
Elegance Guided by Fate!

Fate always works in mysterious ways, it's something far out of anyone's control. You could try to fight it but it will always be futile. Sometimes it's a curse but what Katarina and Daisy soon learn.. It's a blessing in disguise.

Miss_Daisy_Leo · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Three months later..

Christmas time was right around the corner with just three weeks left, being in Hollywood never made it seem like Winter was here. It was always in the low seventies, people were parading around in tank tops and shorts. Katarina was not one of those people, she always wore jeans unless the role calls for a different attire. She had decided to go fetch herself something to eat instead of cooking at home. The actress could only take so much of her roommate before it takes a toll on her sanity. It had been a busy past couple of months of the German woman. She had secured her past role in a play and had several performances in that role. The blue eyed woman would get another chance to audition for another play just a month later, she had secured a lead role there. Not exactly being on the big screen, but Kat knew that her time was going to come someday. She couldn't expect it to be handed to her, that's not her cup of tea. Her eyes scanned the sign on the front of the building that read 'The Griddle Cafe', it would do for lunch. It had mainly Mexican cuisine and that was sounding good to the German woman. She walked in and it seems barely busy but thankfully she didn't have anywhere that she needed to be today. Walking in, she was scanning the area for a place to sit. The actress decided on getting a table over by the windows until a voice cut her off. "Katarina, is that you?"

Katarina froze in her tracks as her heart was starting to beat relatively faster than normal. The voice was so familiar to her. 'It couldn't be.' Throughout her entire life, there was only one person that made her feel the butterflies that she was feeling right now. Her suspicions were correct as she turned to be face to face with the dancer from the club several months prior. A woman that previously Katarina never wanted to see again, part of that was still true. She wasn't sure if she wanted to continue to feel these things for the woman she hardly knows. But at the same time, there has to be a reason that they keep encountering each other like this. Perhaps it was a sign, or nothing but pure luck. "Daisy? Hello love.. It's been quite some time."

"Y-Yeah. It has." Nicole flashed a small smile at the German woman while resting her hand against her hip. Daisy hated how nervous she felt right now, it's only with Katarina too but this time needed to be different. 'Stop sounding like a moron.' Daisy scolded herself, she was quick to act. The brunette complimented, "You look great, I like what you did with your hair."

"T-Thank you, love." Katarina stuttered slightly as a slight pink blush appeared across her cheeks. 'She noticed.' It had tickled the actress to pieces that the dancer had realized such a small change about her appearance. She had decided to dye it back to black which she hadn't done since college. Although her natural color is a dark brown, the difference was there.

'Speak you idiot..' The brunette started scolding herself again after several seconds of silence. She didn't want Kat to walk away like before, she found comfort in her company even if it's for a short while. She liked the indescribable feeling inside her right now. "Would you like to sit with me?" She gestured over toward a corner table which was perfect and away from the main crowd of customers. "I hadn't ordered my food yet.. Um..maybe we can actually get to know each other."

"I would really enjoy that, love." Katarina was shocked that she immediately responded to the brunette's generous offer. It made her happy because there was that small part of her that was going to decline and find somewhere else to eat. She shouldn't be torturing herself like this. Why allow herself to continue to feel this things that she has yet to understand? The actress would only feel pain that wouldn't leave for some time after today. Katarina needed to figure this all out. Daisy, on the other hand, grinned like a excited school girl as the pair walked over toward the table. The dancer was surprised that Katarina agreed to have lunch with her, they were still technically strangers. Both women set their bags on the far side of the table and waited for the waitress to arrive to get their drinks. That took a couple minutes of not really talking and a lot of awkward eye contact. Once the waitress got their orders, the German woman managed to clear the imaginary lump in her throat and spoke. "What have you been doing since we last saw each other?"

"Working at the club, that's about all I do besides sleep. What about you?" Nicole wanted to slap herself for giving such bland response but she wasn't going to lie. Whenever she isn't working, she's probably asleep with the fucked up sleep schedule she has. Daisy's day normally starts at about two in the afternoon and ends at about seven in the morning whenever she gets home. Sometimes on rare occasions, the dancer would be able to get an evening nap and go in later at night. PJ never had her there for more than nine hours a shift.

"Well I had done several more performances for that play that you and your friend had seen. After that, I managed to secure a lead role in another play and I recently finished there." Kat had thought back to that night of her first performance where her run-in with Daisy happened. There was that blonde there with her, calling out her name and handing onto her hand. She felt a pinch a jealousy slip through, her curiosity about that blonde woman had grown But the German woman didn't want to assume the worst and think that the brunette might already have a significant other. 'Maybe she's just a friend or a relative.. Surely she would mention a girlfriend but then again, we just started talking. What if she isn't even attracted to women?'

"I'd believe it. You have the beauty and the talent." Daisy cooed with a smirk across her face. For the first time since talking to the beautiful actress in front of her, she was starting to sound more like herself.

