
Elios The Wolf/ wannabe God

” joooo! You said I have 3 wishes but now that I wish to be a God, with his own world, you want to throw me in some world random!?” Elios said in a slightly angry voice. ” Heck you think I can just give you a damn world?! ARE YOU CRAZY OR SOMETHING?! Brat you think it's easy to become a GOD?! I worked my ass off to just have a world to watch over let alone create one!!!!!” The old man or God? argued. ”FU** Y**!! You said I could wish what I want! You said I have 3 wishes of whatever I want before I get sent to a world of my choice OLD-man!!” said Elios immediately after to express his dissatisfaction. ”BUT WHO COULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD ASK TO BECOME A GOD BEFORE I COULD EVEN EXPLAIN EVERYTHING?!!!” screamed the old wannabe man/God. ”... I mean you could be right there. But I still want to become a God, you know?!” Elios realized that it was indeed his fault, still, he would not back out on this opportunity even though he knew he can't become a God directly that doesn't mean he can't get more benefits, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, I hope you all will enjoy my first work and please if you have proposals, like, what could go well with the story, please contact me or write it in the comments. My writing is not the best and I only use the free version of Grammarly but I still hope you can understand what I'm trying to say. Hope you will enjoy my work. ;-)

M_KIB · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Rebirth (Part 1)

' huh?! Where am I?" Asked Elios before he felt something he shouldn't feel or hadn't felt in a long time. "Wha.. what?! I can feel it!! it can't be, right? I feel a body! yeeeessss bitch that's it!! My body is ba..." and that's the moment he realized something different.

"Why? Why can't I move?.. wait I can move but it's really hard like something is all around me holding me back? No, in-place? and I don´t need to breathe here, it´s sticky and dark?! THE HECK?!" Yes I know, Elios has a little temper problem but who could possibly be completely calm in a situation where you don´t know what's happening around you and with you?

And he has been in the Void for a very long time and even though he doesn´t know how long it´s been, he could feel he was definitely over a year in that void maybe even over ten years even though he couldn't feel or see anything there.

Oh and that´s the moment he remembered the old man/God.

`AHHHH, FU**, I want to beat the shit out of that old man so BAD!!! Who told him to ignore me and dumb me to some random World with no knowledge or whatever so information about.` even though he was still cursing that old man, who by the why never tolt hin his name, he was feeling his body to maybe find something that would help him.

`I might be in some cage or something but that's highly unlikely so I´m likely to be in a womb?

... I mean it could be but then why can I even think right now? And something else is a little irritating ... my own body IS NOT HUMAN!!!!´ As he was thinking of all the little information he has he could only grit his teeth in hate of that old man. He could just not get why that old man was not willing to at the very least give him some benefits and let him choose the world he wants to go to?!


(In the Void, Elios speaking with God/old man)

At the moment all one would normally see in a Void was... yes you got that right, nothing at all. But today, somewhere, you could see a little white shining light floating in front of an old, bold but shining man. Do you want to know the reason why you should be able to see them even if it´s all dark?

You might think it`s because they shine, right? yes, that is also one of the reasons but what was more important was there was a big, and when I say Big than I mean real big like 100 meters in length from right to left and another 500 meters in high, door that was shining in white light right behind that old man. It was really mesmerising and all but the floating light and that old man in front of it seen to not care about it at all and kept shouting at each other.

"YOU LITTLE, I said I can´t make you a God for God's sake! why can´t you understand something sooo simple? I DON´T HAVE THAT POWER!!! I may be a god but you can´t just become a God because you feel like it, brat do you even listen?!!!" The old man/ God tried hard to explain himself to Elios only to realize Elios isn´t even listening and almost cough out blood.

"Yesss, Yesss you are only a small God after all, but still you should give me something as... let´s say compensation? yes, that would be very nice!" Elios was really trying hard to be as shameless as possible for the best benefits and couldn´t take his act back now because they already started at the wrong foot and it would be better to not give in easy now.

"YOUUU, WHO IS A SMALL GOD?!! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN COMPENSATION ??!!!" The old man was really angry but had to hold himself back because he couldn't just go berserk because of a Mortel let alone, the soul of a Mortel, that would be a really embarrassing thing if other Gods hear of this, don't you think?

"I mean like to fulfill my wishes and more because it´s obviously your fault that I´m here in the first place, right?" On the outside, Elios might look calm and tranquil but on the inside, he was really nervous because he was not sure if that `God´ really had something to do with that but he couldn't wait so he decided to make the final move to what might be victory or a big loss. He thought about it again before he said it out loud but the only thing that came to his mind was`FUCK, I`m dead anyway so what bad could happen, let's go all out' So he thought but the only response that came too him was...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH, I may know why you are here and it might be because I was drunk with my God friends for a few years that I oversaw that you were here, so what?! I don´t need to give you shit, you know?! And you being so shameless does not help at all

M O R T A L!

you are not listening when I try to help so I will send You to somewhere random you little shit, BYE BYE, HAHAHA" The old man really had his special days or Years? He looked quite red and Gods should probably not be so red all over their body, right? I don't know about you but I don't think that's healthy.

After he finished speaking he just snapped his fingers and made Elios, who by the way thought that he really did mess up big time here, vanish into thin air even though there was no air in the Void, what should be obvious, but sometimes you need to state the obvious because after Elios vanished that old man took a very big breath of Void air? It looks like he needed some time to calm down.

A minute later after he calmed down he snapped his fingers again but this time he didn´t vanish like Elios but lights seemed to gather around him and after some time, it faded away but the old man was nowhere to be seen.

In his place stood a middle-aged man, who had a healthy if not holy glow around him making him quite handsome and if you are wondering NO he was not bold or something but had short golden hair with Deep green eyes. Many women would look at him with hearts in their eyes and maybe some other people would do the same but we don't want to go over such an topic. What he is wearing however was not something you think a God would wear. You might think he was wearing some ancient clothes or maybe a suit but NO he was wearing ordinary black pants, a white shirt, and some flipflops. He looked like a slightly more handsome civilian or maybe a star or something but not like a God at all.

Now that you know some very non-important Information let´s get to what he does.

That is looking at the place Elios was standing a minute ago and muttering something.

(very quiet voice of an angry man)

"That little Brat, I hope he learns his lesson after I make some more obstacles in his path.

Hmph, like hell I´m going to help him again!! Why must my daughter have a thing for the mortal version of that God?! But I have to say his temper worsened after he became a mortal.

But like hell I let him near my daughter again, hmph"

After that, he turned around and walked through the Big door of light.


(Back to the present time)

Inside the space that seemed to be a womb, Elios was sleeping again because he didn´t know what to do aside from thinking but he couldn't think for a long time before he gets sleepy again.

It had been some time since he woke up for the first time and he was still a little angry because of what the old man did, he gets that he is also a little at fault here since he thought he could get more benefits and even though he is not really greedy he did want an easy start, who wouldn´t, so he got too fixed on his role and forgot his reincarnation was on the line and that he actually had time and if that old man wanted he wouldn't be here, that´s why even though he is still angry, he is also grateful.

Okay enough with thinking and back to sleep.

(some days later)


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