
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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257 Chs

Chapter 16(The First Solo Expedition Pt.5)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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---18th Floor Safe Zone...

Finn: "C'mon everyone we only have another day here before we set off for the lower floors so make sure you didn't forget anything important. It would be annoying to go back up since the goliath just respawned behind us."

Tione: "Man I love it down here, smart move camping here and relaxing before going to the lower floors Finn."

Finn: "Don't thank me, thank Riveria."

Tione: "Hm, I'll remember to do that. Hey, Lefiya I heard your boyfriend got back in Orario just before we came down here, you ok with coming down without telling him."

Lefiya: "You know he isn't my boyfriend, I've never even seen him much less spoken to him." she says as she pouts to the best of her ability

Tione: "I don't know, the way Yang looked at you in the pub said everything it needed to."

Finn: "Well regardless of how you feel about him, I'd like you to talk to him when we get done with this expedition. He holds an absurd level-up record even if it is just getting to level 2, information on such things is always useful. Tione please try not to tease her so much."

Tione: "Yeah yeah."

Tiona: "I think he's kinda cute actually. They gave him the Alias 'Elementalist', sounds strong."

Ais: "Hmmm, he got strong fast, we should find out how "Ais says barely above a whisper.

Bete: "Yeah yeah it's just some fluke, he got lucky and it's probably gonna take him 5 years to get to level 3 hahaha."

Finn: "Either way let's focus on our expedition for now. I'm heading into the town to find Riveria to see if anyone has information about the monster spawns recently. I'll be back here at camp in an hour or 2."

Finn slowly walks off leaving each of his teammates to ponder their conversation. Some more than others as Tione still has Lefiya blushing up and storm and Ais is lost in thought thinking about how to level up quickly.

---Dungeon Floor 15...

Yang slowly walked through the passageway to floor 16 as he bubbled in anticipation. He was confident in fighting the goliath as long he is fully focused and has full resources and his last 2 potions. That means this next floor has to go perfectly so that he can rest a bit before dealing with the 17th floors' monster rex. As he walked down to the 16th floor he was delighted to only see a Minotaur. He had read up on the monsters of these floors, at least the ones that were normal to appear before everything got weird a week ago.

'Ok minotaurs have hard skin and are tough so I need to pierce the skin then use magic on the exposed areas, that's manageable'. As Yang analyzed the situation he quickly drew his sword and activated his Mage Armor and AMP with the addition of using 'SHOCKING GRASP' on his weapon. 'Ok let's test the new sword, um, blade? Calling it a sword doesn't make sense its just a blade with a handhold at the end, after all, one piece of metal, whatever, let's test it'.

As he boosted forward he swung his sword just as his opponent did the same with his massive greatsword. To the minotaurs surprised his swing was knocked back as Yang slashed the smaller sword across his chest, this attacked made the monster stumble back as it didn't cut him but mostly pushed him. Fortunately, the lightning damage did make him flinch which gave Yang a chance to hit him again but this time with a piercing stab.

As the tip of the sword impacted the minotaur the combination of special steel and lightning magic as well as the boost from the force of Yang's flames driving the blade forward allowed him to pierce the hide of the minotaur before the monster swung its greatsword at him forcing him to retract his blade and boost backward. Yang was now 15ft away from the 7ft tall minotaur that had a puncture wound on its right pectoral. He quickly dashes forward again before the monster could regain its focus and focused more magic on his Mage Armor causing the flames to run wild and make it difficult for the monster to see his blade to parry it.

As he reached the monster and swung his sword the minotaur tried to parry but swung too high causing Yang to make contact with his blade to the greatsword and divert it to pass over him. As the greatsword was no longer a threat he quickly placed his own blade back into his inventory and pulled back his right hand to strike, however, instead of a fist he straightened his hand and kept his hand completely flat as he thrusts up to his wrist into the minotaurs would before using 'SHOCKING GRASP' to completely stun the monster from the inside.

More and light could be seen coming from the body of the monster as it was electrocuted and stunned in place with some of its muscles contracted and paralyzed. Yang quickly removed his hand from inside the creature and placed his open palm over the wound as he casts 'FLAMETHROWER' directly into the minotaur through the wound. The aftermath was not full incineration but instead, the right side of the monster's torso, as well as the head, were completely incinerated allowing Yang to reach in and remove the crystal which completed the fight.

As Yang stood in the cave after the fight assessing the fight he couldn't help but be thankful that he read the records from the guild about these monsters. 'That hide really was tough I couldn't even slash through it, good thing I read the record, big monsters like this have bad mobility, and its small enough to paralyze with some effort' Taking a moment he looks at his blood-covered hand 'Yeah some gross effort, at least it worked and now my Hunter skill has minotaurs so time to clear this floor. Yang quickly stored the crystal into his inventory before moving room to room killing any minotaur he could find and even collecting their natural weapons(Greatswords).

Eventually, as he came across a room towards the end of the floor he came across a larger minotaur roughly 9ft tall and he rushed it just like the rest. Instead of trying to slash it he clapped his hands together and used 'SHATTER' which used wind magic to cause a loud sound that shakes and destroys objects, or, in combat situations internal organs. This had the monster's ears ringing which put it off guard enough for Yang to approach and disarm the creature by drawing one of the preciously killed monsters natural weapon greatsword and removing its sword hand before driving the greatsword point first into the chest of the monster cracking the crystal and killing it in the process. 'Being bigger doesn't mean much if you have the same weaknesses, huh, these natural weapons are pretty cool'.

As Yang stores the greatsword and the crystal into his inventory he hears a strange crackling sound in the room ahead, the final room of the floor. As he hears the noise he slowly looks ahead and cautiously approaches the large open area which makes him hesitant. 'This reminds me of the damn burrowing creature that broke my leg'. Slowly stepping into the dimly lit room he notices that above him there is a blue hue of light coming from the ceiling, as he looks up however the look of hesitation and caution on his face changes to one of worry and dread. "Um, aren't you supposed to be on lower floors or something?" he says out loud not sure if he is speaking to himself or the monster. As the words reach the monster it reacts by lashing out and a bolt of lightning strikes where Yang was mere moments ago. "Ok, this is a problem"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Ooooh, unexpected monster, what do you guys think the monster will be. Also yes the guild will have info of monsters on record so any decent adventurer will read it.

---Yes, Lefiya was being teased a Lil bit to sow the seeds for the plot. You may have noticed I'm treating this as an actual dangerous world so a lot of the goofy bs in the anime won't be happening at least not mid expedition in a dangerous dungeon.

---They are professionals and any distraction can get them killed so yeah. We all saw how fast things can go bad back during Yang's first dungeon expedition.

---What do you think the new monster is?

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts