

leisurely strolling back to the castle it was clear to everyone who knew him that something was on his mind , the voice kept echoing on and on ,"unlock the gate and i will give you the power to kill a phoenix " , or was it his subconscious attempt in making him assertive .

"And there is no mythical creature that can telepathically communicate with a human ",Fyren asked a startled Salvo as he wiped off the perspiration on his face .

"Trying out new alcohol like last time ?", Salvo's comment hit Fyren like a sucker punch to the gut .

Among the clans that made up the Pyran kingdom ,only the Azureans were considered for their ale ,they intentionally made it's content so strong due to hypermetabolism in pyrans , normal ale would have them sober in minutes ,but what Fyren had was the cream of the ale crop , ale preserved for a century , one shot of that liquid had a super buzz that lasted the night and he drank a whole flagon of it , he burned down the royal palace and drenched his father's bed in piss . The next day ,he woke up on the mountains in the east of Pyra having no idea as to where or how he got there .

"low blow , Salvo", said Fyren with a tone as dim as can be , Salvo patted him on the shoulder then walked past him , "why not ask The Librarian ?" , Salvo shouted from a distance as he slowly paced away .

Among the Supernatural beings existing on the earth, The Librarian was one such being , he was the observer of time , the infinite proceedings were his books which he stored in a hidden tower , he was in fact immortal and though his powers were menacing , he never picked a side , only provided wisdom, to those who sought after him , and was Fyren's only hope of finding the voice that spoke to him ,with any luck it could have been an utterance from the princess he duelled .

The Librarian's Tower was beyond Pyran territory within the cruel Koge desert , with temperatures so hot the sand roasts that which is left bare .

Fyren snuck out before the light of dawn , trying to reach the tower and be back before his father realises , because as plausible as it was to find the answers his father hated the Librarian , mainly due to his nonchalance , and forbade anyone from seeking his counsel.

His journey was brief but upon arrival at the destination , there wasn't a single tower in sight and after surveying the land from the skies he had given up hope that there was a Librarian .

He got back on the ground ,kicking the sand and cursing in Vuur, language of pyrans . The atmosphere was scorching , but it barely bothered him amidst his disappointment ,that was until he felt a tremor so violent he had to suspend himself with fire, then out of the erbium sands rose a well fortified black tower with only one entrance at the apex .

he quickly flew into the entrance , moving into it he realised the library had reality warped ,the tower from the outside didn't look big but on the inside , it went on forever !!!.

"Drakar", a voice said from nowhere , with footsteps getting closer then he came into view ,an 11 foot being with a dark apparel that fell all the way to the ground ,trailing behind him .

"the voice that spoke to you was Drakar , the mystical dragon of the fire element , he lies beneath the dungeons of Pyran , awaiting you ,he has chosen you to be his Yoki, vessel .

"hold up , how did you know my question", Fyren's voice peaked with curiosity, The librarian held sand in his grotesque hand which he let pour down to the ground .

"the sands told me", said the librarian .

Then a dark feathered owl swooped in from nowhere and snatched a tuft of hair from his head ,infuriated by the bird's action , he shot a high powered fireball that turned the bird to ash in mid air .

"that was my pet " the librarian said without a tremble or a sign of loss .

"you can leave now, the tower is about to submerge " , he said before he dispersed into a parliament of black owls , Fyren with haste leaped out of the descending tower and flew away back to Pyra, where he had business to attend to .