

Across the earth there were creatures of great power and among them was Drakar , the laziest of them of all , capable of desecrating every kingdom of every element with his power but rather chose too be captive.

And after he acknowledged Fyren and his existence , in the dead of the night he secretly sealed his life force into Fyren ,the process would only be sealed if Fyren was able to channel Drakar's fire through his body and out to do it .

Dawn came early and message came in from the south indicating that the Lightning prince was destroying a Pyran outpost close to the border. Fyren dashed out the kingdom the moment the directions of the prince was given , before he landed ,fyren shot several firebolts into the sky before landing , making his entrance both immersive and intense

Fyren side eyed Tybolt with contempt as Tybolt did not seem impressed , he was moving with incredible speed across the battlefield making it impossible for Fyren to keep up even with his demon armor , dust filled the air as Tybolt kept moving around in an irregular pattern his intent was to Fyren on his blind side at high velocity enough to knock him out .

But it seemed with all that time waiting for Tybalt to make his move, Fyren had actually though of a plan, in a matter of seconds a thick mass of lava broke through the ground and engulfed Fyren's demon armor form making a lava cocoon that hardened.

Seeming this would naturally cause one to slow down and assess the situation ,however Tybalt pushed his speed to the max and causing lightening to move through the clouds as he gathered momentum on the ground , he believed it didn't matter where he struck as long he made impact with brute force enough to subdue Fyren's ego.

Upon reaching the apex of his speed he made a line for Fyren and his cocoon of lava which had now turned rock.

The jet stream as he moved past the wind was calming yet buzzing, thrilling his inner core as he made it for the cocoon with an ominous cackle of lightning.

After the sonic boom and gigantic mushroom cloud hovering above the two princes it was clear that a winner would never be salvaged from their encounters.

The collision Tybolt had anticipated was successful but not entirely after he had rammed into the cocoon an explosion so violent repelled his force and in turn caused a massive shockwave that left them both unconscious.

To be fair Fyren had Drakar, the pyran dragon of flame sealed inside of and not only boosting his fire power but increasing his ability to recover after clashes like what just happened.

The coarse ground etching into Tybalt's back made it hard to just lie there and let the pain go away , half of body got incinerated in the attack and he had no way of protecting himself , he suddenly heard footsteps ,weak ones shuffling through the sand as it became louder and louder before a shadow covered his face .

There stood Fyren unharmed unscathed with his eyes glowing bright orange like vibrant flames in the night sky.

"you're a worthy opponent Elektan ,if it hadn't been for me ,Fyren would've been left for dead " , Fyren stood right there talking but that wasn't his voice , in short breaths he asked ,"who…are…yy…you", he leaned in closer to Tybalt and whispered "Drakar ,immortal beast of fire , pleased to meet you ".

"how are you doing that?", Tybalt asked as he picked himself of the ground, looking curiously into Fyren's eyes it was clear that it wasn't the same person that attack him moments ago.

"Fyren's unconscious, his state of mind is not in a state to control so I'm able to use his body ", Fyren said with condescending confidence, with his arms behind him as strut around the battle ground, examining the marks and crevice made by the clash.

"I must advice, Elektan, this path you have chosen would require you to look after Fyren", Drakar paused with his prowess now all focused in a small body his senses had heightened somewhat and he

felt the pain emanating from Tybalt's body, his eyes perceived thermo-vision, Tybalt's ribs were badly broken, wheezing heavily with his right arm wrapped around his lower abdomen.

After the brawl, Drakar escorted Tybalt to the gates of Elekta before returning to Pyra and relinquishing Fyren's body back to him.

With approaching threat, the king thought it best to have Fyren in charge of Drakar, as lazy as that dragon, his mastery over fire was unbridled and untamed, exactly the style Fyren was into.

But unfortunately, Drakar was not the only one who possessed a new body temporarily