
Elemental World!®

Just as heads-up, This novel contains aggressive language. Author: Justin Santana Soshikabe Zakou, Age 14, Imagine a world where there are an unlimited amounts of powers? a place where he has control of 5 powers, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lightning, he and his best friend Jonetsu are trying to become big figures in their world, come and read the novel to find out how it turns out!

Gaming_Animeguy · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Who is our main character?

"Hey, If you want to beat me, you better get serious." Ogosawara said with a dull expression on his face, "Wha- GOD DAMN IT!" I thundered full of anger.

"Oh god, ZAKOU DON'T DO IT." Jonetsu shouted at me as he aggressively grabbed a hold of the metal railing.

As the adrenaline took over my body, I used the best skill available in my arsenal.

"ASSASSIN ART: BODY DISLOCATION!" I invoked, "Fine, If you're going at it, I WILL TOO!" Tatsuya exclaimed,

"DRAGON ART: DRAGON CLAWS" Ogosawara invoked as his nails quickly grew into large dragon-like claws.

"GRAAAAAAAA!" Ogosawara and I growled in unison.

To understand what is happening I will have to explain to you what happened that changed my whole life forever...

A few hours earlier,

"Mom, Dad I'm off to take the test!" I laughed out as I ran to the front door.

"Ok, see you later, and we wish you good luck!" Mom and Dad said in unison.

"Wait, Come here and listen, but listen well, Make sure you try your hardest to pass the 'test', this is the academy you've always wanted to attend." Dad told me as he put his hand on my shoulder to motivate me.

"Of course I will try my hardest Dad, If not I wouldn't have trained to be an assassin like you." I said with a smile, "Ok then, If you say so, Then go ahead and break a leg!" Dad exclaimed, "Sure thing Dad, See you later!" I exclaimed as I ran out the door.

As I ran out the door I slowly started to run slower till I started walking so I could conserve as much energy as possible.

"Hey, Zakou" Someone pointed me out from behind, "Huh?" I mumbled as I turned around.

"Hey, Wait for me" Said the guy, But he was too far for me to tell who he was, Until, "Oh, Hey Jonetsu!" I shouted as I waved my arms after noticing it was my best friend Jonetsu!

"We gotta hurry if not we will be late for the test!" Jonetsu said, "Huh? But what time is- AGH, CRAP, WERE GOING TO BE LATE." I shouted, "Come on!" Jonetsu hurried me

"It's easy for you to say! You can fly!.." I shouted to him as I ran behind him

"What do you mean!? You should also be able to, don't blame me for your lack of practice, All you did was train your assassin skills." Jonetsu sighed, "Ok fine, But I still practiced one- Actually, Lets focus on running, Because we will be late!" I answered...

My name is Soshikabe Zakou, and this is a world full of 'Elemental' Powers!

In this world, everyone can naturally control an element or two. My best friend Konetsu Jonetsu is able to control Wind and Ice, But I'm an exception. That's because I can use Five 'Elements' and they are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lightning!

However, the only one I can currently use is Wind. This is due to me manifesting my Wind element a few months back. It's a rare phenomenon to manifest an Element at such a late age, Which makes me the worst case world wide.

Elemental Powers go way back, Some people are born without them and a few of them choose to learn something called an art or style, When I was little due to the fact that I have Five Elements it was hard to determine if I had an Element or not, This caused me to get bullied a lot as I grew up, Since birth I've been a very fragile guy due to asthma which made me very pale, More than the rest of my family which were all very light skinned, In fact my skin can almost be compared to a white sheet of paper which made things even worse.

My father one day then decided to teach me how to be an Assassin, Which was almost impossible for a fragile guy like me, But as time passed I became stronger and I stopped being as fragile as I was.

But the only signs I ever showed of being able to use any kind of element were small and subtle, When my Mom cooked there were occasions in which I would get angry and the flame on the stove would rise, Or there were times when It was raining and as I got very happy or excited a lightning bolt would strike nearby and rarely the light bulbs would cut out, But it was little to impossible to even tell since the signs I gave off were very dim and subtle.

But to be more perspicuous, my powers are controlled by my emotions! And this is the story of how little by little those powers changed my life.

"YES, WE MADE IT, O-Ok Jonetsu, l-let's go in, and take a break before we take the exam." I said as I panted.

"Yeah, let's go." He answered while he floated.

Once we opened those doors, everything was straight chaos, we could see people either fighting or cheering, laughing or crying, happy or angry, This was nothing like we thought it would be.

"O-Ok, Jonetsu, Let's go to the queue area-" I pointed out as I was interrupted by a man.

"Excuse me you two." The man called us out as we turned around to look at him with puzzled expressions.

"I am one of the Receptionists running the front desk, I could clearly see you two were overwhelmed with everything going on, But if you two are taking this 'Test', Then I'm going to need your names so I can check the Applicants list." Said the friendly Receptionist

"O-Oh yes, My name is Soshikabe Zakou and he is Konetsu Jonetsu." I answered after coming back to my senses.

"Hmm, Ah yes, you two are here in the queue list, you two can go to the queueing area." Said the receptionist with a smile, "Thank you very much!" We bowed in gratitude.

The 'Test' Jonetsu and I are taking is to try and get accepted into Elemental Academy Corporations, Or better known as E.A.C, Which is an Academy that teaches students how to properly use their Elements to be able to become a Guard, Which Guards are the people that keep the world in peace, from things such as natural disasters or villains.

As we walked around we were amazed by the shocking types of Elements people had, We could see people growing plants from the ground, people that could bend the ground into pillars of earth, We even saw a guy that had a 'Dragon Companion'.

After a while we found a spot that wasn't very crowded which was perfect for us, As soon as we settled down we started to talk about strategies and things to keep in mind of throughout the 'Test'.

"Ok, So you have the advantage out of both of us, You can use your Ice from a far and-" I was explaining until I was interrupted by a rather peculiar girl.

"Hiiiii, Can I sit here with you guys?" Asked a girl from behind me, and As I turned around I could kinda see myself looking at her in amazement, She is a slim but attractive girl, she has long Orange hair that flowed all the way to her back and crystal blue eyes.

"Hi, my name is Todomaru Misaki, Nice to meet you!" She said as she bent closer to my face.

I never spoke to many girls- Actually, to other people in my life aside from Jonetsu and my family, Which made girls a totally different thing to me, But, HOLY SH*T IS SHE HOT, JESUS, I assume that she is a goddess sent from heavens telling me to try my hardest.

"Hey, Snap out of it." Jonetsu said as he waved his hand in front of my face, "A-AH, S-Sorry I kinda got lost there." I mumbled in embarrassment.

"And you guys are?" Misaki asked with curiosity painted all over her face.

"H-H-Hi my name i-is So-Soshikabe Zakou, Nice to meet you!" I squealed with a blush.

"Zakou! I like the name, It sounds cute!" Misaki complemented as her face glowed in cuteness.

"M-My name, C-Cute…" I thought to myself in absolute shock.

"My name is Konetsu Jonetsu, It's a pleasure to meet you." Jonetsu told Misaki with a calm and dull expression.

After getting to know a little bit more about Her, We came to realize that the 'Test' was about to start as we heard the loud speaker go off.

"Uhh, hello hello, Testing, One two three." Said a man that blasted through the loud speaker.

"Alright, Good afternoon folks! I hope you are all doing great! and welcome to ELEMENTAL ACADEMY CORPORATIONS!"

Thank you for reading the first chapter of Elemental World!

and be tuned for chapter 2!

Gaming_Animeguycreators' thoughts