
Eliotrope in Danmachi (English)

Liam finds himself in Danmachi with a different body and is full of doubts about his future, but he has a clear goal. Explore the dungeon and the many wonders it has to offer, along with the dangers that abound on each floor. Join Liam on his adventures in the world of Danmachi. -The story will have a slow development, so don't expect the MC to have a skill geared towards getting Falna. -Furthermore, the story will begin many years before canon. Royal Road

ZackRPG · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Hunt in the dungeon

"Hiding!" I yelled before unleashing my magic at a kobold that was running in my direction. The feeling of defeating enemies just by shouting a word is incredible, although it won't be the same once we advance to deeper floors.

"That's great!" David exclaimed as he walked over to examine the kobold's carcass, which was only from its neck down to its paws.

He looked at me with eyes full of emotion and asked, "Can you teach me how to use it?" I sighed upon hearing it. I don't have any skills for production, so I need to acquire a skill to do some kind of craft as a hobby. I wouldn't want to just go into smithing if I'm only going to stay as a blacksmith, and I don't want to pick a development skill just to do it.

"Magic can't be taught. You can only use it when you read a grimoire or get it from leveling up," I explained. I could see him wearing a sad expression from what I said, but it only lasted for a moment until he recovered and said, "Then I just need to level up." Just as he said that, we saw a goblin approaching.

He was going to kill it with Hiding, but David stepped forward and pierced the goblin's head that was only a few steps away from reaching him.

"I've had this doubt for several days, but didn't you use a sword?" I asked him why he was using a spear instead of the sword he had practiced with.

He sighed and replied, "I wanted to use a sword, but I realized that it wasn't very good. My advisor told me that I should try and get used to other weapons. The spear is the one that best matched me." When he finished speaking, he took out a knife and sliced open the goblin to get its magic stone. When we saw how the corpse disappeared, we noticed that something had fallen to the ground.

David picked it up, and we saw that it was the goblin fang drop. I couldn't help but say, "How lucky you are." He was the first goblin I killed, and he already gave him a drop.

"It's not a big deal." That's what he said, but I could see the smug smile on his face.

"Whatever you say," I said after sighing.

I went to the kobold's corpse and did the same as David before taking out the magic stone. I looked at how the corpse disappeared.

I went to the kobold's corpse and did the same as David, taking out the magic stone. As I watched the corpse disappear, I couldn't see any drop and it lowered my mood a bit.

"It's similar to when I play a game of gacha, and I see someone getting good rewards by luck. I try to get the same, but I end up getting the worst rewards," I thought to myself.

"By the way, have you arrived until the third floor?" I asked, knowing that they usually don't talk much about what happens in the dungeon.

He replied, "We only went down to the third floor. We always avoid reaching the fourth floor." Maybe Abeona instructs them to avoid going beyond the third floor to prevent them from facing monsters without sufficient stats.

I wonder how much my stats would improve in a year. Maybe I should wait until I achieve an S rank on all of them, even if it takes a long time to level up.

After that brief conversation, we resumed our search for more monsters. This reminded me of all the grinding I had to go through to level up in some video games.

I already wanted to improve my stats and go down to deeper floors, but I realized that it might take months of farming goblins and kobolds.

My thoughts were interrupted when we saw a group of goblins and kobolds emerging from the walls.

"Be careful," David warned before running towards one of the goblins and pointing his spear at the goblin's chest.

I ran in the direction of another goblin and cut its throat. A second later, I yelled "Hinding!" and cast the magic in the direction of a goblin that was only a few meters from David's back. As he dodged a kobold coming from his left, he crouched and rolled on the ground for a moment before stopping and attacking the kobold with his spear. He aimed for the chest, but due to the kobold's carelessness, he ended up going through the neck instead.

I stopped paying attention to him and picked up my second knife, preparing myself in a fighting stance against the two goblins and the kobold who were coming in my direction instead of surrounding me. I stepped aside and cut the goblin's neck with the knife in my left hand. I didn't have time to dodge the other goblin, so I just stabbed its chest with the knife in my right hand. It buried its nails in my hand, but I ignored the pain. When I saw the kobold approaching, I yelled "Hinding!" again, extending my left hand after dropping the knife. This time, I didn't aim for the head too much and just attacked its chest, making a hole in it, and watched as its body disappeared.

I took my hands off the goblin, who was already half dead, and pulled out the knife that I had buried in it. As I did so, I saw how it collapsed on the ground, and I watched as the small wounds that the goblin had inflicted on me closed.

I checked on David's situation and saw how he finished off the last goblin.

When we finally killed the last goblin, we rested for a while and then started to collect the magic stones.

David sighed and said, "That was exhausting." I just nodded and agreed with him. Yesterday, I did not encounter large groups of monsters, and if they outnumbered me, I would kill them with magic. But I can't always do that because I also need to improve in all aspects and not just magic.

"Should we go down to the second floor?" I asked him.

He replied, "Okay, it's not like there's much of a difference either." This was true since we were only on the upper floors, which are known as the beginning adventurer floors.

We started looking for the stairs to the second floor while killing the monsters we found on the way.

When we went down to the second floor, we saw a group of adventurers attacking a group of kobolds.

Curious, I asked David, "David, I've noticed something, but why aren't there many adventurers on the upper floors?"

He looked at me with confusion for a moment and then said, "That's right, you haven't been in Orario for a long time, so you may not know this. But the reason why there aren't many adventurers is that there is a group of assassins who call themselves Evilus. They kill the adventurers they come across."

"That's why Abeona doesn't let us go to the dungeon alone, even though I heard that they aren't usually on the upper floors, and they usually target adventurers on the intermediate and lower floors," David finished explaining.

I just nodded my head, and we continued hunting monsters until it was lunchtime.

We had our lunch on the stairs connecting the second and third floors, and then continued our hunt until we started feeling tired and fatigued.