
Elena Ferraz : In the city of the Undead

(On the WPC contest ~~ Please vote with powerstones ) She reincarnated in another world and lived a good life, well ... not really good, but really exciting. Full of adventures, enemies, loves, dreams, pirates, flying ships ... But it all ended up in the hands of her former lover, she was killed by him, without reaching any of her dreams and still with so many incomplete adventures. However, she died in peace with herself, knowing that she did her best and that the future was in the hands of her friends, that they could avenge her and prevent the empire from destroying everything that was precious to them. Until she woke up in the heart of the empire, she was no longer alive, but neither did she appear to be entirely dead. She who was once the symbol of resistance when she lived, and who became a martyr for them, now dead, must sail again through a mysterious world alongside what appears to be her former enemies. ----- In a dark room, the woman in red opened her eyes . She took a deep breath and put her hands where she was shot. "Don't worry. You're in a better place now." Elena looked away. In an armchair was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, his hair was bluish black, like the night sky she spent on the captain's ship, his eyes were silver like the liquid mercury from her chemistry lessons in her first world . He was more handsome than Arthur could ever be, she gaped for a moment. "Where are we? Who are you?" She then noticed that his lips were redder than should be humanly possible, and his skin was paler than anything she had ever seen. He then ran his hand over his mouth and she realized that his lips were not naturally red, but that there was blood in his mouth. " What are you?" ----

CSena · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Walking in circles

"I am the 32th Ghoul created by the master. My name was Alice."

"Now that you know each other better, I'm going." He walked to the door and seemed to remember something, Victor bent down in front of Elena and kissed her on the forehead. "Remember to change your clothes before leaving your room. This nightdress is not appropriate."

The woman opened her eyes wide and tried to punch him, the man dodged and in the blink of an eye he was already walking through the door.

"Is there any clothes for me to change?" A Ghoul number 32 opened a door that Elena had failed to recognize, inside there were several clothes and accessories.

After eating she felt energized, she tried to get up again and was amazed at her speed. For the first time since she woke up, she realized that had become one of the monsters which used to read about when was younger. The inside of the closet had a mirror, her hair that was once full of unruly curls was now straight, her eyes were now brown with pupils that reminded her more of cats than of wolves, the way she moved her body seemed more agile that previously, she could barely recognize herself.

Elena took the only set of red clothes from the closet and how she dressed. After thinking for a while she pinned her hair up with a flower hair clip.

"We have a tour to do, come on Alice." Elena took a deep breath, and regretfully that she hadn't actually been breathing since she woke up. Heh ... a monster .... she became a monster ... With all her courage she went through a door that led to an unknown world.

Alice, or Ghoul 32, followed closely and made no comment. Elena appeared that she was in a large noble house, a decoration was splendid and everything was clean without even a gram of dust, it was also night and all the curtains were open, through the window all that could be seen were trees and more trees. .

"Alice, I am a type of vampire, just like your master, you are a ghoul. Are there any humans on this property?"

"There are some daytime employees, they work outside the property by day and return to their homes at night. Currently there is no blood bank in the mansion, every six months some humans are brought in as noble properties, they have the option of be blood banks for a certain period and then are blessed with the transformation. "Elen swallowed.

"Are these people taken from the imperial factories?"

One of the reasons for resistance to the Empire is precisely the kidnapping of many sick and partially mutilated workers. No one who was taken to a capital in these conditions has ever returned. Does everyone get transform like her?

"I don't know how to inform Madame."

"Weren't you one of the people taken?"

"No, my family is one of the servant human families in the capital. Every few years the most talented of us are chosen to be transformed, my talent was not so good and in becoming I did not become even a low vampire rank. Only one Ghoul . "

"Alice ..." Elena's voice shook a little. "Is the whole capital taken over by ... my new species?"

"Of course not, Madame." Elena relaxed a little after hearing the answer.

"His species is rare, as the master said. Vampires are the majority of the capital's population, but there are also some humans, several ghouls, skeletons, wight, draugr and some ghosts. That is why this city is called of the capital of the undead. This is the reason for the great expansion of the empire, it must protect us from some of our enemies, such as the fae, the werewolves and others. This is not the only country ruled by non-human beings. "

"I met Dwarves and Elves before. But they are not like the beings you mentioned." The woman in hiding seems calm, if his heart still beat he would seem to want to get out of his chest so hard that he would beat.

"These are weak races that were largely brought to light by not knowing how to behave in front of humans. They were subdued and much of their land was razed. We, unlike them who were conquered, we conquered. And we have an advantage natural, a dwarf cannot make an enemy a dwarf. We can turn enemies into allies. "

Since she reincarnated in this world, felt like she was in a science fiction novel with flying ships, robots that looked like humans, forges with machinery that looked like from another world, now it looked like she had reincarnated in a fantasy novel.

"Alice, why does it look like we're walking in circles and I didn't see any stairs?"

"Because the master's property was built in a circular fashion, a library is built in the middle of the mansion and has 4 floors"

"How do we get down?" Elena feels tired, who knows how long she would go around in circles if she hadn't realized it.

"There are doors leading to the library."


Victor headed for the train station, he and the other nobles who hoped arrived early to choose the best humans. They would not only serve as a blood bank for a few months, they are also going to be trained and transformed within their families, sometimes some incredible recruits would leave these cars. The time passed quickly and his face went black, the train shouldn't take so long.

"Ghoul 4" called Victor, and beside him appeared a man who, if Elena saw, would say that this is a butler out of a book or anime. Ghoul number 4 had short green hair, red eyes and wore round glasses. He greeted his master with a nod and a small bow.

"Find out why it took so long." The butler nodded slightly and ran towards the castle that was in the middle of the city.

"Victor," a blond-haired man approached smiling.

"Henrique," he returned with irritation. This fly has plagued him for centuries.

"I heard that the pirate girl was taken by you. Such a good seedling should be decided by the county."

Hii, thanks for reading!

Today i'm a little sick and couldn't write more.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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