
Elemental Tear

"Elemental Tear" is a medieval fantasy novel about a world where humanity faces an unknown threat - monstrous creatures called "teras" that suddenly appear and start attacking humans. With only 20% of humanity remaining, four heroes with the powers of the elements of fire, water, air, and earth emerge to help build cities and walls to protect the remaining population. The story follows Alex, the heir to the power of the element of fire, as he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the mystery of the teras' appearance. Along the way, Alex learns to control his power and interacts with various characters, leading him to discover the secrets of the world he lives in.

DubiousTone · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Unveiling Secrets

With their collective determination solidified, the trio knew that they were embarking on a perilous journey. They understood the risks involved, the potential dangers lurking within the church's walls. But they also knew that the truth had to be unveiled, no matter the cost.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the city, Alex, Emily, and Jiten reconvened at the designated spot in the garden. They exchanged solemn glances, their hearts pounding with a potent mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The time had come to set their plan into motion.

Jiten, being well-versed in the layout of the city and having a knack for devising strategies, took the lead. He outlined their objectives, the potential routes they could take, and the potential security measures they might encounter. The trio listened intently, absorbing every detail, each acutely aware of the gravity of the situation.

With the plan laid out before them, they moved with calculated precision. They traversed the dimly lit streets, their footsteps muffled by the stillness of the night. Every alleyway, every corner held the potential for discovery or danger. Their senses heightened, their instincts sharp, they navigated through the city like shadows, staying vigilant, their resolve unyielding.

Finally, they arrived at the top of the building where Jiten lived. From there, they could see a large warehouse surrounded by fences with cloth covering the entrance. Six men were running in and out of the warehouse. "Guys, something isn't right," Alex looked at Jiten and asked, "What do you mean something isn't right?" Jiten explained, "Their behavior is strange. Normally, they just stand at the entrance, but now they're running in and out. Something big must be happening." Alex looked again and said, "So it's perfect. Let's get closer so we can hear what's going on." Jiten didn't move and said, "A wise man says, 'Only fools rush in.'" Alex was confused and asked, "What wise man, and aren't we here to investigate?!'" Emily interjected and said, "Calm down, Alex. We aren't losing anything by waiting a bit to see what happens." Alex was impatient and said, "We are! We are wasting time!" Just as Emily was ready to respond to Alex, Jiten said, "There's a pattern. The guards are going in to grab something and then they throw it and go inside again to grab again and throw it again." Alex and Emily looked again at the guards' movements and indeed noticed this pattern. "You are right, but what is it that they are throwing to the ground?" Jiten looked at them and said, "I don't know. We need to get closer." As he said that, the sound of construction work began, and Jiten became furious. "This fucking noise! I'm sick and tired of listening to this every fucking night!" Alex and Emily finally heard the noise that Jiten had been complaining about, and they understood why he was so furious. It was very loud and unpleasant to hear.

With their curiosity piqued and a sense of urgency growing within them, the trio cautiously moved closer to the warehouse. They remained hidden, using the cover of darkness to their advantage. Step by step, they closed the distance, and the sound of construction grew louder with each passing moment. The noise was accompanied by an intermittent flickering of lights, casting eerie shadows on their surroundings. Alex, Emily, and Jiten exchanged puzzled glances.

Finally, they found a vantage point on the fence near the warehouse where they could listen without being seen. Jiten took a flask from his bag and whispered to the two, "Give me some space." Alex and Emily gave Jiten some room as he started pouring the liquid from the flask onto the fence. The fence melted like ice on a sunny day, opening a hole. "Jiten, what was that?" Alex asked. Jiten responded, "It's an acid that I made. I thought it would be useful." Alex responded with a thumbs up to his friend. Now, with the hole in the fence, they could hear the guards' voices more clearly. They huddled together, trying to make sense of the unfolding events. However, the loud sounds of construction always obstructed their hearing.

A sudden cacophony of voices reached their ears, cutting through the noise of construction. Straining to decipher the words amidst the commotion, they could sense the agitation and urgency in the voices. Something unexpected had clearly transpired within the warehouse, causing a disruption in the guards' routine activities.

As their focus sharpened, a figure emerged from the shadows, his voice rising above the rest. Cloaked in darkness, his features remained obscured, adding to his aura of mystery. Yet, his commanding presence demanded the attention of those around him. His words carried authority, laced with frustration and desperation.

"I don't care how it happened! We need to contain the situation immediately!" The man's booming voice echoed through the night, leaving no doubt about the gravity of the circumstances.

