

"ELITE KISS" invites readers into a captivating world of Alexander Westwood a genius billionaire heir attending Veritas university. Though gifted with unparalleled intellect and boundless wealth, Alexander struggles to find meaningful connections amigst the expectations placed upon him. When Ruby Thompson, a bright and determined young woman from a modest background, enter Veritas university on a scholarship, fate intertwine their lives. Drawn together by their shared passion for knowledge and a deep desire to make a desire to make a difference, Alexander and Ruby embark on a transformative journey of friendship, love and self discovery.

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Chapter 3: 99%

As the newly admitted students gathered in the lecture theatre, there was a palpable sense of anticipation and excitement in the air. The room buzzed with conversations as classmates shared their experiences, exchanged stories, and made connections.

Isabella and Alexander found themselves among the group, their chance encounter having sparked a budding friendship. They sought out seats next to each other, eager to share this new chapter of their college journey together.

The lecture theatre, a spacious and well-designed room, was filled with rows of comfortable chairs and equipped with state-of-the-art audiovisual technology. Large screens adorned the front of the room, waiting to come alive with knowledge and insights from esteemed professors.

As the minutes ticked by, the chatter gradually subsided, replaced by an expectant hush. The room seemed to hold its breath, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the lecturer who would guide them through their academic pursuits.

Suddenly, the door at the front of the lecture theatre swung open, and a distinguished figure entered. It was Professor Jameson, a renowned expert in their field of study. With a confident stride, he made his way to the lectern, commanding the attention of the room.

A wave of excitement rippled through the students as they realized that their educational journey was about to begin. They leaned forward in their seats, their minds open and ready to absorb the knowledge that awaited them.

Professor Jameson greeted the class with a warm smile, his voice carrying a mix of authority and genuine enthusiasm. He introduced himself, providing a brief overview of his background and expertise, setting the stage for what promised to be an engaging and enriching learning experience.

As Professor Jameson continued his lecture, Alexander found himself captivated by the professor's words. He leaned forward, fully engrossed in the subject matter, his mind focused on expanding his knowledge and understanding.

However, amidst the sea of faces in the lecture theatre, his eyes were suddenly drawn to a familiar figure. It was Ruby, the scholarship student he had encountered earlier, the same girl who had caught his attention with her determination and grace.

A surge of recognition and intrigue washed over Alexander as he locked eyes with Ruby. Her presence in the lecture theatre was unexpected yet welcomed. He couldn't help but feel a connection, a sense that their paths were meant to intersect.

Caught off guard by this unexpected encounter, Alexander's mind momentarily wandered from the lecture. His thoughts began to intertwine with questions about Ruby – her aspirations, her background, and the journey that led her to Veritas College. Though he had initially dismissed romantic distractions, he couldn't ignore the flicker of curiosity that ignited within him.

However, Alexander quickly reminded himself of his priorities. He had come to Veritas College with a clear focus on his education and personal growth. While Ruby's presence intrigued him, he understood the importance of staying committed to his academic pursuits.

Taking a deep breath, Alexander refocused his attention on Professor Jameson's lecture. He reminded himself that there would be time to explore connections and friendships later. For now, his primary goal was to excel academically, to make a difference in the world through his intellect and accomplishments.

Though momentarily distracted, Alexander's determination was unwavering. He took diligent notes, ensuring he absorbed every ounce of knowledge imparted by Professor Jameson. He recognized that the true purpose of his journey was to unlock his full potential, to challenge himself intellectually, and to leave a lasting impact on the world.

As the lecture came to a close, Professor Jameson scanned the lecture theatre, seeking out the student named Alexander Westwood. Among the sea of eager faces, Alexander raised his hand, his heart beating a little faster with anticipation.

A smile crept across Professor Jameson's face as he locked eyes with Alexander. With a sense of pride and admiration, the professor acknowledged him publicly. "Ah, there you are, Alexander Westwood. I've had the pleasure of reviewing your academic record, and I must say, it is quite impressive."

A wave of accomplishment washed over Alexander as his peers turned their attention toward him, their curiosity piqued. He could feel a mixture of pride and humility in that moment, knowing that his hard work and dedication had been recognized.

Professor Jameson continued, his voice projecting a sense of admiration. "Alexander, you have achieved an outstanding score of 99% in your entrance exams. Such exceptional results demonstrate your intellectual prowess and commitment to excellence. Keep up the good work."

Alexander's chest swelled with a sense of validation and encouragement. To be acknowledged by a respected professor, someone who held expertise in his chosen field, fueled his determination to continue excelling academically.

Nodding in response to Professor Jameson's words, Alexander felt a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility. He recognized that this acknowledgment came with high expectations, not just from his professors but also from himself.

As the lecture theatre buzzed with whispered conversations and a renewed sense of motivation, Alexander allowed himself a moment of quiet celebration. He knew that this recognition was not the culmination of his journey but rather a stepping stone toward greater accomplishments.

With a renewed sense of purpose and a deepened commitment to his studies, Alexander made a silent promise to himself. He would continue to push his boundaries, seek knowledge, and strive for excellence in every endeavour he undertook.

As the students began to gather their belongings, Alexander remained in his seat, taking a moment to reflect on this small victory. He felt grateful for the opportunities that Veritas College had bestowed upon him and determined to make the most of his time there.

With his sights set on the future, Alexander rose from his seat, ready to embark on the next phase of his college journey. He knew that this recognition was just the beginning, a catalyst for even greater achievements and personal growth.

As the students started to gather their belongings and prepare to leave the lecture hall, Isabella found herself lost in her thoughts, quietly reflecting on the encounter. She muttered to herself, "Wow, what a guy this Alexander is. He's just intelligent; It's incredible to see someone so accomplished and yet so humble."

Isabella admired Alexander's ability to excel academically while remaining grounded and approachable. It was rare to find someone of his caliber who didn't let their achievements overshadow their character. There was a certain aura of authenticity and genuineness that emanated from him, captivating Isabella's attention.