
Eleven XI

In the year 2003, the world bid farewell to the eminent luminary, Kenzo Akio, who succumbed to a heart attack. Exactly one years later, on that fateful day, his esteemed spouse, Lady Sakura Kira, also departed from the mortal realm due to the same lamentable cause. The global community stood in awe as news of the simultaneous demise of the two most influential figures of the era unfolded. The fact that both had succumbed to the same cause within a year was utterly outrageous. Various speculations swirled among the populace—some attributing it to divine retribution, while others contemplated the possibility of suicide. The prevailing suspicion, however, leaned towards the sinister specter of murder.

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In the year 2003, the world bid farewell to the eminent luminary, Kenzo Akio, who succumbed to a heart attack. Exactly one year later, on that fateful day, his esteemed spouse, Lady Sakura Kira, also departed from the mortal realm due to the same lamentable cause.

The global community stood in awe as news of the simultaneous demise of the two most influential figures of the era unfolded. The fact that both had succumbed to the same cause within a year was utterly outrageous. Various speculations swirled among the populace—some attributing it to divine retribution, while others contemplated the possibility of suicide. The prevailing suspicion, however, leaned towards the sinister spectre of murder.


Nevertheless, the lineage did not come to an end with their demise. At the time of their passing, they bequeathed ten offspring, each surpassing the age of 20 and possessing substantial wealth, with the exception of the eighth-born, Minato, an aspiring author.

Despite his lack of notable achievements, Minato resolved to delve into the mysterious circumstances surrounding his parents' deaths. This determination led to the convening of a pivotal gathering that would alter the course of all their lives—the Family Reunion.


I sat there, captivated by the television broadcasting the unexpected news of Bull Dog, the Red vein gang's head, being ousted by a mysterious figure named Detox. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Tess, my sharp-witted bodyguard.

She urged me to put aside my distractions and get ready for the impending meeting. Acknowledging her practical advice, I agreed and started to put on my suit. Seeking confirmation, I asked Tess if everyone had arrived, and she confirmed they were all present.

With a composed exhale, I walked through the door, finding all my siblings gathered around an imposing table. "Shall we commence?" I inquired, marking the beginning of our family meeting.

I initiated the meeting with a direct question, "Do you understand why I called this meeting?" Roman, the seventh born, responded with a bored tone, "Because of our parents' death."

"Yes, many of us, including myself, believe it was murder," I continued. However, the third born Charlotte dismissively interjected, "Are you sure it's not just a cry for attention, you failure?"

"I may be a failure, but not an attention seeker. And if you doubt me, I have evidence," I asserted.

The fifth born Emma, a world-class MMA fighter, asked, "What evidence?"

"Isn't it strange that the hospital never allowed us to see the medical report? I think your hospital, Don," I paused, "is hiding—"

"Stop. Are you accusing me?" Don, the first born shouted.

"Not you, but the hospital," I clarified. "Enough. I don't want anyone to investigate this anymore," He declared. But before he could finish, I pressed, "Wait! How many want to investigate?" The second, ninth, and tenth borns raised their hands.

"You're outnumbered," John, the fourth born and head of a private military association, remarked. "The majority rules."

Before the first born could speak, Jessy, the second born and owner of several 5-star private schools, intervened. "Why are you so opposed to this Don? Are you scared?"

"Shut your mouth," He, said. "Why would I be scared, little devil?" he stated.

"What did you just call me?" Sofia, the second born, shouted.

"Enough!" I intervened. "I'll stop my childish behavior and won't investigate further."

"Good," Don said, smirking. "Can we move on?" he asked. With an embarrassed tone, I replied, "Yes."

Tell me how I can improve my writing and information delivery so I can do better, hopefully in the next chapter. Thank you for reading.

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