
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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257 Chs

CHAPTER 38(A Divine Intervention)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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---Tower of Babel, Hephaestus's Office...

Within her office, the goddess can be seen pouring over papers as her familia captain Tsubaki stands at her left side opposite the large window. Before her, a young man with red hair is sitting across from her with a bored expression on his face.

Welf: "You know I'd never have a problem spending time with you Hephaestus but can you at least tell me why I'm here this early, the sun is barely up."

Hephaestus: "Just give it a moment he's almost here."

Welf: "What?"

*Knock Knock Knock*

As the door to her office slowly swings open the familiar sight of Yang in his full battle attire with Hephaestus brand on his pauldron for all to see enters the room before he quickly freezes in place.

Yang: "Uh, should I wait outside?"

Hephaestus: "No Welf is actually here for the same debrief, come take a seat."

Yang: "Uh-huh, ok."

Hephaestus: "So you told me how your fight with Amphisbaena went but for the sake of our young blacksmith here, care to tell him how it ended."

Welf: "Amphisbaena? Isn't he level 3?"

Yang: "Yeah which is why I lost, well I kinda lost, I think I hurt it but Finn's team finished it off and got me out."

Hephaestus: "YOU.LOST. There is no 'Kinda' in these fights, either live or die and you would have died, that's why Welf is here. Get acquainted because he's the first member of your team."

Yang & Welf: "WHAT?!"

Hephaestus: "Ugh, Yang is a wreckless musclehead who wants to work alone but is gonna get himself killed. And you mister 'High Smith' need more experience in the dungeon and can test out any new materials Yang finds on site. I've already got 1 more person for your team but she isn't in Orario right now, until she gets back and I finish Yang's new armor, NO NEW FLOORS, got it?"

Yang: "Alright alright jeez, not like I was going to until I beat Amphisbaena anyway."

Welf: "Uh, I don't feel comfortable fighting that, maybe you haven't noticed but I'm level 2 and you're level 3."

Yang: " I, have a month to get ready to fight it and win, you just need to hang back and do whatever you do, what is it, magic?"

Welf: "I'm a swordsman," He forces out in a slightly annoyed tone.

Yang: "Cool but really I've got a month to prepare so I should be fine."

Hephaestus: "Make sure Yang doesn't bite off more than he can chew please, again. Ugh just make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

Welf: "Don't I get a say in this."

Tsubaki: "No."

Welf: "Mmm."

Hephaestus: "Thalie will be back in a few weeks, until then I suggest you start to work on your, teamwork."

Yang: "I don't like this."

Hephaestus: "I really don't care, if you insist on constantly trying to get yourself killed this is what has to be done."

Yang: "Whatever."

Hephaestus: "Good, now your gear should be done in at most 2 months."

Yang: "2 MONTHS?!"

As Yang's loud question rang through the office it earned him a hard glare from all the Smiths in the room.

Hephaestus: "Yes that's how long this kind of order takes, nobody but you needs gear that defends itself from the user wearing it. So since you don't have any experience in the forge trust the professionals on this."

Welf: "Yeah if she rushes gear people can die."

Tsubaki: "It will be worth the wait kid so relax."

Yang: "Alright alright, well I'm going back to the water city if we're done here."

Hephaestus: "Uh uh uh, not so fast. Welf is going with you."

Yang: "Ugh, fine."

Hephaestus: "Quit being such a brat, you've also got some errands to run for your familia."

Yang: "What?"

Hephaestus: "Some items and monster components on the upper floors were requested by our smiths, sending you is faster and cheaper than buying it from other familias, most of our familia is busy making weapons so unless you can suddenly have crafting skills, this is your job now."

Yang: "Uh, any chance I can give back that ring you gave me."

Hephaestus: "Nice try but there is no getting out of this. Here just get these items," Handing him a sheet of paper, a small smile forms on her face, clearly happy at his reaction.

Yang: "Most of these are plants, that's boring."

Hephaestus: "But it's your boring job. I'll contact you when your gear is done or when Thalie gets back, whichever comes first. Anything else you need?"

Yang: "I'm gonna be camping in the dungeon till you call me, that ok?"

Hephaestus: "Sure, Welf won't be able to do that since he has orders to fill, he can join you on these errands then you can head back down alone."

