
CHAPTER 145(Rift Apart)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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"C'mon Yang, you got this," he tries to hype himself up. Standing in front of the door to his apartment, knowing Freya was waiting inside for him. Completely unaware of his intentions.

Placing a hand on the metal door, the runes glow green for a moment before he gently pushes the door open.

The faint scent of roasted meat in the air immediately bombards his senses. He stops and shakes his head, trying not to focus on his grumbling stomach. Ascending to level 7 made his senses just slightly stronger than they had been yesterday, a change he'd once again have to get used to.

He hears bare feet walking across the cool tile floor the further he walks down the hallway. Reaching the end the blueish-purple rays of sunlight streaming through the wall of large sliding doors on the other side of the apartment.

The clean air of this world was one thing he'd always silently appreciated, and with clean air came a clear sunset.

"Oh! You're back already...I didn't hear you come in," Freya says as she turns around to see him, setting out a tray of roasted chicken on the counter. She'd been so used to hearing him announce himself at the door that looking at him now, seeing him moving slowly and paying extra attention to everything. Hesitation radiating off his being as if he were simply going through the motions of whatever is coming next.

She immediately got concerned for him. "Babe? Is everything ok?" she asks, taking a step closer, but he doesn't react. Where he'd normally reach out for her, now he only moves to lean on the counter. Biting his lips as he takes in the sight of her.

Freya was barefoot, wearing a pair of blue shorts with the same grey hoodie he first came to this world in completely zipped up. Lately, she hasn't worn many other tops around the house, it's certainly her favorite.

"It's just, I... I hit level 7?" he says in an unsure tone. Not sure how to answer her question. He wasn't sure if he was alright at all.

"Are you asking me if you leveled up?" Freya gives him a perplexed look, walking closer to stand directly in front of him.

"No, no. I-- I hit level 7, Hephaestus just made it official and sent word to the guild," he says. Sounding obviously nervous.

"Mhm, most people would be over the moon with joy. Throwing a party and announcing that from the top of Babel," she cups his cheek to make him look at her. Now seeing him showing apprehension for the first time since they'd met. In all things, he's confident and sure. He always knows he can deal with what comes next...so why is he worried?

"It's something else... just tell me. Whatever it is I'll understand," she says. Her mind running through the possibilities, the likely thought was he'd tell her about Riveria trying to steal him away, perhaps he assumed she'd go kill the woman...she normally would, but not only does the High Elf have a use, she felt pity for the woman.

"We need to break up," Yang says in one quick breath.

Freya is completely caught off guard by this. Thoughts of the other woman leaving her mind as those words knock the wind out of her.

She stumbles back as if she'd been physically hit, catching herself on the countertop to stare at him in confusion.

"I-I don't understand, not at all. No, no, no. Where is this coming from? Is this some kind of a sick joke? Did I do something wrong? What did I do?!" she begins to panic, a million thoughts wrecking her brain as she tries to put this puzzle together, trying to find a solution. Her movement becoming more and more erratic, hands waving around as she paces back and forth trying to find a reason.

"Freya," Yang reaches out and gently holds her shoulders. Keeping her still to get his next words through. Looking the goddess in the eyes he makes sure to be as clear as possible, "you did everything right. You're better than I deserve, but this isn't fair to you---"

"You're lying!" she yells in his face. "Just tell me what it was and I'll fix it!" the goddess pleas.

"Freya there isn't anything to fix, just let me explain please."

"Is this because of the challenge? If I'd know you---"

"What challenge?" he cuts her off. They both freeze, his mind begins to put the pieces together as she realizes that she's made a mistake. She assumed the worst, and now it's actually happened.

"Uh... so why are you doing this?" she asks, trying to get him to think about something else.

"The Orcus challenge..." he raises a hand to his face as he thinks it over. "Hephaestus said the Chaos Mark was made with me in mind, and I was invited," he looks toward Freya with narrowed eyes, "did you cause that challenge, Freya?"

"I didn't know you were...you know. You, back then," she says meekly.

