
The Favorite

Two days had flown by, and now the much-anticipated day had finally arrived. It was the first day of the annual tournament, and the city was buzzing with excitement. Everywhere they looked, Jiten, Alex, and Emily could feel the vibrant atmosphere enveloping them.

As they strolled through the lively streets, they were immersed in a sea of bustling activity. People from all corners of the continent had gathered for the tournament, creating a diverse and energetic crowd. Street artists adorned every corner, their colorful creations adding a touch of magic to the scene. The air was filled with the enchanting melodies of musicians, creating a symphony of sounds that resonated through the streets.

The anticipation in the air was electric, and it was contagious. Conversations filled with excitement and laughter filled the streets as people eagerly shared their predictions and discussed the upcoming matches. Banners and decorations proudly displayed the emblems of the participating schools and cities, adding to the festive atmosphere.

As they approached the Arena of Lotardale, its grandeur became even more apparent. The towering structure stood as a majestic centerpiece, exuding a sense of history and tradition. Its imposing walls seemed to hold the stories of countless battles and triumphant moments.

"The atmosphere is incredible!" Jiten exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder.

Alex nodded enthusiastically, a broad grin spreading across his face. "It's even better than I imagined. All the months of training and preparation have led to this moment. I can't wait to step into that arena."

Emily's eyes shone with excitement as she absorbed the sights and sounds surrounding them. "I have a feeling this tournament is going to be absolutely extraordinary."

As they continued, Alex approached one of the staff members and politely said, "Excuse me, sir. I'm a participant in the apprentice rank tournament. Could you please guide me to where I can find information about my opponent and the scheduled time of my match?" The man, dressed in a church uniform, looked at Alex and replied, "All that information is available at the bounty hall. You'll find everything you need there." Alex thanked the man for his assistance, and together with Jiten and Emily, he headed towards the bounty hall.

Following the directions provided, they made their way through the bustling streets. Soon, they caught sight of an enormous building that seemed to rise up from the ground like a temple. Carved prominently at the entrance were the words "Bounty Hall." While Alex and Emily marveled at the grandeur of the building, Jiten, being from Lotardale, was already familiar with its magnificence. Nevertheless, the sight of it never failed to impress.

As they stepped inside, their eyes widened in awe, captivated by the enchanting atmosphere that permeated the bounty hall. It was a place steeped in tales of adventure, heroism, and the relentless pursuit of justice. The air hummed with excitement, mingling with the scent of aged parchment and ink, creating a unique ambiance that stirred the soul.

The bounty hall was a labyrinth of intrigue, its walls adorned with a tapestry of countless bounty posters. Each poster told a story, a vivid snapshot of a criminal's face captured in ink, accompanied by intricate details of their misdeeds. The vibrant hues of the wanted criminals' images seemed to leap off the walls, creating an almost lifelike presence that sent shivers down one's spine.

The posters, carefully arranged in meticulous order, formed a mosaic of adventure and danger. They stretched from floor to ceiling, a testament to the ongoing pursuit of justice and the unyielding determination to uphold the law. The hall pulsed with the energy of those who had come before, leaving their mark on the world by hunting down the wicked and bringing them to justice.

On the right side of the hall, a few boards displayed the matches for the tournament. Alex, Jiten, and Emily joined the crowd, their eyes scanning the boards in search of Alex's name and his opponent. The buzz of anticipation filled the air as participants from various schools and backgrounds engaged in discussions, exchanged tips and strategies, and mentally prepared themselves for the battles ahead.

After some searching, Alex found his name. His match was scheduled for the evening, and his opponent was a second-year from the Institute of Azurdale. The realization filled him with a mix of excitement and determination. He knew it would be a challenging fight, but he was prepared to give it his all.

Leaving the bounty hall, they eagerly made their way back to the arena. As they approached, they noticed a crowd gathering around the entrance, drawn by the anticipation of the matches. A large screen had been set up outside, displaying the ongoing fights for those who couldn't enter the arena.

Excited by the idea, Jiten suggested, "Why don't we find a spot here and watch the fights until it's Alex's turn? That way, we can get a sense of the competition."

Alex and Emily agreed, and they found a comfortable spot among the spectators. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of tension, excitement, and raw energy.

As they watched, they couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline. Each fight was a spectacle of strategy, strength, and determination. The crowd erupted with cheers and applause as remarkable moves were executed and unexpected comebacks occurred.

They cheered and discussed the matches, appreciating the display of talent and resilience. It was inspiring to witness the participants pushing their limits and leaving everything on the arena floor.

As they cheered for the previous victor, the announcer called out the next match, "For the next fight in the Apprentice Rank tournament, it's Josef Zelop from Arindale Institute against Max Grace from EIL." Max and Josef stepped onto the arena stage, and the crowd erupted with excitement. Max, known as the young prodigy of the church and heir to the earth elemental abilities, exuded confidence and determination, driving the crowd wild. People were betting everything on Max, showing their unwavering belief in his abilities.

Alex leaned toward Jiten and whispered, "Max is incredibly talented. I've seen him train, and his skills are leagues above what's normal."

Jiten nodded, his eyes fixed on the stage. "Yeah, Max is said to be the favorite to win this year. Listen to them going wild for him." After a brief pause, Jiten grinned mischievously and added, "But don't worry, Alex. Even with that face, I would still bet on you, Fire Boy!"

Alex's eyes widened in disbelief. "What do you mean, 'that face'?!" he exclaimed, feigning offense. "I'll have you know, this face has character! It's the face of a warrior!"

Jiten burst into laughter, unable to contain himself. "Alright, alright, Fire Boy. Show us what you've got! We are rooting for you."

They shared a lighthearted moment, filled with laughter and banter, as they awaited the beginning of the fight. The anticipation in the air mixed with their playful camaraderie, adding to the excitement of the tournament.

The crowd eagerly awaited the clash between Max and Josef. As the two fighters stood face-to-face, the arena fell into silence. The rules were announced: a pure sword fight with no magic allowed. The crowd roared with anticipation, sensing the intensity of the upcoming battle.

At the signal to begin, Max and Josef engaged in a fierce duel. Max's movements were a mesmerizing display of grace and precision, unparalleled in swordsmanship. He effortlessly parried and dodged Josef's attacks, countering with swift and calculated strikes.

Despite Josef's experience, he struggled to keep up with Max's exceptional speed and skill. Max's blade seemed to dance through the air, finding its mark with unwavering accuracy. The crowd erupted in cheers and gasps as Max executed breathtaking maneuvers, showcasing his mastery of the sword.

Each strike from Max elicited thunderous applause and fervent support from the spectators. They marveled at his agility, flawless technique, and the sheer brilliance with which he outmaneuvered his opponent. The crowd recognized his immense talent and became captivated by Max's charisma.

As the fight progressed, it became increasingly apparent that Max was on a whole other level. With every clash of their blades, Max's superior skills shone through. His swift reflexes and strategic prowess left Josef scrambling to defend himself. The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and chants, their admiration for Max reaching its peak.

The battle reached its climax as Max unleashed a series of devastating sword strikes, driving Josef back. The arena trembled with the force of Max's blows, and the crowd erupted in a deafening roar. They chanted Max's name with unwavering fervor, their voices echoing throughout the arena.

In the end, Max emerged as the indisputable victor, showcasing his mastery and skill. The crowd exploded with adulation, their cheers echoing through the arena for minutes on end. People cheered, jumped, and celebrated, recognizing Max's exceptional talent and applauding his victory.

The atmosphere was electric as the crowd reveled in Max's awe-inspiring performance. He had captured their hearts and ignited their passion, leaving a lasting impression in their memories.

Stepping off the arena stage, Max was greeted with a standing ovation and an outpouring of admiration. The crowd's unwavering support solidified his position as a true fan-favorite. Max, humbled by the overwhelming response, acknowledged the crowd with a grateful smile.

Jiten turned to Alex, a slight concern on his face, and asked, "Do you think you can beat him?"

Alex, with a determined smile despite his bruised face, replied confidently, "There's only one way to find out. But first, I need to focus on my upcoming fight, so I can advance to the next phase."

Emily, observing their exchange, joined in. "You've got this, Alex! We believe in you."

With newfound determination in his heart and the unwavering support of his friends, Alex took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges that awaited him in the arena. His desire to make Oswin, Olana, and his friends proud burned brightly within him, fueling his every move. He understood that the outcome of the upcoming battles held great significance, but he also knew that even in defeat, he would be received with respect and admiration by those he love.

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