
Chapter 2: The First Encounter**

**Chapter 2: The First Encounter**

As Khalid took in his surroundings, he noticed a group of armed men approaching. They were clad in armor and carried swords that glowed with an ethereal light. The leader, a tall man with a scar running down his face, eyed Khalid suspiciously.

"Who are you, and how did you come to be here?" the leader demanded.

Khalid, still disoriented from his journey, stammered, "My name is Khalid. I come from a place called Morocco. I found a door in a cave, and when I went through it, I ended up here."

The men exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by Khalid's story. The leader introduced himself as Aric, a knight of the Kingdom of Eldoria.

"You are in Eldoria now, Khalid. It is a land of great magic and peril. We could use someone of your courage and curiosity in our fight against the dark forces that threaten our kingdom. Will you join us?" Aric asked.

Khalid, eager for adventure and to learn more about this strange new world, agreed. He was given a sword and some basic armor, and the group set off towards the capital city of Eldoria.