
Elder god : the devourer

Luke is normal guy but because some accident he died. But without knowing he wake in unknown place to live once more as being that will grow stronger under destruction and death. watch his endless adventures !

void_zone_98 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 2

I don't know how long time pass.

But I know it's more than million years from how dimension look.

Now this place ready for live to develop, from the sun that give warm and sunlight to the amount water that present and to size of the planet. I can say it's ready but pity it can't happen in short time.

But every problem have solution so I just need go to another world to get it and I hope my first world not to bad.

First thing that I need are world have fully loaded of god and that are pain in the ass, I mean literally. Just thinking going to another world full op people will give me a goosebump.

Now to start this I need world coordinate and I will tell you if you don't know it and open portal just for fun I will pry for you from here hope you not opening hell or dark dimension that full of shit.

For me a void being that not to hard and it's not easy either.

First I need discharge some energy like sonar and remember don't do it with to much energy because that will make another void being that you hope not to strong but that impossible because every void being are super strong and have bullshit ability that will make you can't sleep. And if the energy to small your observation place will small.

Usually it's need time for that energy have to come back but I can't sure because some place have time more fast and another more slower[A1] .

After some time that I don't care about because my race will live infinitely unless killed I fell energy wave that I discharge using dimension are back. From how much energy that come back I can say that world have an intelligent being over there and from the quality I can conclude there is existing energy like my mana that exist here[A2] .

Because I don't feel any divine energy from energy wave I can say in that world don't have a divine being that usually they call god.

'maybe this my chance'

After knowing that my chance immediately open portal to there.

Usually people when opening portal will thinking I gone go there with my body but pity because I have part of dimension make me can't go there so I will fuse some my soul with my energy.

Fortunately here I can control energy effortless just need think this and done. After done construct it I can see not much different from my original body, with pitch black fur on whole body and have white on the feet and make it like wearing shoe[A3] .

After I observe my first clone I start try to control it and as I thought it very easy like I have found part of my body and controlling my body it easy. Another this is that I have connection from the original and clone So I have another point of view.

The difference from my clone and original is how much power that one body have. If this video game then my original body is max level then my clone is level one villager or you can say my clone have power at normal cat but with same innate ability.

"nyaa~~ " "nyaaa~~~ " ' wow it weird'

after that I start to build the portal.

First to build portal you need place where to place it, this to make sure to make it easy to come back. Then I build it like gate with ten meter tall and five meter wide with glass like material inside it that will become portal.

After finish the gate I straight to the front of gate then insert energy and input coordinate and then portal will opened .

After portal connect I can say the portal look scary with pitch black colour and swirling water like that.

'that it, I hope the connection not severed'

After inhale air some while to make sure not to exited I take my first step to the place full of uncertain and unknown to fulfil my fate to the strongest.

After some time that I don't care about because my race will live infinitely unless killed I fell energy wave that I discharge using dimension are back. From how much energy that come back I can say that world have an intelligent being over there and from the quality I can conclude there is existing energy like my mana that exist here Because I don't feel any divine energy from energy wave I can say in that world don't have a divine being that usually they call god

After I observe my first clone I start try to control it and as I thought it very easy like I have found part of my body and controlling my body it easy. Another this is that I have connection from the original and clone So I have another point of view.

The difference From my clone and original is how much power that one body have. If this video game then my original body is max level then my clone is level one villager or you can say my clone have power at normal cat but with same innate ability.