
Eleceed: Fire and lightning

Fidelis is a young boy who happens to have some powers. His mother is his only family and his life has been boring. But what will happen when he realises that he is not the only one with abilities. This is a Elecced Fanfic and will contain characters from it

Sub_Sonic · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Hi my name is Fidelis, My name means Faithful in Latin. My mother is a historian and my father is unfortunately not with us anymore.

I am part british from my mother's and I'm part Pakistani from my father's side. You might wonder why would I stay in a third class country instead of Britain with my mother.

Well thats because I have a secret. Ever since I've been you I have been able to do weird things. One time when I was young and in Britain. Some kids started to bully me I tried to run away but they were older than me hence faster.

They caught with me easily and grabbed me. I closed my bracing to be hit but suddenly I found myself on top of the roof.

Thankfully everyone taught it was just kids being imaginative. I told my mom what happend. Her face went gloomy and after that day we would never be in Britain again.

The next thing I knew we where in Germeny. Life was hard in germeny as I had to live in a different environment. My social life was dead as I had no idea how to speak Germen.

A few years passed as I had learned germen and I was finally able to socialise with my classmates. That is until 'The Incident' happend.

I may or may not have dicovered a diffrent space I couls create and do things in, and I may or may not have sucked up our entire house.

It's Safe to say we have never seen Germeny since than. That was when I was 13 now I am 16 and in Pakistan. Thankfully I have not done anything weird since than.

I have used my powers a couple of times as I sneaked things into theaters and school. I learned things about my ability. The time in my own dimension goes much faster than in that of the normal world 1 day Irl is 1 week in there. I can change my dimension into anything I wish for but I get extremely tired in there. I can also only teleport 4-5 times a day if I do anymore I pass out. I am also only able to teleport to an area I can see. If I don't see it, I can't do it.

Life in Pakistan had been boring I didn't go to school but studied online. My mom has been out of the country to do some work related thing.


Fidelis is going to the store to buy some groceries. He is in the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad. So it's like most cities.

While walking on the sidewalk he hears a scream infront of him. He looks at the direction to see a car heading towards a little girl.

Without hesitation his body runs towords the direction. But his speed is to slow as the truck is about to hit the girl. With no other option Fidelis teleports to the girl and than to the other sidewalk. Seeing this many people start to mummer between themselves.

An old man approcher Fidelis.

"Thank you young for saving my granddaughter. If not for you I don't know what would've happend."

"Ah it's no problem sir I was doing what any one would."

"That is not true there were many people that could've helped her but none of them moved. You should praise yourself more child."

"Well thank you sir but I have to go now." With that Fidelis started to run towords his home at full speed.

Within a couple of minutes he reaches his home and goes inside.

Somewhere Else.

"It seems that Leo has escaped our surroundings sir." An elderly man turns around with a furious look.

"YOU HAD ONE JOB, ONE JOB ONLY AND YOU FAIL IT MISRABELY." The anger in the elders voice was evident as he screamed at his worker.

"I'm sorry sir but we are trying to find him. We think he has escaped to Asia somewhere in China." The poor worker tries to calm his boss down with some good news, but it failed misrabely.

"CHINA, CHINA HOW THE HELL DID HE GO TO CHINA HE WAS IN FLORIDA LAST WEEK DAMMIT." The worker gulps as he looks at his boss, who is glaring daggers at himm

"We're sorry sir we will make sure to find him by the end of the year." The worker avoids his boss's glare.

"BY THE END OF THIS YEAR? IT SHOULD BE BY THE END IF THE MONTH. I'M WARNING YOU JEREMY IF HE IS NOT FOUND IT WON'T BE JUST HIM THAT'S DEAD." A tremendous amount of pressure came out the elders body as his worker avoided his look and nodded. He knew that whay his boss was saying was no joke.

Back wth Fidelis.

Fidelis enters his hose and takes sharp breathes as he almost died to the car.

He sits on his bed trying to contemplate what just happend as he takes deep breathes.

Out of nowhere he hears the bells to his house.

He stands up goes to the door. When he opens he gets quite surprised.

"What haven't seen a kid before." A red heded hansome looking boy spoke in english.

"No I have, Ummm what do want?" Fidelis spoke with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Look kid I show your little ahow outside and as much as I hate to say it I kind of need help."

Fidelis Pov.

Did This kid just call me a kid.