Peering through the hole in the fence, the trio shared the same question racing through their minds: "Contain what?" It was Alex who voiced his thoughts first, his curiosity getting the better of him. Jiten, wearing a puzzled expression, followed Alex's gaze toward the source of the authoritative voice, trying to discern the figure giving orders. The situation inside the warehouse seemed to grow even more frenetic, and the clamor of construction escalated, assaulting their ears.

While observing through the fence, Emily's attention was drawn to one of the objects discarded by the guards. Taking a deep breath, she tapped into her elemental magic, summoning a small tornado the size of a fist. With precision, the swirling wind lifted the object off the ground, suspending it in mid-air. Emily then deftly controlled the tornado, bringing the object closer. When they finally caught sight of the item in Emily's hand, they were shocked. It was a mimic cube, emitting the incessant construction sound. Realizing the significance, Jiten turned to his friends with an expression of revelation. "I knew it was fake!"

Examining the cube closely, Emily noticed something peculiar—the runes inscribed on it appeared to be connected to the other cubes generating the construction sounds. Jiten, struck by an idea, hesitated before sharing it with his friends, aware that it might not be well received. Alex, sensing Jiten's hesitation, prodded him. "Why the hesitation? What's your idea?"

Taking another mimic cube from his bag, Jiten revealed it to his perplexed friends. Alex couldn't contain his surprise, blurting out, "I didn't know you had one! These things aren't cheap!" Jiten scratched his head sheepishly and admitted, "Well, it's not mine. I borrowed it." Alex's sudden realization struck him like lightning. He recalled something and exclaimed, "Jiten, what the fuck! Why would you steal Professor Turner's mimic cube?!" Emily, equally shocked, added, "Oh no, you robbed a teacher!" Seeing his friends getting worked up, Jiten tried to calm them down. "Calm down, guys. Leave Lucy to me. Now, do you want to hear me out?"

They both nodded in agreement, and Jiten continued, "You see, all those boxes are interconnected, generating the construction sound. If we can deactivate them, not only will we be able to hear what's happening inside, but we can also record the sound and analyze it later." After pondering Jiten's proposition, Emily chimed in, "I think it's a good idea, but how do we turn them off?" Jiten listened attentively and replied, "Well, we can either destroy them, but that might draw attention to us, or you can use your tornado to separate this one, causing the system to break." Emily contemplated his suggestion and responded, "I can't control it from a long distance..."

As they contemplated alternative approaches, Alex spoke up, "I can cast Levitate on it, and we can wait until the system breaks." Both Emily and Jiten looked at him, considering his offer, and said, "Okay, Alex, we know you can do it." With that, they handed the mimic box, still emitting construction noises, to Alex. Placing the box on the ground, Alex looked at Jiten, who held Lucy's recording device in hand, ready to capture the sound. Taking a moment to steady himself, Alex cast the Levitate spell, channeling his mana into the box. Slowly, it began to rise, but as it ascended higher, it became increasingly challenging for Alex to maintain control. Nevertheless, he persisted, and the box continued to climb until, suddenly, the construction noise ceased.

In the ensuing silence, the previously commanding voice bellowed, "Turn the boxes back on immediately!" However, before the boxes could be reactivated, an earth-shattering roar erupted from the warehouse. Hearing this, Alex was shaken to his core and hastily ended the spell. As the box, now suspended in the sky, started its descent, Jiten stopped the recording and exclaimed, "Guys, let's get out of here quickly! Once that box hits the ground, they'll know our location!" Emily nodded in agreement, and they sprinted away. However, when they glanced back, they noticed that Alex was still frozen in place. They quickly turned around and rushed to his side, grabbing him, just as the box crashed to the ground, creating a thunderous noise.

With Alex now safely with them, Jiten suggested, "Let's hide here," gesturing towards an alleyway filled with trash cans. They huddled in the concealed spot, gasping for breath. Before they could fully recover, a tall, enigmatic man appeared, seemingly searching for something. Jiten's expression mirrored Alex's shock upon seeing the man. Emily, observing Jiten's reaction, patiently waited for the man to depart. Once he was out of sight, Jiten assisted Emily in helping Alex to his feet. Concerned, Emily asked, "Alex, are you okay?" Alex, calming himself down, replied, "Sorry, guys. I'm okay." Jiten looked at his friend and patted him on the back, saying, "It's alright, fire boy. What matters is that we're safe." Alex nodded appreciatively and inquired, "So, did you get it?" Jiten assumed a serious expression and responded, "Yes, but not only that, I know who is behind all of this."