
chapter 1, Elena and jk being scolded

Elena Davison _ ( A ninteen years old lady who spent almost all her life in London but came back to Korea not too long, blonde hair that stop on her waist, small light ash color eyes, not too short not too tall,oval round small cute face,small upturned nose deep dimples , small pinkish lips ,a mole next to her right eyes small white set of teeth,small and tiny waist,small and short legs, medium size hips and small Breasts,long fingers etc).

Elena was putting on a big black hoodie that stop on thighs she was wearing bum short and soft dark green source cap ,a sock and green bunny large ear slippers and her iphone 15pro on her left hand, she was busy Peeping if the seven popular Korean boy know as bts where still sleeping.😴😴😴.

There was nobody she breathes as a sign of relief, she then sneak into the kitchen to get some snacks and milk when she caught sigh of some one,she switched on the light to discover it the one and only shirtless jk who was their with banana milk on his hands..

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Jk _can you turn off the lights

Elena _nooo (laughing 😃)

Jk _ by the way what are you doing here at this time of the night

Elena _ I am the who is supposed to ask you that because the only one I see is a grown up man stealing banana milk for the fridge in the middle of the night. ( Jk sneering )

Jk _ what ever, you scared the living day light out of me don't do that next time

Elena _ rolls her eyes and by the way why are you guys always shirtless can't you see that I am a lady.

Jk _ 😂😂what lady , the only one I see here is a girl who's puberty stop at primary school ( laughing)

Elena _ it's you who's puberty stop at primary school 😡😡👹👺fool (throw a snack.)

Jk _ are you sure 😜

Elena _ just wait for me and see if I will not separate your hands and feet from your body 👺👹😡 (throw her slippers)

Jk wanted to run but was caught by the ears by suga.

Suga _ stop bullying her.

Elena _(laughing at JK because he was. Caught by suga but was caught by the ears by namjoon) oohh uhhh hey stop it pain full.😭😭

Namjoon _ really I never knew it wasn't pain full to my ear when you guys were playing hmmmm.

Jhope _ you guys woke us up with your noise.

Elena _ sorry it all jk fault

Suga _ what did he do again this time around

Jk _ Why is it only me all the time 🥺🥺

Teahyung _ what did he do

Elena _ he said my puberty stop at primary school 😡😡👹👺

Jimin _(laughing) sorry I can't help it (everyone was laughing except Elena)

Elena _ hey 👺👹 what funny

Jin _ sorry 🌞 shine but I can't help it

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Next morning Elena took her bath brush her teeth and Wore a gown went to the kitchen to make breakfast omelette, milk,fried bread and eggs ****


Jin _ what smell nice Elly what are you cooking I feel hungry already

Elena _ gluttons it break fast

Jk _ hey shorty 😄😄

Elena _ who are you calling shorty me

Jk _ who else here is short 😏

Elena flipping the last eggs that was meant for jk and taught of something she smiled

Jk _ shivers why are you smiling and smirking, you smile when ever you want to do something wicked , what are you up to, nothing.

Everyone was eating when jk entered the kitchen after gymnastics.shorty e

We're is my meal

Elena _ there

Jk _ where I can't find it , wait is it this burnt food you prepared for me, am not going to eat this I will make mine jk make mine too 😔 said Jin and jhope...

Elena a girl of ninteen years, and lived her life in London but came back to Korea for family purpose and meet,her best friend, BTS, :::::

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Elena - you scared me,

jk _what they heck are you doing in the kitchen by this time of the night

Elena _ (sneer ) I should be asking you that question and you are standing close to the fridge with banana milk on your hands

jk _ what ever

namjoon -- can you guys keep it down ( shouting for upstairs ) ..........

read and see what going to happen next

king_cececreators' thoughts