
Spoils Of War

Fyren glared at the bleeding royalty as blood oozed from her lifeless being into the sand ,he felt a great flush of warmth as he felt her life force die out, the bloodlust inside him was undeniable . That was until the phoenix flying overhead released a compressed ball of fire from it's beak that ruptured when it came in contact with Fyren ,forming a crater like hole at the point of impact . The massive winged creature stood 15 feet off the ground with brilliant feathers mixed with shades of scarlet and amaranthine and a wing span of 7 feet .

Fyren's vain attempt to snuff out the light of Akhura was gravely flawed as he had forgot the phoenix's strength and special capabilities .

When a phoenix creates a bond with a pyran , it is considered an eternal one . If the creature dies so does the pyran ,however when it dies it is reborn and thus restoring the life force of the pyran.

It irked him nonetheless , facing a pyran chosen by a phoenix , a privilege he was denied due to his incompatibility . At a young age , royalty are sent into the Yenshire forest to search for the creature , however Fyren as a young boy ,stayed in the forest for days and none appeared ,in his anger he burnt down the forest , his father returning to retrieve him found the forest as nothing but a field of ash and a boy at the center of it all ,on his knees crying tears of lava at the skies .

Right now , his intent was simply to take down the princess but to do that the phoenix needed to go . The phoenix were rumored to be immortal however the verband was not and could easily be severed if the phoenix and pyran die at the same time . They would both come back to life but the verband is broken. And that was his goal as he circled as the now scarlet phoenix landed by Fusilia's side .

Going against a phoenix was complete suicide , especially when it enters defensive mode , his anger burning deeper than ever , his flames were burning brighter and hotter by the second as the rage of not being chosen poured into his soul .

" unlock my gates and i will give you the power to kill a phoenix ", a deep sinister voice bellowed from deep inside him spoke , a voice he had never once heard before ,He looked around trying to find the source of that eerie voice .

Fyren shrugged of the feeling and focused on his opponent , within seconds ,he formed a ring of balls of fire around the creature , his attempt was to take a page out of the phoenix's previous attack but instead of just hitting them it would detonate , with enough compressed firepower to level a city .

The phoenix paid no attention to his endeavors and proceeded to healing Fusilia wrapping it's gigantic wings around her lifeless body and scorching it to ash .Then in a matter of moments , the princess broke out of her mould made out of ash .

The creature gave a proud screech as it fanned it's wings in preparation to fly and there Fyren stood motionless , as the glint from his fiery ring chain illuminated the princess as she stood nude before him , her tantalizing bosoms coupled with her impressive shape would give every man a reason to drool and Fyren would've kept staring had he not punched himself square in the face .

After what happened with Fyren , Fusilia was not ready for another round and so she leaped on to her phoenix and disappeared into the sky .and clearly , she must have alerted the arny because they were returning ,Fyren was furious .

He left the battlefield ,with no trophy ,no blood and one question , 'who spoke to him'

A little FYI verband means link and uh enjoy

Loqmytcreators' thoughts