

Prince Elaris, wrongly accused of killing 3 kings during the summer solstice meeting. In the process of running away from the most menacing and vicious king in the 5 realms, Elaris loses his title as prince of Aerofetha, loses his father, learns the truth about this heritage, and attempts to dig deep into King Scar's (the most dangerous king in the 5 realms) secrets.

LeafyDays · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Daddy" I whispered, my eyes glistering in the moonlight."I can't fall asleep, can you tell me a story?"

"Sure, my little bird," he lifted me onto his lap, his strong wings wrapped the both of us on his bed. He takes a deep breath, "My dear son, centuries ago, on the island of Thaennor, our ancestors fought long and hard to set a king. 5 years of war. 5 years of bloodshed and murder. People went into hiding, under the lands while the great kings fought. People thought the war would never end, but then, the magical hero from above, Lexis put an end to this madness."

"How did he do that daddy?"

"I'm getting to that, my boy" He sighed, "As a divine being, he was powers to unbelievable measures. He has this giant sword you see, it is said to be as long as our forest trees. He used the sword to cut the island into 6 parts which are our lands now. You remember what the lands are called?"

"Land of Fire, land of earth, land of metal, water, wood, and the last one is where the hall of kings is."

"Good job, my boy. So, Lexis put a stop to the war by splitting the land into 6 parts. Thaennor went back to peace."

"But what happened to Lexis?" I asked, lightly pulling on his feathers.

"Legend says Lexis hid deep in the mountain of Daevon of Steovaria, kingdom of clouds. I heard that what only remains of Lexis is the sword, Fleshrender from the hero himself."

"So where is the sword?"

"No ones knows" he said with a shrug, pulling my hands away from his feathers. "People are still searching for it till this day."

"Have you tried looking for it?"



"Because I don't have much of a good relationship with the king of Steovaria. Anyway, do you want me to keep going?"

"Yes, please" I whined.

"People all over Thaennor thank him and to celebrate this end of the war of kings, every 6th day of the 6th month we light up a lantern and let it float into the sky where Lexis is now."

"6th day of the 6th month…" I scrunched up my face, "That's tomorrow!"

"Yes, my boy" he said with a grin, "you are absolutely correct!"


"Yes, my little bird?"

"Why are we still fighting with the other kingdoms?" I quietly asked, "didn't you say there is now peace in Thaennor after the war of kings?"

"Yes, that is what I said," he sighed, "The kings are now fighting for a different reason, maybe in the future you will understand."

"When I become the king of Aerofetha, kingdom of forests" I stood up with a tiny fist in the air, "I will go the mountain of Daevon and find that sword and bring peace back to Thaennor!"

My father started to laugh, he brought me up into the air and gave me a big bear hug. "I would like to see you try."

"My king!" A guard, Decker, if I remember clearly, rushed into our room with urgency, "King Ianfir, General Arcadius is looking for you, they attacked the south post!"

My father jumped out of bed and grabbed his sword, Bloodvenom by the door. "Elaris, stay in this room, lock the door, and don't leave the bed. Try to go to sleep, my boy" he kissed my forehead, "I'll be back soon, don't wait up." And with that, my father ran out of the room.

"Prince Elaris, wake up!" Rough hands were shaking me awake, "Prince Elaris, please wake up now!" My eyelids slowly open, I see General — no, uncle — Arcadius. His face was ashen, with dry blood stuck onto his face. His hair stuck out in all angles with sweat stuck to the dry blood. What was most surprising was his soft brown eyes filled with tears close to spilling out like an overfilled cup.

"Wh-a happ-n'd?" I slurred.

"I am so terribly sorry" Uncle Arcadius gave me a hug while tears streamed down his scarred face.


"I'm sorry," Uncle Arcadius look me in the eye, "Elaris, listen to me." He sucked in a breath, "your father is dead. King Ianfir is dead."