
Eliotrope in Danmachi (English)

Liam finds himself in Danmachi with a different body and is full of doubts about his future, but he has a clear goal. Explore the dungeon and the many wonders it has to offer, along with the dangers that abound on each floor. Join Liam on his adventures in the world of Danmachi. -The story will have a slow development, so don't expect the MC to have a skill geared towards getting Falna. -Furthermore, the story will begin many years before canon. Royal Road

ZackRPG · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Hostess of Fertility

The sky was already dark when we arrived in front of a two-story stone building with a sign with a crossed knife and fork design on the left side of the entrance.

"This is the place where there is delicious food?" Milye asked me with an excited look. To which I just said "Let's go inside, you'll love the place. I haven't tried it yet personally, though" I've always been curious about the food that Mamma Mia's chef cooks, and I'll finally be able to try it even if it hurts a little to spend the money that it cost me to win.

When we entered, we saw the place illuminated by magic lamps and a large number of adventurers who were eating and drinking beer.

I saw a cat girl serving the adventurers. She has brown hair, brown eyes, cat ears, and a tail of the same color. She must be Anya.

We went to some empty seats, and when we sat down I could see that Milya seemed very nervous about this kind of environment, while Milye just picked up the menu and started reading it with an excited look.

"Mylia. Is there anything you want to eat?" I asked trying to reassure her. But suddenly we hear a girl ask "What are you going to order?"

I turned my head and saw a girl who had a slight smile. She has blue-gray hair and her eyes are the same color as her hair. She wore a green dress with a white apron and headband.

I got a little nervous looking at her, but then I remembered that I'm not Bell and I also don't think she has a pure soul that can attract her attention.

"I want this, this, and this" Milye said as she pointed with her little fingers at some of the dishes that appear on the menu.

When I heard Milye select what she wanted to eat. I looked in Milya's direction and asked, "Milya, what are you going to order?" She just kept quiet and pointed at the menu Milye was carrying with a nervous look.

I told Syr "We want the same thing our friend chose" But I regretted it when I saw that she put on a sly smile when she heard our order and said "A la carte" before leaving. I hope her smile was only in my imagination.

The adventurers were very loud, as they talked to each other, and we just ignored their voices which could be heard from almost anywhere in the bar.

I could see the nervousness on Milya's face, but I just decided to ignore it. We only had to wait a few minutes until we saw a very tall and muscular woman. She has brown eyes and long brown hair. She wears a dress just like the one Syr had, only instead of green it was blue.

"Here's her order," she said as she placed many plates of food on the table that looked as if they were going to topple over due to the amount of space they took up.

"Because…?" I got nervous seeing such an amount of food and looked at Mamma Mia and kept the words she was going to say and simply asked "How much is the price for everything?" I asked and saw Milye with a guilty expression when she saw my expression, but the expression disappeared when she saw the large number of dishes that she had to choose from.

"You shouldn't worry about things like that and enjoy," She said with a cheerful expression before leaving, which made me more nervous because I know that she doesn't let anyone leave without paying or they will suffer the consequences.

This must be Syr's or Freya's or Horn's fault. Whomever it is. I just hope I don't draw her attention in a similar way to Bell's and that she just thinks I'm an interesting adventurer and that's it.

I left my thoughts when I saw that both Milye and Milya started to eat.

"This is very delicious!" Milye exclaimed and I saw that Milya nodded in agreement with what she said.

I saw that they continued to eat. No, devouring food like there was no tomorrow would be the best way to describe what the two of them did.

The food on the plates kept disappearing and I think if I don't manage to eat something right now, I'll be left with nothing to eat, even though this food will probably take all the valis I could get.

I started to eat the different dishes that were there and they were very delicious. There was spaghetti, soups, meat, boiled potatoes, vegetables, and other dishes. Although I ignored the vegetables and started eating until I felt full after finishing a few dishes, which were nothing compared to what Milye and Milya were eating.

I couldn't eat anymore even if I wanted to and I kept waiting for them to finish.

When they finally finished, we noticed that the place was silent. It didn't take long because we saw the adventurers watching us, or rather they watched Milye and Milya from the way and speed they ate.

I saw the slightly open expressions of the adventurers before they started laughing out loud. "If you want you can eat the dishes too!" Said one of the adventurers who continued to laugh out loud, and those next to him also did the same.

"Okay, that's enough!" I said trying to calm the situation a bit seeing how Milya and Milye looked embarrassed and embarrassed. Especially from Milya who looked like a tomato.

When they heard what I said, they laughed harder. Now I feel ashamed for being the center of attention. I hate this part of myself.

"Stop playing with the kids," Mamma Mia said when she saw our situation.

I was a bit happy, but what she said next made me completely ignore the embarrassment and my heart ached for her. "Let them enjoy the food, plus they haven't paid the bill yet."

They just went about their business because rumors are going around this place about the strength of the owner of this place.

I sighed, I already want to leave this place and forget what happened and I saw that both Milya and Milye thought the same thing.

"Ma'am, how much do we have to pay?" I asked Mamma Mia a bit nervously.

"It's not much, just about 9360 valis" I felt my soul break to pieces hearing that number, a normal meal costs around 40-50 valis, and spending more than 2000 valis for a meal made my heart ache like hell.

I had to pay the bill and take a bag out of my backpack and I counted the 9360 valis before giving it to Mamma Mia.

"Ma'am, thank you very much," I said along with Milya and Milye who followed my example.

"It was a pleasure and don't call me ma'am, you can call me Mamma Mia"

After that, we left the Hostess of Fertility and I could see Milye patting her tummy with the palm of her hand and saying "Ah! I've never tasted something so delicious. We should come more often, and bring all the familia too." She told me with a happy smile and I saw Milya doubting whether to agree with what she said or not"

I put on a blank expression and continued walking past them back to the Abeona familia home. I wanted to buy Abeona a gift for accepting me into her familia and for the daggers she bought me. I don't know if the money I had leftover was enough to buy her something she likes. I'd better go back to the dungeon tomorrow and get more valis.

Sorry if the chapter is a bit boring. I lost an exam yesterday and now I feel a bit depressed. That's why I feel that my creativity is at 0. But hey, I hope you liked the chapter.

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