
Girl, you've caused trouble

Seeing Herny working so diligently for him, Victor couldn't help but walk over.

Herny, noticing a figure approaching her, raised her head cautiously.

"Professor Victor?"

Recognizing the newcomer, she flusteredly stood up and greeted him, adjusting her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.

Victor, breaking away from his usual poker face, offered her a word of comfort:

"Aren't you tired?"

He knew that Herny's job was arranged by the school, but her level of knowledge was clearly enough to qualify her as a new teacher at the Royal Academy of Magic.

Putting someone with such talent as his assistant, not to mention the potential social backlash, left him with a guilty conscience.

"No, I'm not tired!"

Herny shook her head resolutely, her attitude unwavering.

"It's my honor to prepare lessons for you, Professor!"

Such an endearingly silly girl.

The old Victor would have squeezed every ounce of potential out of this little lamb, leaving nothing but scraps.

He would have extracted every bit of value before discarding her.

To put it bluntly, that was the kind of person Victor was.

He would hold onto anything that benefited him tightly.

Truth be told, with Vega by his side, he didn't need an assistant to prepare his lesson content.

With no outsiders around, Victor decided to spare this silly little lamb.

He carefully considered his tone, trying to sound as indifferent as Victor would, and said softly, "You don't have to write me a speech anymore."

Herny was taken aback by his words, her body swaying unsteadily, unable to even stand properly.

She thought she had made a serious mistake somewhere, so serious that Mr. Victor wanted to fire her.

"Professor, I can spend more time perfecting your speech..."

Tears welled up in her eyes involuntarily, Herny's voice trembling as she begged Victor not to abandon her.

"Please don't abandon me, I can definitely do a good job as an assistant!"

Victor frowned slightly, not expecting Herny to react in such a way. He just wanted her to get some rest and then go on to develop her own talents independently at the Magic Academy.

But her mind was filled with the hope of Victor giving her a chance to improve and wanting to continue working as his assistant at the Academy.

It was as if... she was about to lose her job.

Vega fluttered his wings and explained softly in his ear, "What do you think it is?"

"This child is just a magic apprentice, she hasn't even reached the threshold of a mage."

Only then did Victor come to his senses, looking at Herny before him, feeling sorry for her talent.

If placed in the game, a magic apprentice would be between levels 1-9.

To put it bluntly, they were newbies.

The Royal Academy of Magic never kept idle people. To become a teacher here, the most basic requirement was to be a mage.

Then, the Academy would consider the teaching ability of this mage.

No matter how outstanding Herny's knowledge was - even enough to prepare lessons for the most talented class in the Academy.

As long as she wasn't a mage, she wasn't qualified to be a teacher.

From Herny's perspective, Victor understood how hurtful his words had been just now.

Herny was just an assistant.

If even he didn't need her, then there would only be two outcomes left for Herny.

Wait for the next professor's assistant position to become available.

Leave the Royal Academy of Magic and become unemployed.

If she lost her job, no one would blame the Academy. They would only think it was her own shortcomings that led to her dismissal.

She was well-educated and had dedicated her life to learning, yet she couldn't even find a job in the end.

But Victor wouldn't comfort her, because he was a notorious, petty villain.

So he simply tossed out a sentence: "Alright, I take back my words, Herny. You're doing a great job, and you haven't made any mistakes."

"I'll keep using you until you break down completely."

"So before that, don't wear yourself out."

Herny was overjoyed and nodded excitedly.

"Professor! I won't let you down!"

Victor was curious, why would the highly capable Herny be willing to be an assistant?

He asked her this question as well.

Not expecting Victor to ask about her own experiences, Herny was a bit surprised, a hint of sadness flashing in her eyes, but she still answered calmly:

"I graduated from the Royal Academy of Magic, but I didn'd become a Tier 1 mage until graduation, so I stayed at the Academy as a volunteer assistant."

The rest of the story was clear.

The other professors naturally had their favorite assistants by their side, and she, despite her abilities, lacked talent, so she was naturally not favored by others.

It wasn'1t until the Academy hired a new professor, Victor, that she had the opportunity to work under this notorious genius mage.

After hearing her explanation, Victor nodded and patted her on the shoulder:

"Keep up the good work, since the Academy allowed you to stay here, they won't mistreat you."

"I'm new here, would you mind showing me around the Academy?"

Herny agreed flusteredly upon hearing his request and quickly tidied up the things on the table.

"I haven't had much time to explore since I just arrived at the school, so I'll take this opportunity to have a good look."

Victor said this on the surface, but he knew very well in his heart.

In the game, he had no idea how many times he had come here, he knew even the secret garden behind the headmaster's office.

He only said this to prevent her from writing too much.

Especially writing lessons for him in front of him, which would make him feel guilty.

It was clearly his job, yet he needed someone else to do it all for him.

Of course, besides the guilt, he also enjoyed it immensely.

Who doesn't like to slack off?

Herny led him around the entire Academy, tirelessly introducing him to the various buildings.

