
Elementalist (A journey of a Magical World)

Story of Cha Eun Jae who always believed that there's something else in this world, something more to this world.. Something really special, Something that is her destiny... And Somewhere where only time can take her.. Read to know the magical journey of a girl who always believed in the existence of Magic and wanted to create her "Magical World" through Film.. but her destiny was something else planned for her.. and her believe in Magic wasn't only just a believe it was a call.. A call for her towards her destiny..

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6 Chs

Chapter 4


I tried to touch the mirror and suddenly it felt like a force pulled me inside of it..



Darkness is all she could see, she feels like she is just drawing in a bottomless pit but how did she even get here wasn't she just in her bathroom? Now she is about to die who knows where... Well, that is what she thought...

She tried to swim but it was like an unknown force surrounded her not letting her swim just when she was going to lose hope along with her conscious she heard a faint splashing sound as if someone has jumped into the water.

And a few moments later a hand grasped her pulling her towards them and taking her out of this darkness,

She couldn't properly see the guy who rescued her cause it was still hazy and she was still about to lose her consciousness.

Seojun... the name rolled down her tongue without her even noticing before she passed out of pure exhaustion.

For Eun Jae, it was a mere habit because Seojun has always been the guy who has saved her from any trouble or danger she has faced. She cannot even count the times. So her mind automatically thought it was Seojun who saved her life yet again.

Oh boy only if she could see just how wrong she was.

On the other hand, the guy who is holding her in his arms taking her to the nurse's office looks at her with utter confusion and annoyance. First of all, she is drowning in the damn pond for who knows how long since he was the only one who comes there cause it's peaceful and it helps him study well it would be blamed on him if anything would have happened to this girl, she should be glad that he saw her in the pond when he was practicing one of the spells otherwise it would have been her last day in this world.

And mainly it was HIM who saved her, people would die to be saved by him and he just saved this girl, to save his life in the process as well.

At the nurse's office

Ma'am would you please look at this girl she was drowning in the pond..

The nurse quickly rushed to them checking Eun Jae

Oh, Namjoon how did this even happen? The nurse asks him when he put her onto the bed.

I don't know ma'am I was by the pond as always practicing my spell when I noticed someone was drowning so I pulled her out I hope I was not too late and she will be okay

 Namjoon answered a little bit concerned about the poor girl but at the same time he has so many questions for her mind which he reminded himself to ask her after she wakes up

Don't worry Namjoon she will be fine I will give her some potions and with enough rest, she should be good as new but I don't think she will wake up before tomorrow morning so I suggest you come tomorrow

I will ma'am thank you so much.

No problem kiddo but do you know her? is she new I haven't seen her here before?

I think she is new ma'am because I also do not think I have seen her before

Oh okay then

Okay, ma'am see you later.

Yeah, see you later stay focused on your study do not worry about she will be fine.

Namjoon leaves and the nurse looks at Eun Jae with wonder

New student huh?

Isn't it too early for new students to arrive?

She checks her temperature but

Strange Namjoon said she was in the pond for quite a long time but her temperature is normal, her body is warm and she looks like is just calmly sleeping. How is that even possible?!

After few hours

Eun Jae woke up yawning feeling as refreshed as ever and feeling totally energized all of a sudden.

Gosh what a weird nightmare that was I am never going close to any pond any time soon Eun Jae thought  out loud 

That wasn't a nightmare I suppose the nurse answers her in a serious tone folding her arm ready to question her

Eun Jae shockingly turns her head towards the woman in the speed of lighting

W-who are you??? she asked shocked.

I think that is something I should ask you.

Who in the world are you and how did you get into Ravaryn High?