
Elena Ferraz : In the city of the Undead

(On the WPC contest ~~ Please vote with powerstones ) She reincarnated in another world and lived a good life, well ... not really good, but really exciting. Full of adventures, enemies, loves, dreams, pirates, flying ships ... But it all ended up in the hands of her former lover, she was killed by him, without reaching any of her dreams and still with so many incomplete adventures. However, she died in peace with herself, knowing that she did her best and that the future was in the hands of her friends, that they could avenge her and prevent the empire from destroying everything that was precious to them. Until she woke up in the heart of the empire, she was no longer alive, but neither did she appear to be entirely dead. She who was once the symbol of resistance when she lived, and who became a martyr for them, now dead, must sail again through a mysterious world alongside what appears to be her former enemies. ----- In a dark room, the woman in red opened her eyes . She took a deep breath and put her hands where she was shot. "Don't worry. You're in a better place now." Elena looked away. In an armchair was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, his hair was bluish black, like the night sky she spent on the captain's ship, his eyes were silver like the liquid mercury from her chemistry lessons in her first world . He was more handsome than Arthur could ever be, she gaped for a moment. "Where are we? Who are you?" She then noticed that his lips were redder than should be humanly possible, and his skin was paler than anything she had ever seen. He then ran his hand over his mouth and she realized that his lips were not naturally red, but that there was blood in his mouth. " What are you?" ----

CSena · Fantasy
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11 Chs


In a dark room, the woman in red opened her eyes . She took a deep breath and placed her hands where she had been shot.

"Don't worry. You are in a better place now." Elena started and looked away. In an armchair was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, his hair was bluish black, like the night sky she spent on the captain's flying ship, his eyes were silver like the liquid mercury from her chemistry lessons in her first world . He was more handsome than Arthur could ever be, she gaped for a moment.

"Where are we? Who are you?" She then noticed that his lips were redder than should have been humanly possible, and his skin was paler than anything she had ever seen. He then rubbed his mouth and she said that the labs were not naturally red, but that there was blood in his mouth. "What are you?"

He laughed "As I said we are in a better place, be careful and don't get up, the transformation can make you a little dizzy"

The handsome man gets up and walks over to the bed "I've been watching you for a few years, someone as interesting as you next to those pirates is just a waste!"

"What ...?"

"Don't worry, from now on you are no longer with those weak, mortal foolish beings, you will be by my side." With a smile he ran a hand through her hair. "Your curls are just wonderful, too bad they won't last long" He sighed sadly.

"What? You! Answer me right! What do you mean by waste next to my friends? I myself was a pirate in the past, take me back. I will ignore everything that happened, thanks for saving me I was sure to have died. But now, please take me back. They need me. "

A melodious laugh came between red lips. "I didn't save you. Well, not in the way you're thinking."

"So you kidnapped me?" She calls for a shiver and tried to move away from him.

"Honey, don't worry. I'm not crazy, and kidnapping only fits for living people." The man looked deep into her eyes and said "Now, sleep"

She trimmed her body to become heavy, her vision darkened and all the tension in her body was gone. She slept.


"All of you! Find out what went wrong! She should have become one of us, a vampire not that! - Victor shouted at his subjects. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. Nothing went as planned, she shouldn't die now, that fool would pay for killing her ahead of time, Elena was destined for much more.

He had been watching her for years, a woman who came out of nowhere and shook the empire, she started out as a simple helper in some third-rate port, along with the fool who would later kill her, they went from ship to ship, rank above rank until they met a most famous pirate captain in the skies and other allies, the little genius of automatons Vicent, the fleeing princess Clara and others. She became the central part of the resistance against the Empire, she was supposed to die a glorious death and then when transformed she would become a general vampire. She will be born into a noble vampire post and he would guide her through immortality. However, something went wrong, that stupid soldier killed her ahead of time, but even if she couldn't ascend directly to the noble post, she should at least become a minor noble ... not ... that.

Fortunately he found her before the total transformation, and with his blood she still became a half-vampire. She has become somewhat of a rare vampire species, a Vrykolakas, is what many call the undead werewolf, because a vrykolakas is basically that. Vrykolakas are rare as practically no vampire would ever turn a werewolf into a vampire, and virtually no werewolf would accept becoming a vampire. Natural enemies and everything. But, this is not a unique way for a vrykolakas to be born, someone who has been buried in cursed soil, has been excommunicated or has died due to some sacrilege could also end up becoming one. It is also the most silly way to become one, to eat at least one day before dying the flesh of a sheep injured by a wolf or werewolf.

In the distant past there was a vampire clan of vrykolakas, at a time when werewolves and vampires were still allies. It was considered an honor for them to ascend immortality and remain with their wolfish senses, until ... well that is not specialized to the case. The clan was practically extinct, very few still exist, they live separately from both vampires and werewolves, never belonging independently to any group. However, the boss is still part of the 7 great vampire clans.

However, Elena had not become a complete vrykolaka, nor a complete vampire, she was in the middle of the two, her skin had become pale like that of vampires, unlike the tan that the vrykolakas always seemed to possess, her face remained the same, perhaps only the cheekbones have become a little more prominent, harmonizing her face ,more like a vampire, while the vrykolakas have a more bestial face, long ears and a vaguely resembling nose. She now however had yellow eyes with feral pupils, and even when she woke up scared and not understanding where she was, her new wolf side was watching the surroundings like a predator, he had noticed it. Her nails also became black and sharper, she at least had become a beautiful mix, even if not the stunning beauty of complete vampires.

He just didn't know if she would have the vrykolakas' power to transform on the nights of the full moon, a part of him wished not, even though in their complete transformation the vrykolakas were stronger than two positions stronger than their vampiric counterpart, they were just horrendous like the ugly drawings of vrykolakas and werewolves in complete form. In fact, he also didn't know what would happen, what vampiric powers she would have and what vrykolakas powers she would have.

Victor looked at the moon from his window, the fake body he had prepared to replace Elena by now would have been cremated. And no mortal being would imagine that she was not as dead as she should be. The sun was going to rise in a few more hours, he was supposed to go to sleep, the day was approaching and Eleonor like practically all the other vampires would only wake up when night approached again.

Hii, thanks for reading !!

That story is on the WPC contest, please vote with power stones.

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