Welf: "Thank you Hephaestus."

Hephaestus: "Alright that's it, you can wait outside now, I have to speak to Yang."

As the young adventurer exits the office, the low click of the door shutting behind them acts as if it were the signal for Yang to begin raising his concerns.

Yang: "So why are you really doing this, it can't be because you think I actually need backup right."

Hephaestus: "I do actually think you need backup. But that aside, after the fight what happened exactly?"

Yang: "Uh, I rested then came up here, why?"

Hephaestus: "Well..."

Tsubaki: "You tend to do stupid things."

Yang: "I DO NOT."

Hephaestus: "Yes, you do. Let's see, after your first trip into the dungeon, you showed another familia your Falna."

Yang: "Th--"

Hephaestus: "And after I said to try to stay low with your magic you decided to showboat and fly above the city for everyone to see."

Yang: "Uh---"

Hephaestus: "And you then decided to put on a light show for the city to charm some girl."

Yang: "..."

Tsubaki: "Exactly. You don't realize monsters aren't the only threat to adventurers, other adventurers are likely a bigger threat. It's no coincidence that the Loki familia who you showed your Falna to are willing to help."

Hephaestus: "Exactly, Loki isn't dumb and neither is her captain. They're playing you."

Yang: "But, I thought adventurers are just supposed to go into the dungeon and fight monsters?"

Hephaestus: "Politics are in everything, many gods want influence, and firepower is the easiest way to get it. Loki and Freya are at the top, you're breaking records left and right. Clearly it didn't occur to you but they are watching you. Loki closer than the other. That's why I'm no longer allowing you to go solo. This quest showed them that you're definitely worth the effort to stay on our good side so they shouldn't try anything more underhanded, but clearly until you learn how to navigate life outside the dungeon you need a chaperone, that's why you're being placed into a team."

Yang: "So, I can't go solo because you think I need a babysitter or I'll do something stupid, ugh."

Tsubaki: "It's for your own safety kid, just suck it up and move forward."

Yang: 'Hm, does that mean, no, was Lefiya part of it too?' his mind ponders before returning to reality, "Yeah, I'll be more careful from now."

Hephaestus: "Good, that's all for now, I recommend you go meet your teammate."

As Yang exits the room the two women breathe a sigh of relief.

Hephaestus: "That went much better than I expected. Well, hopefully, Welf stops his antics from getting him into trouble."

Tsubaki: "Ok so you're risking one talent to babysit another talent and adding our 3rd talent to their team, why?"

Hephaestus: "Yang is strong but overestimates himself. He's, by all means, a freak, from his absurd level-up records to the fact that he's the first adventurer I've seen with S and even higher in his stats, and he almost always gets them there before he levels up. He's a real monster among men. But adventuring has a side that needs you to navigate people, and he sucks at it. Welf should be able to keep him on track at least, though he won't be the main person on the team doing that, and hopefully, when he gets to the lower floors Welf sees someone who can actually be trusted to properly use his creations to clear the dungeon."

Tsubaki: "So you expect them to what, just become bros and Welf starts handing him magic swords? No offense but that doesn't sound very thought out."

Hephaestus: "I expect them to find dangers that will need magic swords to deal with, if Yang is as strong as people think then if he can't overcome something in the future then aside from a select few, nobody can. But yes, they become bros and Welf gives him magic swords."

Tsubaki: "As far-fetched as that is, it's not impossible, what about Thalie?"

Hephaestus: "She has absolute loyalty to me, neither of them has that. I'm hoping she can keep them in line, especially since, on paper at least, she's stronger."

Tsubaki: "I don't like this one bit."

Hephaestus: "Ever since he showed up things have been making less and less sense, so just trust it."

Tsubaki: "Definitely can't argue with that."

---Meanwhile, outside Hephaestus's office...

2 young men can be seen in a staring match of sorts. As individuals moved about the hallway some stole glances at the tense situation before hurrying along, others not so subtly whispered just loud enough for both the men to hear.

"Why is he with that guy?"

"He won't even make them to help us, why is he talking to HIM. "

" Someone should warn Yang about him."

Hearing these remarks a hint of pain crawled onto Welf's face before Yang broke the deadlock.

