
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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257 Chs

Chapter 11( Return to Orario)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

pat.treon: https://www.pat.reon.com/Keanu_Eugene if you want to support me and get some additional content etc. Remove the "." and spaces or just search Keanu_Eugene on the site.


11 Days since Yang left Orario to train, 5 PM...

As Yang approached the walls of the city he saw the monolith known as the Tower of Babel in the distance as he enters the gates of the city. Clearly, the people are moving with purpose as wagons bustle about moving goods. He thinks that perhaps a festival is on the way of some sorts so naturally, he heads to the citizens market to find his friend Tibor. As he walked past stall after stall he saw items that simply weren't there the last time he was here but doesn't think much of it. He finally makes his way to Tibor and as always greets him with a simple wave.

Yang: "Yo Tibor what up man, this place seems busy?"

As Tibor looks up from the logbook in his hand he cheerfully responds.

Tibor: "Wow, glad to see you're ok, did you just get back from your training?"

Yang: "Yeah it went a little over 5 days I guess hahaha." He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.

Tibor: "Guess it makes sense you don't know about the new changes then. I've still got a bit of work to do here before I pack up. Got some new materials I'm trying to work into my stock and it's giving me a headache."

Yang: "That's fine no rush I'll head over to get my gear and an update from the guild about the dungeon then I'm going to the pub to get some good food. I've been eating rations since I left. They taste fine but can't beat the feeling a hot meal will give I'm sure. Meet me there if you finish in time and we can catch up, yeah?"

Tibor: "Yeah I'll meet you there once I'm done with this mess."

Yang: "Alright I'll see you later then."

Yang saw that the sun was beginning to set and decided to quickly make his way to the guild building first to get an update. As he entered the building ignoring the new crowds he made a beeline straight to Varissa as soon as he spotted her.

Yang: "Hey Varissa how've you been?"

Varissa: "Hi Yang, haven't seen you in the logs since, um, the Floor 1 treat incident," She says awkwardly while looking at the floor, her hands intertwined, fidgeting to calm her nerves.

Yang: "Yeah, well I've been out of the city training since that and heard new things happened in the dungeon. I'm here to get an update."

Varissa: "Smart move, this contains all the information on the new monsters. It's mostly just drawings for now as we don't really know what they can do for the most part and they tend to appear on most floors with their power increasing the lower the floor they appear on. So a Floor 1 and Floor 30 monster can be the same monster with vastly different strengths. We recommend your team cover as many areas as possible with if possible 2 healers but at least 1."

Yang: "Hmm thanks for the heads up I'll make sure to read this" Taking the small booklet he can't help but think 'I can't afford to have a team, I couldn't do anything when my last one died and I don't think a new one could keep up anyway'

Varissa: "Just make sure to be careful with the new monsters in there. Have a good day Yang."

Yang: "Thanks and you too Varissa."

Yang quickly placed the booklet into his inventory and made his way to his next stop, Sarran.

As he made his way through the floors of the tower of babel all the way to floor 8 he noticed that many of the crafters' shops were either understocked or completely filled with new equipment and thought 'Seems new monsters are good for business here' before he made his way to Sarran.

Yang: "Hey Sarran did you finish my gear?"

Sarran: Without looking up from the blade he was sharpening the blacksmith begins to speak "Yeah sent it to your room with some of the health potions you bought. Even had some change and threw in some mana potions for you with it. It's mostly Hellhound materials so it should last a bit but don't expect it to hold up to a firebird for a long fight alright. It's mainly for fire resistance and mobility not for taking super hard hits from big monsters so I assumed you're gonna use a breastplate or something since you didn't order one. Just be careful with the new things in the dungeon."

Yang: Thanks, and that saves me a trip to buy the mana potions I guess so again thanks for that. I'm surprised there was enough money for that but I guess you made it work huh. I'm gonna go ahead and check my stats with Hephaestus before I go get dinner. Heading off into the dungeon tomorrow so I might be gone for a bit. I'll try to get materials from hellhounds if I get that far because I feel like I'm gonna need it for more armor. I'll see ya around Sarran.

Sarran: "Yeah just be careful kid, I'll be here when you need new gear."

Yang: "Yeah see ya."

As Yang walks away Sarran thinks to himself about the talk he had with his goddess,' Hephaestus must of give you those potions for a reason so you'd best not get yourself killed in there'.

Yang quickly made his way to Hephaestus's office to update his stats only to find Tsubaki heading in the same direction.

Yang: "Hey Tsubaki is Hephaestus busy right now?"

Tsubaki: "No she isn't, did you just get back in the city?"

Yang: "Yeah actually that's why I want her to check my stats."

Tsubaki: "Yeah she'll want to see them herself since you just got back. Let's go see her. So did you hear about the changes to the dungeon?"

Yang: "Yeah it sounds more dangerous than before."

Tsubaki: "Do you need help finding a party?"

Yang: "Nah I'll figure it out" 'No thanks Captain I'm going solo'

As they arrived at Hephaestus's office Tsubaki quickly knocked and entered with Yang on her heels.

Hephaestus: "Oh you finally came back. I'd almost begin to think you ran off after what you went through. Not that anyone would blame you after that."

Yang: "Well I kinda didn't like where I was when I trained for 5 days and felt more time would let me reach much further, looks like I was right" He says as he allows wisps of fire and lightning to crackle around his hands and face.

Yang: "Pretty cool huh!"

Hephaestus and Tsubaki were a bit surprised by his control but didn't let it show.