Gardens, lawns, training grounds.

Victor nodded to everything, although this was already a place as familiar to him as his own backyard.

When they reached the Arcane Tower, he stopped in his tracks.

This was where players would go for PvP duels, and players could also practice their magic proficiency here.

But at this moment, there was a noisy commotion coming from inside, like students arguing.

Victor frowned, suddenly understanding the school principal who liked to search one noisy class after another in the hallways during his school days.

Bratty kids need to be disciplined, and bratty students need to be disciplined even more.

With that, he pushed the door open and walked in.


Erica was in a terrible mood.

Seeking to teach Victor a lesson, she ended up being schooled herself, not to mention losing her most cherished hairpin.

That was a gift from her mother, and she had personally sent it into the crevices of the teleportation array.

In an attempt to retrieve the hairpin, Erica came to the Arcane Tower to practice teleportation magic, trying to decipher what Victor had done to her teleportation array.

Evidently, she couldn't.

After one failed array activation after another, she ran her fingers through her golden hair in frustration.

"Oh, come on! Not again!"

Erica's growing impatience led her to make a grave mistake.

During her practice, she didn't cancel her teleportation spell, and the portal's location, due to her negligence, landed right in the middle of the Arcane Tower.

A student clad in the school uniform just stepped into her array.

The array activated automatically, a peculiar red light illuminating the area...


After a flash of intense red light, the student vanished into thin air!

Erica witnessed the student disappear before her eyes.

"Jack? Jack!?"

"Damn it, he's been teleported away!"

The faces of the few teenagers accompanying her turned pale.

Erica's eyes darted around in panic. She had made a huge mistake!

"Oh no! He's been transported to another dimension!?"

Anxiously, she manipulated her magic, trying to locate the unfortunate soul.

But no matter how she tried to communicate, the teleportation array gave no response whatsoever!

The unlucky student, just like her missing hairpin, was nowhere to be found.

The scene at this moment bore an uncanny resemblance to the one in the lecture hall.

At this point, everyone noticed Erica's frantic movements and the ceaseless flow of magic from her hands.

The central teleportation array resonated with her magical signature.

And just today, news broke that Erica had mastered teleportation magic.

In that instant, the students in the Arcane Tower erupted in anger!

"Erica du Clois!"

"You did it! You teleported Jack away!"

"You did it on purpose!"

The student body within the academy was divided into two factions: the nobles and the commoners.

The nobles and the commoners had always been at odds. In their eyes, these students who entered the academy through exams were nothing more than dogs destined to work under their families.

Clashes between the commoners and the nobles were inevitable. Fortunately, this was the Royal Academy of Magic, where strength was the ultimate arbiter.

So, while there was tension between the two sides, it rarely reached a boiling point.

However, now, in the eyes of these commoners, Erica du Clois, the top prodigy of the noble faction and the young lady from the duke's house, had undoubtedly used her actions to publicly humiliate them.

Noble families typically avoided the Arcane Tower. After a day of studying at the academy, they would usually return home to be tutored by their private mage tutors.

Only the commoner students who relied on their average academic performance to gain admission to the academy would relentlessly practice at the Arcane Tower.

Unable to surpass others through their family background, they could only seek to excel on the path of magic.

But no one could have predicted that, just by sheer coincidence, Erica, in her foul mood, decided to try and retrieve her hairpin.

And thus, this grave error unfolded.

At this point, no one cared about the truth of the matter. The commoner students simply wanted an outlet, to unleash all the grievances they had endured.

"Erica, you need to apologize for your actions!"

"Apologize! And bring Jack back!"

Erica stood alone, unable to defend herself against the accusations, her head lowered in silence.

She could only continue attempting to teleport the lost student back.

But amidst the chorus of condemnation from the students, her mind grew even more muddled, unable to even calm down.

She could only retort angrily, "I can't do it!"

"It was my magical mishap, and I have no idea how to bring him back!"

This only further enraged the commoner students.

"You've caused our friend to vanish, yet you can't even offer an apology?"

"The nobles are a menace, their true fangs have finally been bared!"

"The lives of your kind are worth something, but what about ours? What do you take us for?!"

Erica bit her lip, remaining silent.

Her fists clenched slightly, a sense of indignation rising within her.

"Victor! What's so special about you compared to me? What you can do easily, I can do too!"

She knew she shouldn't resent others, but it was only when she saw Victor that she realized her shortcomings.

Victor was superior to her in every way, from his knowledge to his magical talent.

It was a talent that was praised by the nobles and even her own family.

Once the seed of jealousy was sown in her heart, it was difficult to uproot.

"Are you all very free?"

Abruptly, a cold voice echoed from the doorway. The fading sunlight streamed in, casting a crimson glow on Erica's exquisite face.

Victor leaned against the doorframe, a strange raven perched on his shoulder.

He kept his hands in his trench coat pockets, his eyes indifferent and aloof.

"If you want to write a self-reflection, then continue arguing in front of me."