"So you just had him issue the challenge for what? To see dozens of people die?" Yang asks, not as angry as she expected. More confused than anything else honestly.

"No, I, I assumed Hephaestus wouldn't let you compete then you'd be open to joining another familia. Then you'd come to me," she admits.

"Jesus Christ," Yang says. Something he usually said when faced with something problematic, even now she never understood what it meant.

"That was months ago and you won. Win-Win right?"

"That doesn't make it any worse Freya," he bites back.

"Well if you only just found out about this why did you get this stupid breakup idea in your head, did someone put you up to this," her attitude flipped from confusion to anger. Folding her arms across her chest and trying to push back against his idea.

"I already told you, you didn't do anything wrong. In fact, you've been amazing, but now I'm level seven. In 10 months I hit level 7, I was being selfish before but it's time I stop being an asshole."

"I don't get it. How is us being together you being selfish? You aren't making any sense..."

"Because I thought that... that I could just play house and go along with this, then just get up and leave when my adventure was over. I expected you to just get bored and go back to your familia to be worshipped and... I never expected to actually like you," he quietly admits.

"That," her arms drop to her side as she takes a step forward, reaching down to take his hand. "That's the first time you've admitted to even being interested in me, you realize that right?"

"Yeah, I've been kinda avoiding it," he admits.

"I still don't see the problem. Am I that much of a temptation that you'd abandon everything to be with me?" she asks.

Taking a deep breath Yang looks at her, a frown on his face as he speaks in a low voice, "nothing can even get me to stop, because my family is waiting for me. But that means I'd leave you here with a broken heart mourning what was. I don't wanna do that, you don't deserve that Freya, nobody does."

"You could have done this months ago...why now?" Freya asks, fighting back tears as she stares down at the floor between them.

"Because, you make me happy. I wanted the best of both worlds just for a little bit. Because I'm a selfish asshole who couldn't resist spending time with you. Because coming back here to you was, calming...I don't know. I was just a greedy ass that tried to have both sides for a little bit," he admits.

"Why can't I go with you?" Freya asks. "Is it because your family hates the gods? Or...will you be an outcast for bringing me along?" she was making one last grab at straws for answers.

"I can't explain but, it's just how it is."

"This isn't fair," she says. Reaching forward and wrapping her arms around him. Pressing her face into his chest. "The one person I can really be with and he wants to leave me, I already hate being a goddess of beauty but this is a new kind of torture," she says as her tears fall onto his shirt.

"I know, and I'm sorry I even let this start. I'm sorry," he gently wraps his arms around her. Freya feels small droplets on the top of her head as he speaks.

"It doesn't have to end like this, we can be together and you can go home after...it'll all work out, I promise," Freya argues once more, desperate for any foothold she can get.

"And what kind of man would I be if I just left you here mourning what was while I go live my life huh?"

"I'd rather mourn what was than what could have been," she says.

"I already told you, you deserve so much better than that. You deserve someone you can build a life with, not someone who's gonna walk away," he pulls away from her. Except she doesn't let go, deciding to stay attached to him.

"This isn't the end for us Odr, it's not," she says before finally letting go of him, staring up at him with defiance as their teary eyes met.

"Odr?" Yang asks in confusion.

"Yes, Odr, my husband, we're meant to be together. It's fate. This isn't the end for us, you'll see," she says with a sudden burst of confidence.

"Freya... I don't do anything in half measures, nothing, not even fate itself will stop me from getting back home. I'd blow out the sun if it got in my way. We're done," he says once more.

"It's cute that you think that, but I've tried for many eternities to defy fate, it can't be done," she says in a low, sad tone. Hurt in her voice as memories of her trying to find love surface for the first time in months.

"You'll find your Odr one day, I'm just sorry it can't be me," he says with a deep sigh.

"I already have, you'll see... enjoy your gift," she says in a low shaky voice.

Before he can even question what she's talking about she bolts past him, wiping the tears from her face as she rushes through the front door, leaving him both sad and confused.