Yang: "I don't like this, not one bit."

Welf: "Agreed."

Yang: "Think we can change her mind?"

Welf: "Nope."

Yang: Sigh, "Call me Yang then, I'm heading into the dungeon this time tomorrow. Get ready."

Welf: "I'm Welf. Yeah, I'll meet you at the entrance, come by my shop if you need me. Look I don't like this either, but, the least I can do is try to make it work, I owe Hephaestus that much at least. Didn't think I'd need to stop our new big shot from basically running with scissors hahaha."

Yang: "Ugh, I'm still new to adventuring so yeah I might be a bit reckless, but I've got the power and skills to back it up at least."

Welf: "According to the rumors, yeah. I'll see you at the dungeon tomorrow."

Yang: "Yeah see ya."

Yang: 'This is such bullshit! I need to go see Sarran'

Quickly making his way to Sarran's shop Yang catches the older man unlocking to door to his shop.

Yang: "Hey Sarran, morning."

Sarran: "Uh, morning Yang, kinda early don't ya think."

Yang: "I'm just stopping by to ask you about something actually."

Sarran: "Hm alright lemme just get us inside."

As Sarran opens the shop and walks into the back towards the forge their conversation begins once more.

Sarran: "So what you need kid?"

Yang: "Ever heard of Welf?"

Sarran: "Mmm, the sword kid, yeah what about him." The older man says as he begins to prepare his tools to ignite the forge.

Yang: "Our 'Thoughtful' goddess is forcing us to be on a team together, also someone name Thalie I think."

Sarran: "Hm, not sure if that's a blessing or a curse really. Uh, u mind?" He nods at the cold forge.

Yang: "Sure" Sending a small stream of fire to ignite the forge, he continues, "So what do you mean blessing or curse."

Sarran: "Thanks, and well Welf's got a pretty amazing gift, his magic swords are hard to break."

Yang: "Uh, is that supposed to mean something to me?"

Sarran: "Do you not know what magic swords are?"

Yang: "Should I?"

Sarran: "Huh and you call yourself an adventurer, magic swords are able to cast spells, very powerful weapons, when they run out of magic or are overused they shatter, Welf's swords last longer than anyone else. Imagine if you weren't 'The Elementalist' and someone hands you a sword that lets you do the things that you can do."

Yang: "Ohhh, shit. So he makes those, why isn't he locked up in a safe room somewhere?"

Sarran: "Well his homeland tried something like that, that's why he's here now. And after seeing what their wars did, no more of those swords of his."

Yang: "And that's why people were giving him dirty looks earlier."

Sarran: "Pretty much, after being in the field can't say I blame the kid, I was a soldier before I got married so I've seen what man vs man can become. Magic swords would make things a whole lot worse."

Yang: "Yeah but monsters should be fine so why not let his familia have them."

Sarran: "That sounds like a question for him really."

Yang: "Fair enough, what about the other person, Thalie?"

Sarran: "Yeah she, she's a special case. Level 4, rarely in the city. Travels all over getting materials that Hephaestus needs. She's unofficially the acquisitions specialist for the surface. I Heard Hephaestus is gonna try to make you the same, but for the dungeon."

Yang: "What you mean this annoying crap," Showing the man his list of chores, a large toothy smile spreads across the blacksmith's face.

Sarran: "Hahahahah, at least she's starting you off small kid."

Yang: "Damn it."

Sarran: "Welcome to the life of a support familia, stronger familias swing swords and we handle logistics."

Yang: "Oh boy that sounds fun," he says while rolling his eyes.

Sarran: "Can't say we didn't warn you at least."

Yang: "Yeah that's fair."

Sarran: "So anything else you need?"

Yang: "Nah I'm just gonna head up to my room, I've gotta check out my books to see what the hell the plants on this list look like and where to find them," Sigh, "So damn fun."

Sarran: "Welcome to the support life kid hahaha."


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Yeah this is what happens when you join a support familia instead of the combat familia, but hey it's not a life sentence.

---Title was funny right, a divine intervention XD.

--- Told you he would get some backlash from just running around YOLO style. He has had barely any knowledge of how to be an adventurer outside the dungeon same as bell really and Hephaestus wants to fix that.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts