


"Move where your spirit leads you!" Elijah mumbled while heading his way to his unknown destination.

After taking what he belongs to him in front of the cave, he started his quest to find the Canaanites and save his people. There was one problem he encountered while fulfilling his mission, he didn't know where they were headquartered.

Then a voice came to whisper, telling him about trust – to trust his spirit. He walked all day until he found a distinctive noise – a sound of celebration and music.

He stopped. He sneaked around. He hid on the grass and scrutinizing the entire place. He made a clear assumption and concluded that he already found where Canaanites were located. He was sure and certain. He remembered those people and soldiers who invaded their places; he was sure enough about everything, even the prophets who commanded the soldiers to kill them if they won't follow their commands.

He clenched his fist in anger and wanted to retaliate at once but something within him held him back. Elijah felt that it was not the perfect time to invade the place and thinking about a salient, sharp-minded scheme followed by realizing that he could not defeat them using his fist was of great importance.

"But, where are my people?" he asked himself a question.

Elijah stood up, wiped his forehead due to its excessive sweat. He sneaked around to locate where the Israelites were located. All Canaanites were partying and that was the best time for him to locate their whereabouts. He roamed around until he found human-sized cages far from where he saw the Canaanites dancing and drinking.

"Carina?" he whispered.

"Elijah?" Carina was shocked when she saw the prophet "I thank God, you're alive. Thanks to Jehovah!"

"Tomorrow, God will set you free. For now, you have to take good care of everyone and tell them about this good news."

"Yes, yes, I will. Forgive us Elijah for abandoning God for our survival."

"Don't ask forgiveness to me. I am not your God. Ask forgiveness to Him."

"God knows how regretful we are towards him and maybe He saves no one because of our betrayal."

"Good thing, our God is a forgiving God. He can forgive us, for sure."

It the midst of their conversation, a loud lighting hit the heaven. It was about to rain. The stars hid with thick dark clouds and the moon loses its light because of the weather. Elijah departed from that place as the shouts and screams became louder and louder as the lighting roared stronger than thousands of collision.


"Our god, Baal is here!" the head prophet offered a toast.

"Whooh!" They shouted in full power and vigor.

"In the midst of us is Baal, he is celebrating with us. This is a sign that he is here, he is the god of storm, and tonight, it will rain like he promised. He made himself clear that in every situation and quandary, he is always our guide. He is the only god. He is the true living god. Praise his name!"

"Praise his name!"

They all drank the wine on their glasses and rain drops began to fall. The wind became much stronger than it was never before, the occurrence of natural electric discharge of high voltage between heaven and earth gave them a reason to shout even louder. The bright flash gave them the light to continue the celebration.

The Canaanites danced under the sky with rain failing down. The bonfire was engulfed with the power of rain, evaporating the smoke and suddenly gone forever. That was recorded one of the best and memorable nights in the lives of Canaanites.

On the other side of the hill, while Canaanites were celebrating, Elijah was looking for a place to stay in until he found a small cave not far from the Canaanites place. He took off his archaic sling bag and sat on the rock. He put his hands crossed his shoulders, like giving himself a butterfly hug.

It was so dark.

His clothes were soaked in water and he had no choice but to sleep with those clothes covering his body. The rain had powerfully reign longer that he could ever expect and fear aroused when the thunder repeatedly join the rain from the heavenly performance. He suddenly closed his eyes and uttered an orison.

"Oh Jehovah, the creator of the universe, the God of Abraham and Jacob, my savior, my redeemer, please help me. I know you are my light when I am lost in darkness, my warmth when I tremble in cold, my purpose when I found no meaning and my life when dark moments appear. I don't know what to do but I know you are guiding my way in every single step I take. I know who you are; you are the true, living God."

He fell asleep after praying, then, a sharp object pointing to his neck woke him up.

"Oh my G-"

"Elijah, Elijah!"

Kharel was pointing the sharped-edge sword of his neck, Elijah pushed himself up to properly sit on the rock. His countenance was filled with revealing awe and a fear knowing that he was in the great peril. Kharel smirked when he

saw doubt on Elijah's face, he knew that someone like him would display a right amount of terror.

"I never thought you have fears. I thought you were brave."

"Fear is not the opposite of courage. Being brave doesn't mean you don't feel fear. It is surmounting that emotion Kharel."

"Wow, I am surprised, you still know me."

"How could I forget you? Kharel, there's still time to change, Baal is not real, and you know that."

"Baal isn't real? So, who is real then? Your God?" Jehovah?"

"Yes, yes, He is waiting for you! You can still go back!"

"No Elijah, He is waiting for you. He is waiting for you there!"

Kharel raised his sword and ready to slay his opponent, but with greater stamina, Elijah managed to avoid being hit. He stood up immediately and trying to persuade him while he was being attacked by Kharel. Then, Elijah grabbed his shoulder which made him loose his grip on the sword. Kharel crouched on the ground and Elijah went to take the fallen sword. Without a hesitation, he lifted the sword, pushed it down and shouted.

Kharel was dead.


He took the horse and paved his way to the Canaanites. The soldiers were still sleeping on the ground, yet the prophets were fully awake. A bell was rung, an indication that they were in a great danger. The whole people of Canaanites were, once again, gathered in the temple.

"Look, who's here?" one prophet said.

They were all shocked when they saw Elijah riding on a horse, a familiar horse, a horse owned by Prophet Kharel.

"What we can we do for you?" The Head Prophet asked with a very soft voice.

"Meet me in Mt. Carmel, tomorrow night."

"And why do we need to do it?"

"It's time for us to know who the real God is. And you have to follow my order, because the life of your prophet is in jeopardy once you kill me now or if you disobey my command."

The head prophet was staring at him, nonchalance. The whole crowd was put into silence and was early waiting for the Head prophet to decide. Silence reigned for a moment until they heard him agreeing with Elijah's demand.

"One more thing, Israelites will be there to witness everything, even your people can come to. Again, tomorrow night, at Mouth Carmel."

Elijah left the Canaanites in the depths of bewilderment.