
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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257 Chs

CHAPTER 36(Monster-Rex Amphisbaena)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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Standing at the edge of the treeline the familiar sight of the Loki familia main team accompanied by Yang can be seen. As the light of the ceiling crystal of the 'Water City' began raising in intensity signaling that morning has come the group stood together staring at the lake before them, a low fog permeated the entire floor spreading from the water outward as the small, sparce gusts of wind sent shivers down the bodies of some of these adventurers. The silence, however, was short-lived as Finn decided to speak.

Finn: "You're wasting time Yang."

Yang: "Um, I don't even know where it is."

Bete: "Haha just walk out there already big shot don't worry It'll find you."

Tione: "I hate to say it but Bete is right, Amphisbaena likes to get the first hit in."

Riveria: "It's fine to be scared, remember we're right here."

Yang: "Yeah just, give me a minute."

Bete: "Ha, cold feet huh."

Yang: "Ugh, alright I'm going."

Lefiya: "Be careful Yang."

Yang: "Don't worry I got this"

Flashing his best smile at his allies he begins, racing forward onto the surface of the lake Yang could be seen by his companions as a retreating figure in the distance, as he was almost 60ft from the shore he decided it was far enough as he stopped moving and stood on the lake, now it was time to wait for his target to strike first.

Tione: "This feels like a bad idea."

Finn: "It is, that's why we're here. Hephaestus knew he would do this himself so this is a better alternative."

Riveria: "Agreed, doing this alone is a suicide, this way is slightly less so."

Lefiya: "Slightly?"

Bete: "Oh yeah your loverboy is gonna get pummeled but he won't die."

Finn: "He could surprise us, on the way down here he only fought for the sake of activating his Hunter skill since we were with him, but, he really hasn't shown much. Hasn't even been flying."

Gareth: "Hm yeah I was hoping to see that up close."

Bete: "Something is about to happen, it's here."

Finn: "Riveria."

Riveria: "I'm ready to use barrier at a moment's notice."

Finn: "Good."

As the group watched anxiously over the lake, slowly a massive dark shadow expanded in the water below Yang causing the young adventurer to take a large jump backward.

The moment Yang's feet meet the surface of the water, his previous location suddenly erupts as if it were a geyser causing small waves to ripple outward to the nearby shore. As everyone looked on as the creature slowly revealed itself. With both, its heads supported by its long necks Amphisbaena towered over not only the adventurers but the trees on this floor as well. With its heads reaching a truly terrifying 25 meters above the surface of the water as their toothy maws hang open allowing all the water within to slowly pour out between the massive foot-long razors housed in its smiles spreading well over 10 feet wide.

The creature slowly rises and locks both pairs of eyes onto our young challenger. His light brown eyes meeting the deep blue eyes on one head which housed a bright blue flame inside its mouth before flicking to the red eyes of the head with a red mist rolling out of the monster's mouth and down its massive neck onto the surface of the water before spreading as if it were nothing but a regular fog.

Contrasting to the bright white body of the monster the red and blue of its eyes and breath weapons looked all the more menacing to anyone who would ever lay eyes upon it.

Yang's POV---

'Ok, that's a bit, or a lot, yeah a lot bigger than I imagined'

Quickly leaping even further back away from the red mist that was now creeping its way across the surface of the lake Yang immediately began hovering in mid-air. With scrutinizing eyes he quickly assessed the situation. 'Blue flames are bad, red mist stops magic so I can't touch it, and it resists fire, lightning, wind, and ice. Ok this isn't completely hopeless, just stick to the plan'

As he was in thought his opponent immediately fired a jet of blue flames from its mouth towards him causing him to boost to his right and narrowly avoid it. The sheer heat from the attack passing a few feet to his left could be felt on his body and gave him an unsettling realization. 'Damn it, that's hot, I barely feel my flames on me so this thing is a serious problem'

Before he can think any further on this situation a row of razor-sharp teeth suddenly lunge out of the flames and move to bite him. Reacting on instinct Yang dodges once more but ascends this time. As he observes the monster he notices that he is currently just barely above its reach and decides to take the offensive.

"Firebolt", as he reaches out with an open hand he sends one small firebolt at the creature to test his theory before deciding to expend any major amounts of magic. As the attack approaches the creature not only is it completely ignoring the flame but the head spewing the red mist simply opens its maw wider and allows the mist to diffuse the magic in Yang's attack.

"Shit, that makes things way harder," he said out loud to himself as he changes his approach to something more direct. Focusing his magic to his feet he rockets directly towards the fire-breathing head of the monster preparing to deliver a haymaker to its face and do some actual damage. Accelerating beyond the speed of the creature not even a moment passes before Yang's fist makes contact with the monster.


"Argh!" he yelled out as his wrist buckles and cracks under the force of this hit leaving the monster completely unharmed.

Recovering quickly Yang adjusts himself and boosts off the monster's head and begins hovering once more around the creature as he changes plans once more. "Ok back to the basics"

'Firebolt barrage'

He suddenly begins raining fire as dozens of firebolts descend onto the creature peppering it and with shots. As he begins his assault the monster shifts its body and recoils its flame-wielding head as the head with the red mist leans forwards and takes action.

"ROOOAAAAARRRR!!!!!" its voice shakes the water on the lake and the trees at the shore before it begins belching out massive amounts of red mist directly at Yang completely dissipating his attacks. Acting quickly the flame-spewing head releases a jet of flame through the mist directly at Yang causing him to boost downward.

