
Elder Blood Witcher

Author: Niggross
Ongoing · 18.7M Views
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For MC beta, the lowest possible score. Also pretty annoying is the boobiness of the character. His obsession with power, like he's a fucking Chinese cultivator. Low intelligence is not a plus, but a big minus.


Author i think you have a underage young boy fetish or something, i forced read through the darksouls arc, but then the harry potter arc?? really?? its just really bs, it was awesome when it was the witcher universe, then you made him op in dark souls and then made him retarded in harry potter as well as getting him become ntr'ed in regular basis from then on, sigh, and i feel like you are not very open to criticism or complaints


Really liked the witcher chapters, not enjoying the dark souls stuff as much but still good :D.....................................................................................................


Ntr is automatic 1 star from me and if you don’t believe me just check the reviews that aren’t blowing the author or his alt accounts even his other stories are pretty bad like below 3 star at best


As far as I can say, this novel had the potential to become something really, really great. Good developments, interesting mixes between the different works, and nice character building. Then... the author tried to force everything that is frowned or ignored by most otaku people into the 'romance' of the novel. Result? -The worst Ciri to ever exist, she being no more than a utterly useless gold-digger incapable of doing anything by herself right and still grumbling about the MC -Simp and Cuck MC that managed to ignore NUMEROUS girls far better than Ciri or no reason other than the author forcing the 'romance' for hundreds of chapters, only to get NTRED by a girl that wanted to include herself in their relationship... yes, he got cucked by someoe that wanted him. Ridiculous -Every female character that displayed signs of affection or love for the MC became background... after all, if they appear for more than one paragraph per arc, then the author's beloved 'Ciri' will have no place in the work. Simply put, a great novel as long as you can ignore the truckload of trash forced by the author to force his distorted view of romance kk


wow... this is the first year I one star someone's novel..........well.. hope.. it..lose or something 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶




Ignore the hate reviews trust me and just read it. By far one of the best long novels on this site .’.’.’.’.’’..’.’.’’.’.’


dafuq .


Reveal spoiler


Oh boy, how should I start this. I suppose this very long review can be both for potential readers who are curious about it and the author. I’ve tried and kept the spoilers very minor, at least it is minor in my opinion. It isn’t really much of a spoiler either at all actually. I’ve read this fanfiction up till about chapter 550, and I can confidently say that it has been an enjoyable process for me, despite its flaws. So the title of the fanfiction is Elder Blood Witcher, but it does take place in a few worlds separated into arcs; Chapter 1-39 is the Witcher world. Chapter 40-59 is the Absolver world. Chapter 60-225 is the Dark Souls world. Chapter 226-474 is the Harry Potter world. Chapter 475-562+ is back to the Witcher world again. I’m sure he will journey through other worlds perhaps later, but as of now the latest chapter, 562, is in the Witcher world. Before I get started I should mention that to those who it may concern, the author seems to hate Islam, and has shown some of his dislike through the main character as well as in the comment section. Luckily, it’s very brief and he doesn’t make a habit of alluding it too often. In fact I can only recall it on two separate occasions. This is the first original/fanfiction novel I’ve come across that intentionally has included a controversial topic like this. Usually it’s only rampant in Chinese novels that insults every other country, and I don’t tend to give those novels a chance had I known before hand as even if it isn’t my country being insulted, I still find it displeasing; so this is my warning to you potential readers. Keep in mind though it’s very brief and hardly there, you can ignore it. Now while it’s the author’s fanfiction and he is free to write what he will and express his views, facts or opinions aside, personally I do find it distasteful. There is a time and place for everything, and I don’t think a fanfiction novel for readers to escape reality for a brief period of time to have a light read is a platform for such a thing. Lots of readers out there, kids and adults alike, perhaps had a long day and just wanted a light read to relax. Bringing in these topics into the novel can make it distasteful to some, and insulting to others, when it’s not even necessary as it’s not like any of it will elevate the fanfiction to greater heights. Be that as it may, it’s the author’s fanfiction and he is free to write what he will. I can only hope that none of it is mentioned again. Moving on, lets briefly talk about the arcs itself! The first Witcher arc is very brief and I don’t really have any major complaints apart from that. The first half of the absolver arc however would probably be very boring to most, as it’s fight after fight after fight. The second half though has some character interactions, which made the rest of the arc a lot more bearable. Now the Dark Souls arc is very long but again the character interactions made it bearable for me. Personally, I just skim through the fights and just focus on the interactions. The Harry potter arc is full of characters and interactions, so I do find it enjoyable to read through. To go more into detail, I do think the author made the MC too strong too early. As such, it seems he has to compromise and somewhat nerf the MC here and there or twist the story such that it will force the plot to go where the author intended. Realistically, the MC is so strong that he can resolve all problem and issues that may come about with little effort. As this is the case, the author is forced to create situation that can be unrealistic to create *******. This issue is especially prevalent in the Harry Potter arc. To give an example, there is a death of a character in the Harry Potter world that came out of nowhere (explosion). The MC is around, and the author can say what he wants, but realistically the MC should have been able to take care of everything considering all his wide range of abilities, but this isn’t the case. The character dies because the author wants the character to die to force the plot. I don’t care about the character dying itself, just that the manner of how he died wasn’t handled well. And yes, things like this happens repeatedly which I’ll touch upon next. Now my biggest pet peeve of this fanfiction relates to the previous issue. The MC did not bother to create any sort of tracking and/or teleporting device for the safety of his companions, not even up till the latest chapter. He has access to 3-4 different systems of magic from different worlds, with genius level intellect that supposedly can learn everything quickly if he puts his mind to it, but never bothered to create this sort of device. It wasn’t even in his thought process. He did create some kind of signaling device in the Dark Souls world, I’m not too sure about it as it wasn’t elaborated upon much, but it was barely mentioned since. Numerous times his companions has been put into danger when he is not around, but this small thought process never crossed his mind. See, the problem the author has here is that if the MC created such a device and gave it to his companions, any danger that they came across, the MC can just appear and resolve everything. This plot-hole, if I may, enables the author to kill off characters or bring trouble to them when the MC is not around to again, force the plot. Even if it’s impossible to create such a device for whatever bizarre reason, it should still definitely be something that the MC attempted with given his circumstances. This problem all goes back to what I’ve mentioned previously, the mc got too strong too early. That being said, my favourite thing in this novel are its characters and their interactions. This is the one thing I personally think the author did very well, though apparently from the comments and likes that they got, a lot of people seems to disagree. Now not to be obnoxious, but I feel like a lot of these comments are likely horny teenagers, or perhaps adults with that mindset. I refuse to believe these people has been in any real healthy relationships either. Who knows what the age demographics for most readers in webnovel are, but I’d suspect they’re rather young if the comments I’ve read in this website are of any indication. Now I know I complained about the MC, and I still do stand by my point, but the characters has flaws, and I mean this as a compliment. This is apparent mostly on Ciri, and whenever these points are highlighted upon, the readers seem to flip. It seems they all want a perfect character who does everything right and only obeys the MC. Whenever Ciri is selfish or makes a mistake or does something they don’t like, readers gets upset and want her out. My favourite character in this fanfiction by far is Ciri because she is real, she has doubts, she has faults, and she is developing upon it. I’d suggest the author do the same with the MC, though other readers may dislike that. So far I’ve never really seen the MC being in the wrong much, usually it’s always Ciri or someone else. Perhaps the author is projecting too much of himself into the MC, thus never really putting himself at fault. I feel that it would be a lot more realistic for some of these faults to be highlighted upon on the MC, and most importantly for these faults to be worked on throughout the fanfiction. Before it’s brought up, I still do believe that the whole deal with a tracking and/or teleporting device isn’t really a fault on the MC, more like the author is intentionally skipping that logical process to force the plot. Adding on to what was said, a lot of readers seems to forget that they’re reading from an outside perspective, where they can see everything that happens and rationalize it. I myself can and will make the same mistake. So I ask the potential readers, before you come to “hate” Ciri as much as a lot of the current readers seems to, put yourself in her shoes. What would you do if you’ve only had her limited knowledge? Would you not perhaps make the same seemingly “bad” decision? Taking all her past into consideration it seems only normal to me. And yes author, I’ve tried and put myself in the MC’s shoes, and I’d like to think that as soon as my companion got into trouble when I’m not around, I’d most immediately try and work out a solution to that issue. At the very least it would be in my thought process. Another point I’d like to discuss actually touches upon what I’ve said before, that being the MC got too strong too early. This would result in some kind of unrealistic point to be forced, and when readers question it, the author has to try and justify in the comments. Frankly to me it just seems like excuses as a result of the author’s mistake in making the MC too strong. Mind you I don’t care that a MC is “too strong,” but it doesn’t fit with the setting of this fanfiction that the author is trying to set where danger is real to the MC and his companions. Anyways, going back to what I said, the author would have to explain in the comments. Ideally this is something the author would want to avoid at all cost. Everything in the story should be enough of an explanation to the readers. Perhaps an explanation will come it the next chapter, or 10 chapters later, or even 100 chapters later. It depends on the nature of the issue. If the author can’t show it in his story, then at least tell it in the story itself, not through comments. This by itself should improve the story a lot, as there would be less plot holes for readers to be nitpicky about. Oh and before I forget, yes, there is character bashing. I hate any sort of character bashing fanfictions have, I think it’s completely unnecessary and just makes the fanfiction worse than what it could have been. That being said, I understand why some authors does this, they want to write their own fanfiction and they can write it how they like, with their own arguably preconceived notions, and some or a lot of readers may enjoy it. In this case there is bashing on Weasley, mostly focused upon Ron, and Snape. There isn’t really that much of a bashing on Snape, just the MC being an arse. Not going to really talk about this issue, it is what it is. Now for the grand old question, Harem or no Harem? As of the latest chapter, to me it seems to be leaning towards a Harem, though it is not certain yet. Personally, I’m rooting for a Harem, but I wouldn’t necessarily mind it not being a Harem either. Only I’d feel sad for the characters that are involved if it isn’t a harem since the author has already made quite a few love interests. So if you’re wondering, it’s looking like a Harem, but the author may very well change his mind. The characters and their interactions in this fanfiction is done well enough that I don’t think Harem would be an issue, as it shouldn’t really “ruin” the story as some of you may fear. Going back to the basics; writing quality is great. A few spelling and grammar issues around, but it doesn’t really hamper the reading experience. Stability of updates is excellent, though chapters are relatively short and cliff hangers are quite prominent, you’ve been warned. Story development is the biggest weakness I suppose, as it would relate to most of the issue I’ve mentioned. Character design is great, Ciri is a complex character that I think the author explored quite well. World background is alright I suppose. The Witcher world could have been explored extensively, but it seems the author just skipped to Witcher 3, which is a bit of a shame. That’s all I guess, can’t believe I wrote this essay of a review, I hope it’s of use to those readers who are considering this fanfiction, and I hope it helps the author improve upon his work. As I’ve said I do enjoy reading it, and I do recommend you guys to give it a try despite its flaws.


I enjoyed the story in witcher several chapters to no end. Read absolver as I didn't know the game at all and found it... irrelevant. But then I skipped nearly all Dark Souls ark. Maybe because I played a game and it was enough for me to read couple of ending chapters to understand the whole journey of Reima there and what he got. HP ark was fun, until it got too stretched and Ciri was introduced a bit deeper. Gave 4 for character development because of Ciri's character. Sorry, but her horny and bitchy behavior is simply not what real Ciri is and being a cornerstone character of the whole Witcher series (let's be strait here, whole witcher world revolves around her and not Geralt of Yen) any changes to her personality are very tricky issue for author to do. Don't know about others, but for me her altered character ruined immersion in HP ark and the story as a whole. And also gave 3 for story development because of two issues, both downgraded it by a star for me. First - I simply skipped nearly half of it (Dark Souls ark) and didn't find myself puzzled over anything Reima can do and events happened later. Second – I can't see him developing in witcher world any further. To my mind he is already powerful enough to simply come there, wave one hand and slaughter all enemies, wave another and suppress White Chill with his god flames and be done with it. Unless he will again take a tutor role and let everyone more or less take care of their own mess, but this is such an apathetic stance that I won't like it one bit. MC became to powerful for Witcher world (classical at least). No thrill expected there. But still, others are solid 5, as the work author put in it is tremendous and worthy of respect and I can't help but commemorate that. All in all it is actually a great and consistent work of a dedicated author. Keep it up.


In this fanfic you can expect a ton load of illogical events, if this is still your cup of tea go for it.


Just the first chapter is enough for anyone with a good brain to realize that the MC is a fool and that the author doesn't really understand the intricacies of human society. This kind of combination will irritate mature readers to no end.


why are u trying to force a relationship with Ciri while making every other girl look manipulative it seems that either u don't listen to the words of ur readers or just don't care to be honest the Fanfic was good before the dark souls and absolver arks after that tho the fanfic just went down the Mc turns from Cruel sadistic to naive acting like he's innocent when he hasn't killed people and caused needless death where ever goes and he's dumb and hypocritical and Submissive weak willed and likes giving him self the green hat and the story just seems unplanned or all over the place or it doesn't feels like it has proper structure


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Not the best, but still a solid story that completes itself. The fact that their are so many capters and it has a decent ending is fantastic especially due to what happens in most fan fictions. Could be better, but satisfied with what I got


Reveal spoiler


Un ramassis de merde, Je ne sais même pas comment il peut avoir une si bonne note, le héro et con comme un chameau et a autant de personnalité que kirito. Une merde infâme...