

After a heated debate, the people from the zenith faction finally agreed to get the star-like key.

They selected a few people to go because sending one person would just result in the loss of the person's like, those that were sent soon got the key but lost a few lives on the way due to the rank four beast but there was nothing they could say as all the other factions stood against them.

Carrying the key, they reached the colossal door that loomed over them. It was made of solid metal and covered with intricate patterns and symbols.

Just as Logan had said, the key was split into five pieces that fit into corresponding slots on the door. They tried different combinations of the pieces until they heard a satisfying click.

Then, the door began to rumble and shake, as if awakening from a long slumber. A gust of cold and stale wind blew against their faces, carrying the dust and smell of the ancient past.

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