'Ok this is bad, nothing I have is working' he thought as he dropped to the surface of the water a mere 20 meters from the dragon's submerged legs. As he saw where he was a manic grin formed on his face as he stopped using 'Water Walking' and simply sank into the lake.

---POV Loki Familia...

Witnessing the fight was a strange experience for certain members of the Loki familia. Whilst Riveria and the twins were ready to step in at any moment to shield and retrieve Yang respectively the group couldn't help but be a bit surprised at the fight they were watching.

The first thing that threw them for a loop was the 'Firebolt Barrage' yang used on the creature, completely peppering the beast with flames was not completely out of their expectations after seeing his 'Flame Pillar' but watching it rain down was still quite a spectacle. The second shock almost had them intervening before being stopped by Finn, this was when Yang stupidly decided to punch the monster with his armored hand. To the spectators it simply looked like his punch did nothing and caused him to retreat, they had no idea that his wrist had cracked from that attack.

As he fell to the surface of the lake they saw him stare up at the monster before him. For them, it was as if seeing a man staring up at a mountain he cannot overcome. As the monster reared its head back to scorch the surface of the lake Riveria prepared to release her spell and shield the young adventure, but unfortunately, she lost sight of the young man. A look of shock spread across the members of the Loki familia team faces, all except for one Lefiya Viridis. She stared wide-eyed at her 'Boyfriend?' and his opponent. This is the first time any of them had seen him in actual combat and even with his techniques having no effect, on experienced adventurers, it was easy to imagine what would happen to any monster that actually was an appropriate fight for a level 3, annihilation.

The young elf's face quickly warped into a mask of despair however as Yang suddenly sank into the lake. Finn was almost ready to order his team to intervene before he noticed the monster carefully scrutinizing the waters around it. The gaze of a hunter tracking its prey is unmistakable for seasoned adventurers such as himself and from the looks of it, the monster saw Yang moving around its body underwater, this was enough for Finn to stay his hand as it confirmed Yang was still alive and moving underwater.


The monster suddenly released a heart-wrenching cry as both its heads thrashed violently. This left everyone confused for a bit before suddenly the water around the monster began to change, the water was freezing.

Finn: "He's trying to freeze it? Doesn't he know it's resistant to ice?"

Gareth: "The kids gotta have a plan, right?"

Bete: "Or maybe he's desperate and finally lost it."

As they kept looking at the fight it took a few moments but before their very eyes the ice climbed higher and higher until the entire area almost 10 ft around the monster on all sides was solid ice, this attack didn't stop there however as the ice climbed up the monsters necks.

Yang POV...

'C'mon C'mon C'mon higher, higher, C'mon!' he shouted in his head as he poured more and more magic into his 'Freeze' technique hoping to freeze as much of the creature's necks as possible. After exhausting enough of his mana Yang quickly made his way back to the surface to admire his work.

Standing on the surface of the now cold lake Yang saw it, the base of the monster-rex Amphisbaena was an iceberg and almost 10meters of its necks have been covered in ice. He had successfully, temporarily stopped the legs of the creature from paddling underwater to slow if not downright immobilize it on the water surface. The necks of the creature however were his main goal.

'Alright Yang quick movements now', boosting forward as the monster was confused and thrown off by this strange attack Yang accelerated forward into a high-speed kick aimed directly at the chilled necks of the monster.

His kick connected with a familiar *CRACK!* as his right leg buckled and a jolt of pain shot through his nerves "Arghh!" he yelled as he boosted directly back towards the lake. Landing on his back and skidding across the surface he grits his teeth and took a deep breath through them before sitting up on the lake to look at what he had done.

Looking at this handiwork a wide grin spread across his face. A small crack could be seen almost 2ft at the point of impact on the monster's armored hide. As if to dash his hopes the monster shrugs off the attack and proceeds to use its flames to not only warm itself but scorch the lake around it melting the ice almost instantly and creating a shroud of steam.

'I wonder how many times I can do that?' he thought to himself as he stood up making sure to put more pressure on his left leg instead of his injured right and rushing back into the fight.

---Loki Familia POV...

As the fight continued the Loki familia couldn't help but be surprised at what they had just witnessed.

Riveria: "That, shouldn't be possible."

Finn: "Agreed, but a goddess did bet on him, guess now we know why."

Lefiya: "How did he do that, isn't Amphisbaena resistant to cold?"

Tione: "He didn't attack with cold, he just made it stiffer."

Lefiya: "Stiffer?"

Tiona: "He made its hide and muscles cold so they would be easier to break."

Bete: "And he slowed it down by doing the same with the legs underwater, at least until it just undid everything. The kid's not bad."

Tione: "Awe Bete you getting a soft spot for him?"

Bete: "Yeah right," He says with everything short of an eye roll.

Gareth: "He broke Amphisbaena's hide as a level 3. Could any of you do that?"

Gareth's question was only met with silence from his companions and Ais's hand become white-knuckled around the hilt of her sword.

Gareth: "Well, guess that settles it, kids got talent."

Finn: "That, we already knew Gareth. Anyway prepare to step in ladies, so far he's the only one that has taken any damage in this fight."

Lefiya: "What, but he hasn't been hit."

Bete: "The idiot decided to punch walls and hope for the best."

As Tiona was about to explain further Riveria suddenly cut her off.

Riveria: "Somethings wrong."

Finn: "What is it?"

Riveria: "It's magic, a lot of ma-- GET BEHIND ME!"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Techniques: Firebolt Barrage(Unlike firebolt swarm which simultaneously fires mini bolts this move rapid fires full bolts)

----What do you think happened at the end there?

---How do you think it will go next chapter, any cool technique ideas?

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts