

A boy who since he was born wants to be a samurai, will have to face monsters, creatures of other races and even other samurais, will have to learn magic to strengthen himself and explore this magical world. His name is Takashi Akira.

Daoistu0c0sS · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: A magic weapon

Finally the day of the tournament arrived, and Takashi felt more ready than ever, after having trained non-stop for days with Matsuo's sword, Takashi wasn't nervous at all, on the contrary, he was eager to show that he has much potential to become the best elemental samurai of the elemental realms.

When he arrives at the main arena of the yami kingdom he sees that there are a lot of people who seemed easy to face, but he sees a person who was practicing light magic, that scared him, because he didn't know how to control any kind of magic yet, but still he was still eager to fight. Looking at the list of participants he sees that the boy who was using light magic was called Katuo Sakai.

The tournament began, and already in the first round Takashi eliminates the first participant with great ease, just with a dodge and a very strong blow to the enemy's sword, thus causing it to break.

The rounds go by and Takashi eliminates everyone, Matsuo's sword was really perfect, but as he advanced, Sakai also beat everyone who faced him.

It is then that the final, the last round begins.

Announcer: And in the final are Takashi Akira and Katuo Sakai !!!!!!

Announcer: FIGHT!!!!!!

Takashi starts to attack with all confidence, but it seems that even though he landed precise blows, Sakai dodged everything, the fight went like this for a long time, Takashi attacked and Sakai dodged until Sakai decided to attack, and wanted even win because he used a light magic attack.

sakai: Chuwa Hoshi!!!!!!

Takashi is hit by the attack, and is paralyzed by lines of light that are glued to his body.

Takashi: I can't believe I'm going to lose, I can't move!?

And now Takashi was definitely going to lose, Sakai prepares to give the last attack, which would end Takashi's chance to win. But Takashi is infuriated and with so much anger accumulated in him, Matsuo's sword in his hand begins to glow black, the glow was so strong and so dark that it overshadowed the lines of light that held Takashi and when Takashi freed himself, he pointed the sword at the Sakai's direction and said:

Takashi: I won't give up on my dream so easily!!!!!!

Takashi starts to attack again, but this time Sakai only dodged once, the second Takashi shouts:

Takashi: DAKUBISUTO!!!!!!

And from Takashi's hand comes an evil creature made only by darkness, it is obvious that sakai does not give up, because now it was a much more interesting fight, so Sakai launches a spear of light towards the creature, but the spear passes through the creature and does not does nothing, then the creature absorbs sakai's sword and before it devours itself, Takashi had mercy and told the creature to stop, the creature obeyed him as if he were its master, and like a shadow the creature is absorbed by the ground and merges with Takashi's shadow.

Announcer: Takashi Akira is the winner !!!!!!!

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