
Elders Ring

Just like me and you, Dexter is a normal student who attends school just like us. It's unusual to find out you adopted but to find out that you are a reincarnate not just any but.... Sorry, I can't spoil the whole story just have to read now don't we HAHAHAHA....

Simpymous · Fantasy
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In the beginning, long before the whispers of history were ever uttered, there existed the Elders, beings of such ancient wisdom and power that even the oldest of stars seemed but newborns in their presence. Among their most wondrous creations was the Elders Ring, an artifact brimming with an unfathomable, almost mystical, might. But the Elders' ingenuity did not stop there. From their boundless creativity sprang forth two entities: Ba, the Keeper of Light, and Ka, the Keeper of Darkness.

Ba and Ka were like two sides of the same ancient coin, birthed from the same essence yet as different as day and night. Ba shone with a brilliance that could light up the darkest corners of existence, while Ka commanded the shadows, weaving mysteries and obscurities in his wake. Despite their inherent differences, they shared an insatiable curiosity and a burning ambition.

It was on one fateful day that Ba and Ka, driven by their unquenchable thirst for power and knowledge, conspired together and stole the Elders Ring. With this artifact in their grasp, their power knew no bounds. They could now shape the very fabric of the cosmos itself. In the boundless void, their voices resonated, a duet that echoed through the nothingness.

"Shu," intoned Ba, summoning the Heavens.

"Nut," replied Ka, bringing forth the Earth.

Their words, infused with the raw power of the Elders Ring, wove the very foundations of the world. Shu, the Heavens, stretched out above, a magnificent canvas of endless sky, glittering stars, and celestial wonders. Nut, the Earth, took form below, a vast realm of majestic mountains, serene valleys, boundless seas, and lush, fertile plains.

Thus, from the union of light and darkness, the world was born, a delicate balance of opposing forces, a living testament to the combined might and vision of Ba and Ka. With the creation of Shu and Nut, the grand stage was set for the unfolding of existence, life, and the eternal dance between light and dark, heaven and earth.

Chapter: 1

In the epic saga of the War of the Rings, in a time when this continent was shrouded in its darkest hours, Ba found himself imprisoned for daring to seize the Elders' Rings alongside his other self, Ka. With Ba's absence, the world was plunged into a deep darkness, so profound that the Moon itself seemed to cover the Sun for days on end, an event that came to be known as the Black Sun.

"Did Ka assist his other self, Mr. Probus?" inquired a student from the back of the classroom.

Mr. Probus paused the documentary, his patience wearing thin. "Thank you for your question, Dexter," he replied, slightly perturbed. "And no, Ka did not manage to rescue Ba in time. Does that clarify things for you?"

"Yes," Dexter responded, his thoughts drifting. "I don't know why I bother asking questions if he's just going to be angry about it. What kind of teacher is he?" he pondered to himself.

"Alright, class, it's almost lunchtime. Please don't rush the door like a bunch of children. Remember, you're all in Middle school now. In two years, you'll be in high school," Mr. Probus announced, returning to his seat, where he would remain for the rest of the period, offering no further instruction.

Seated at the back of the class, Dexter was the only student who seemed engrossed in the documentary. He was a chubby boy with short, brownish hair and glasses that made him look older than his years.

Despite his aloof demeanor, Dexter was well-liked by his peers. He was a clever lad who often helped others with their homework, albeit for a price. He was already on his way to fulfilling his dream of becoming an entrepreneur and the wealthiest person around.

Dexter didn't particularly enjoy the company of others. He had been bullied throughout elementary school, and if it hadn't been for meeting Jack, he might have grown resentful and withdrawn. Jack was a tall, athletic boy with dark hair and thin arms. Dexter didn't quite understand why Jack had chosen to befriend him, nor did he care. He was simply grateful to have a friend.

The bell signaled the end of the class...

For the students, the only moments of joy in school were lunchtime and the end of the day. "Lunchtime," Mr. Probus announced cheerfully, perhaps the only teacher who despised school as much as the students did.

Dexter packed his things, eager to get to the cafeteria. However, his exit was halted by Mr. Probus, who intercepted him with a peculiar look of satisfaction playing on his face.

"Dexter, hold on a moment," Mr. Probus called out, his tone authoritative.

Confused, Dexter turned to face his teacher. "Yes, Mr. Probus?" he asked, uncertain of what was to come.

"You have detention," Mr. Probus stated matter-of-factly, his gaze unwavering.

"Detention? But why?" Dexter questioned, baffled by the sudden punishment.

"Talking out in class without raising your hand," Mr. Probus replied bluntly. "You know the rules, Dexter."

"I was just asking a question," Dexter protested, feeling unjustly reprimanded.

"Rules are rules, Dexter. You'll serve your detention after school. Now, off to lunch with you," Mr. Probus commanded, dismissing Dexter with a wave of his hand.

Reluctantly, Dexter made his way towards the door, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "What kind of teacher is he?" he muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.

The clatter of trays and the smell of pizza floated through the air in the cafeteria. Dexter trudged towards the lunch line, his mind still on the unfair detention. Just as he reached for a tray, he felt a tap on his back. He turned around to see Jack standing there, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Skipping class to get an early lunch," Jack replied casually, grabbing a tray of his own. "You know how it is. Gotta beat the rush."

Dexter shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I don't know how you don't get fat with all the food you eat," he thought, bemused.

They both loaded their trays with pizza, fruit, and chocolate milk, then made their way to their usual table in the corner of the cafeteria.

"Detention, huh?" Jack said, taking a big bite of his pizza. "What did you do this time?"

"Asked a question," Dexter muttered, rolling his eyes. "Probus didn't like it."

His eyebrows rose, pausing his eating. "For asking a question."

"Yeah," Dexter said, frustration evident in his voice. "Apparently I didn't raise my hand before asking the question. Now I have to stay after school."

"That guy has it out for you," Jack said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, well, nothing I can do about it," Dexter replied, his frustration evident. "I'll just have to serve my time and move on."

Jack nodded sympathetically. "Probus is a real piece of work. Don't let him get to you."

HAHAHAH, I don't know how I do it I just write and it sounds good

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