'Okay, that was definitely a flirtatious remark.' That statement enough was to put Kat's heart at ease for the time being. There was a chance at something after all, the actress didn't need to over react. "Flattery gets your everywhere, love." Katarina managed to speak in her own flirtatious tone which got Daisy to arch a brow in surprise. She hadn't expected to get a response back but it made her heart beat faster. Her pet name for the brunette always made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Was that specifically for her or was it a European thing? There was several more minutes of small talk before their food had arrived. Kat's nervousness was slowly starting to fade away as was Daisy's. There was less awkward silences and glances between each other, or small things like playing with their hands. They were getting accustomed to each other's company. "Out of curiosity, what made you get into dancing at that club? Not trying to offend you or anything."

"None taken, when I was eighteen I was in desperate need of a job and the offer was put on the table for me. The owner's name is PJ, I am good friends with him and his boyfriend. He gave me the job, couldn't go to college like I wanted. It's just life, it gets me good money most nights."

The German woman nodded in understanding before taking a bite of the food in front of her. She understood the hardships of living in an area since as Hollywood, and the brunette had to do just that to survive. Kat used the knife to cut off another piece of her grilled chicken before asking, "What were you going to do if you did go to college?"

"You know, it's been a few years." The way that Daisy said that sentence made her seem a lot older than she actually was. The brunette was only twenty four years old and had been at that club since she was eighteen. It wasn't her ideal job to be twirling on some pole for money but it made the money to make due. That was all that mattered to her. ���I can't remember what I wanted to do. College can wait until after Natasha graduates."


"My little sister, she's eleven. I had to get a job to take care of her." Natasha was Daisy's pride and joy, the only sibling that the dancer had. They had been alone together for what seemed like an eternity together but she treasured every moment they spent together. Working nights had it benefits, Nicole was home in time to wake her sister up and get her to school. The alarm would go off, Daisy would go pick her up and fix dinner. Even though the dancer wasn't the best at school, she always made the effort to help her sister with her homework.

"I'd say she's very lucky to have someone like you as her big sister." In the brief time she had spoken to the stunning dancer, Katarina had gather what kind of person Daisy was. Not only was she beautiful but seemed to have a compassionate heart and a gentle soul.

A vibrating noise cut off their small talk as Daisy looked down at her phone to see that it was a text message. She knew instantly what that meant. "Speaking of Natasha.. That's her now. I have to go pick her up for school in a few." Katarina once again nodded her head in understanding, she wanted to frown but it was something that couldn't be helped. The actress wanted to be selfish and see if maybe the brunette could stay a little longer. But her sister is a priority, Kat would never come between them. The best course of action was to not let this food go to waste, it wasn't the cheapest place in Hollywood, nothing around here was. The longer that they talked, the more their connection grew and Kat never felt like this about anyone before. It was only Daisy. The brunette hadn't felt such a strong attraction to someone in some time and Nicole knew that Kat was something special. "You know, with as big as Hollywood is, we always seem to run into each other. As corny as it is sounds, it seems that fate is working some magic here."

"It's not corny at all, love. I was thinking the exact same thing." Their thoughts were going down the same path right now. Fate kept bringing them together and Katarina finally realized why. These two were meant to be acquainted somehow or someway, whether it be a romantic way or just friends. Romance was always a foreign concept to the actress, but with Daisy, she had slightly explored that option before. Of course, Kat would always scold herself and dismiss said thoughts, they were foolish. Or perhaps, she had been the foolish one all along for not believing in such things.

Both women had been done with their food for a few minutes but they shared the same feelings about not wanting to leave the table. Unfortunately for Daisy, that was exactly what she had to do. She couldn't leave her little sister at her school while she socialized with the beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. Nicole almost debated on calling Trish or Amy to go in her place. That was wrong. The waitress brought the check and set it down on the table before leaving once again. "I got it." The words left both their mouths almost instantly as the women had reached out to grab the bill. They blinked at each other while their hands brushed against each other lightly.

"Don't worry love, I got it." Katarina had taken the initiative and slid the bill underneath the brunette's hand.

Daisy really wanted to protest the nice act but however that was the opening that she had been looking for. She will let it slide, just this once. "Fine, I won't argue but next time, it's on me."

The actress blushed slightly as she repeated a couple of the words that were previously said. "Next time..?"

The dancer had stood up from the table, grabbing her purse and the box of leftover food. She hated that her time with the actress was going to end. "Kat, can we do this again sometime? I would really like to see you again." Katarina looked up at Daisy and noticed the redness of her cheeks, she was blushing. It was a question that had Kat's heart racing but at the same time, it was one that she was longing to hear. "I mean, maybe when you aren't busy.." The German joined Daisy and stood up from the table as well.

'Was.. was she just asking me out? Like.. a date?' A smile formed across the German woman's lips as she didn't have to think about that answer. It was directly in front of her. Daisy had appeared in front of her two other times and both times, Katarina had left her behind. Those thoughts at first terrified her, the thought of developing romantic feelings.. was a first for the actress. However now, it was something that Kat was going to embrace. No longer was she going to deny that and put herself through such loneliness again. Without really thinking, Katarina leaned over and planted a small kiss on the brunette's cheek. "Now that would be idiotic of me to deny such a request, I would love too and this time, it won't be by pure coincidences."