Hephaestus: "Not bad, maybe you do have a bit of talent. Let me update your stats and see where they are before we proceed."

Yang: "Sure thing"

Hephaestus: "So what else can your magic do?"

Yang: "Well I'm working on flying so far, walking on water and sticking to earth is easy but making and shaping water and earth is hard, is that because solid elements need more mana?"

Hephaestus: "Exactly. Softer elements are easier to control but some spells like lightning spells require more control and energy than fire."

Yang: "Yeah I figured as much. Fire doesn't take much mana but lightning does. I mostly use lightning in my body to make me react, move and think faster but using it as a weapon exhausts me pretty fast. Fire and wind are my go-to for fighting right now essentially and fusing them is super easy, I call it swirling them, so flying shouldn't be too far from my reach."

As these words fell from Yang's lips Hephaestus and Tsubaki couldn't help but freeze. Walking on water? Flying? All of this was possible but to do it within a week of having his magic and at only level 2. He really was a little monster after all it seemed. Along with his ability to apparently internalize his magic to boost his body made him a serious problem to his enemies.

Hephaestus quickly nods to Tsubaki as the words begin appearing on Yang's back and speaks.

Hephaestus: "Well I recommend you keep the specifics to yourself. The guild will keep a record of your magic and skills but your magic lets you be more creative instead of giving you specific spells which means its good as you can potentially have access to all the elemental spells its also a bit annoying because you have to find a way to replicate then train each spell individually instead of having them on command. Try not to let everyone know that you can do this. Some of your skills leveled up as well and...your stats are a lot higher than when they were reset. Exactly what kind of training did you do."

As Hephaestus said the last part she handed him the paper for him and Tsubaki to read and a shocked expression formed on Tsubaki's face once more whilst Yang had no way of understanding how big a deal this was once again.

Tsubaki: "How are they so high already! There weren't any monsters for you to fight. How much did you event train!"

Yang: "Um,18 hours a day for 10 days basically. That was what I did."

Hephaestus and Tsubaki were taken aback by his deadpan statement. They couldn't believe he was that committed to getting stronger. It didn't justify such a large increase in his base stats but it eased their minds that he didn't just happen upon higher stats and instead worked harder than most adventurers for it.

Hephaestus: "Well if that all then I'd like to get back to work. We have much to do because of the new monsters. Head to the guild and get a booklet with the new monsters' information."

Yang: "I already got one so I'm just gonna go eat then rest for tonight, haven't had a regular bed in a while you know. Also, I'm heading into the dungeon tomorrow so yeah later."

As Yang left the office Hephaestus directed Tsubaki to take a seat across from her desk and got into her chair as she began to speak.

Hephaestus: "So, still think those potions were a waste on him?"

Tsubaki: "Looks like you made a good move trying to make him comfortable, we're lucky he doesn't realize how much of a monster he really is. With these new monsters the stronger he gets the better and if he can get to the lower floors we won't have to pay as much to other families for the rare materials when we can just send him. We might have lucked out with him."

Hephaestus: "Agreed, now I'm going to see Welf, maybe he's making something for me hehe."

Tsubaki: "Ugh well I guess I'll go check on some of the lower-level members we just got."

Tsubaki spared one last glance at Yang's new stat sheet before exiting the room behind Hephaestus.


NAME: Yang Shen

Level 2:


Stats(Now level[2]): STR=D DEX=B AGI=B MAG=A END=A



---Storage(Its essential video game inventory)

Allows the user to store up Monster Crystals+25 square feet of items.

---Elementalist (Obtained at level 2)

Allows the user to channel certain elemental magic through their body and manipulate the elements to their whim however the user can take damage from these elements.


---Elemental Resistance(Obtained at level 2)[Level 5]

Taking elements damage develops resistance to these elements over time.

---Elemental Healing(Obtained at level )[Level 3]

Pre-requisite skill 'Elemental Resistance'.Allows the uses to transfer some of the resisted elemental energy into health.

---Hunter(Obtained at level 2)

Improves abilities against monsters that the user has fought before and gained experience from.

---War Mage(Unique ability variant)(Obtained at level 2)[Level 1]

Amplifies the user's magic and reduces the cost and strain on the mind and body.

---Unarmed Strikes(Obtained level 2)[Level 2]

All unarmed strike damage is boosted

---Abnormal Resistance(Obtained level 2)[level 1]

Negates the effect of abnormalities such as poison. At Rank G, it can negate almost everything

---Mage Armor(Obtained through stress at level 2)[Level 4]

Envelops the user in magic amplifying defense and unarmed strike damage with elemental damage.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Our little monster is finally gearing up to go into the dungeon next chapter, the best part of how I set up the dungeon is I can use any monster on any floor and the only thing I have to adjust is abilities, power and material drops essentially. This allows me to have interesting fights rather than 4 floors of kobolds and goblins.

---How fast do you guys think he should level up. I plan for him to hit lv 3 the same week as Lefiya and go from there but eventually, he will be the solo strike team of course but that quite a ways off.

---And yes he generally is a bit over-leveled for his specific level but NOT BECAUSE HE IS JUST OP in the way some characters are but because unlike most people all of his skills and magic flow together. If he punches you with flames it's his mage armor + the fire magic + the unarmed strikes damage + his STR. Most people have to activate abilities one at a time but he can stack them which gives him an edge. He is always fighting at 100 while others are only at 100 when a skill activates then drop to a lower point when it's off and have to reactivate it again such as Tione berserker which brings her to 100 of herself but if it ends she drops to less that her potential.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts