beauty and power, and you'll find endless opportunities for discovery and innovation."