"That...went better than I thought. I think." Yang quietly admits.

Taking a deep breath he uses magic to remove the tears from his face. Within a few minutes he went from feeling fine to completely drained, and he hadn't even moved a single step.

Looking around he saw the tray of food on the counter, fresh and cooling. He couldn't even smell the food anymore, his mind too clouded and hazy to focus on even something so simple.

The grumbling in his stomach was gone, as if he'd eaten a full meal just moments ago.

Giving the food a bored glance he trudges out of the room and down the hallway, trying and failing to get the goddess out of his mind.

"Well, guess now I know why Hephaestus had no clue who Odin was... Freya hasn't found him yet," he mutters to himself. The memory of her crying face flashing across his mind causes him to stop walking for a moment.

Stepping into his bedroom he begins to undress immediately, only wanting to take a quick shower and try to sleep his problem away.

As he takes off his shirt however something catches his eye. On his pillow was a small bow, only the size of his palm.

"Enjoy your gift," he repeats her words. "Of course, just twist the knife right?" he asks no one in particular while walking up to the box.

Picking up the package he removes the purple gift wrapping and bow with ease, now holding a black ring box in his hand.

"Jewelry?" he asks himself, he knows that she knew he doesn't wear jewelry.

Opening it he finds a ring inside, black metal smooth to the touch with a blue symbol on the face. He'd expected to see her familia sigil but this one was strange. A tilted square with the bottom corner extending out to form a cross, something he'd never seen before. The strange sigil itself was blue, obviously intentionally matching his flames.

With a large amount of uncertainty, he slips the ring onto the middle finger of his right hand. A perfect fit. "Hmm, looks good, my colors... not sure if I should wear it thought..." he mutters thoughtfully as he looks it over.

Giving it a gentle squeeze he realizes this isn't normal metal. At least adamantite in durability. A smile forms on his face, "that woman knows me too well," he says while walking into the bathroom, leaving the ring on his finger. Enjoy the look of what he didn't know was a message ring. Unwittingly boasting the sigil of Odr, who people from his world would call Odin, the husband of goddess Freya.

After his shower, Yang exits the bathroom and puts on a pair of shorts before dropping into bed.

Leaving the ring on his finger he spread out on the comfortable and massive mattress. For the first time in months, he could feel...something.

The only time he'd felt any hot or cold that wasn't magical.

His bed felt cold.

It wasn't cold. Even with the sparse snowfall outside his apartment wasn't cold at all.

But his bed was cold, because she wasn't here.

'I can't sleep here...' he realizes, getting out of bed and walking into the hallway.

---Freya's Penthouse...

Sitting in her chair, forgoing the usual glass of red wine Freya holds an entire bottle between her fingers. Staring down at the people of Orario with envy and a hint of anger. Oh how she wishes she could simply act on these feelings...but then he'd never even look her way. All the people getting ready for the New Year's Festival with their loved ones while she sits in her tower with Ottar at her side.

She was always a bit jealous of what they had. But now that she's tasted it, she has a hunger and knows exactly what can sate it. Jealousy and anger bubbles just under the surface, constantly fought back by the wave of sadness she felt whenever memories of their time together would surface.

"You'll need me...you'll see. Nobody can beat fate," she snarls. Dropping the empty bottle and taking wobbly steps toward her room.

As she walks past Ottar she plays with the ring on her finger, identical to the one she gave to her Odr.

Standing in front of her bed she freezes, the memory of their first night together in this bed rushing back. This is where she made the choice, this is where she suddenly just knew that he was her Odr. This is where everything really began.

'While he's sleeping fine I'm crying myself to sleep,' she wipes the new set of tears from her face.

Turning on her heel she marches out of the room and into her living room, deciding that the couch would do for tonight.

Little did she know that she wasn't the only one who came to the same conclusion about their bed...


---This is just me punching you in the heart for 2500 words.

Just trust me with this. I don't think I've let anyone down with my character development yet :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---This is just me punching you in the heart for 2500 words

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts
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