
Elamenta: The Lost City of Rieti.

"Elamenta: The Lost City of Rieti" unveils a realm where elemental kingdoms flourish, and a forgotten city, Rieti, holds extraordinary powers. Sira uncovers her lineage's secrets and seeks vengeance, igniting a quest against prejudice and injustice. As she battles adversaries and uncovers hidden truths, Sira's journey sparks change in a world where magic and unity hang in the balance.

_asalahh · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter Eleven.

Under the scorching midday sun, the carriage rolled on, its tinted windows casting a golden hue. As they neared, the grand Alvarez's Estate emerged, and Zev's eyes sparkled with recognition---it was home. 

At the imposing gate, the carriage halted. Guards, with due respect, greeted the carriage and opened the gate with a bow. It glided into the estate, slowing near the magnificent chateau. The driver stepped out and opened the door, "Young master, We're home. Shall I assist you with anything else?" 

Koa stepped out and said, "Thank you, Grover, but we're good. Instead, get some guards to carry this girl and her kitten upstairs. And notify Ena to wait for me there." 

Grover nodded, promptly departing to fulfill the request. Koa turned his attention to Zev, urging him, "Come on, Zev, you need to get rid of those muddy clothes. You look like you've been in a brawl and rolled in mud." He approached Zev, who stepped down from the carriage onto the warm gravel. The ground crunched beneath him as he looked around, overwhelmed by the sight of the chateau he had missed. Zev couldn't help but smile softly.

A gentle sigh escaped his lips. Zev had been with the Alvarez family since birth. The Alvarez family was respected in Elamenta with Koa's parents occupying influential roles. Elder Juan was the historian for the Founding Elements, while Madame Selma, ran the Vitality Apothecary. The Apothecary was known for remedies and teaching aspiring healers. 

Zev's mother, Noemi worked in a brothel but found refuge with Selma when she got pregnant. Tragedy struck when Koa's parents met a mysterious demise. A few years later, Noemi fell ill, and during this dark time, Zev committed a crime that led to his arrest. 

The guards rushed to the carriage, swiftly carrying the girl and her cat on a stretcher into the chateau. Grover approached Koa with a bow, "Young master, I have delivered your orders. I shall take my leave now." 

Koa nodded, "Thank you, Grover." He gestured towards Zev. "Oh, and this is Zevran, a member of the family. Since you're new here, you aren't familiar with him." 

Grover nodded in understanding and bowed once more. "Good day, young master Zevran." 

Zev greeted the middle-aged man with a wave and a warm smile. "Hi, just call me Zev, not Zevran." 

Grover nodded again, "As you wish, young master Zev."

 Koa continued addressing Grover, "Treat him with the same respect you offer me. He holds the same authority as the Alvarez family." 

Zev observed Koa's penchant for impeccable manners and couldn't help but chuckle. It was a quality of Koa's that Zev secretly admired. It revealed Koa's strength of character. 

Both Koa and Zev shared a similar stature, both standing at 6 feet. However, Koa was slightly older by two years. Growing up, Zev had a tendency of getting into trouble but Koa always had his back. 

As Grover finally departed, Koa turned to zev. "As I said before, you idiot, remove those rags you're wearing. I won't have you dirtying my marble floors." he said, pulling Zev's arm as he led him into the chateau. Zev smirked, "Whatever, man."


Sira found herself in a pitch black abyss. She strained to see or hear anything, but all that surrounded her was an eerie, heavy presence. Trembling, she timidly called out, "H-hello?" Her voice echoed in the darkness, met only by silence. 

Suddenly, a deep and ominous voice thundered, "Daughter of Kier!" The sheer power of it sent shivers down her spine. She couldn't help but stammer, "Is anybody there?" Her voice quivered in fear. 

The voice persisted, "Sacrifice yourself, Daughter of Kier!" Its resonance pierced her ears, and she crumbled to her knees, clamping her hands over them, screaming as the deafening sound enveloped her.

When the haunting voice finally ceased, Sira dared to open her eyes. Before her, Neith materialized. Her voice was a soothing balm as she urged, "Wake up, You're dreaming," repeating the words gently. Sira struggled to speak, but her voice failed her. 

"It's alright. You're safe....for now," Neith reassured, her presence fading as she vanished. Sira's screams echoed through the void until she slumped. 


Sira jolted awake, her heart racing, tears streaming down her face. She sat up abruptly, gasping for air and clutching her head. Had it been a dream? That voice, who was it? Her confusion deepened as she took in her surroundings, her hand grazing the soft sheets of a well-furnished room, adorned with a dresser, mirror, and a vase of fresh flowers. Her head spun as she gingerly made her way to the room's expansive window, only to be met with an inky blackness outside. She frowned. How had she ended up here, and how long had she been asleep? 

Approaching, the dresser, Sira found herself wrapped in blood-stained bandages, her hair in disarray. "Ugh," whe muttered in disgust, swiftly shedding the soiled bandages. With a sigh of relief, she tidied her hair into its usual half-ponytail. She checked her wounds and realized they had healed. Her attire, on the other hand, was less than ideal. "Couldn't they have found me some shorts or something?" she grumbled, eyeing the room's door with determination. She was ready for answers. 

Gripping the handle firmly, she stepped into a long, white hallway, her gaze drawn to a descending staircase in the distance, marked by an arched doorway. Her heart sank as she remembered Blu. Where was Blu? She had to find Blu. Anxious and uncertain, she decided to head down the stairs, but before she could take a step, a voice resonated through the hallway. 


Startled, Sira spun around to find a slender young woman, of her own height, dressed in a maid's uniform, her short brown hair concealed under a scarf. 

"Shouldn't you be resting ma'am?" the maid named Ena inquired, approaching Sira. "Young master Koa and i tended to your wounds..." Her voice trailed off as she noticed the absence of injuries and bandages. 

Ena gasped. "Ma'am, your wounds... they're...healed," she stuttered, struggling to make sense of the sight before her. 

"Well, uh... yeah...i guess they are." Sira chuckled nervously. She hesitated to reveal her secret as a blood elemental, knowing that information would have her killed. She had narrowly escaped death once and wasn't about to experience that again. When Ena touched her, she flinched but managed to put on a smile. 

"Are you alright, Ma'am? You seem nervous," asked Ena. 

 "Oh no, i'm fine," Sira said, rubbing her arm. "I'm just not used to people touching me. Can i ask a question?" she inquired. Ena nodded in agreement. 

"Was there a cat with me when i was brought here?" Sira asked.

Ena's face lit up, and she clapped her hands with a smile. "Oh yes, a cat with a horn! What a fascinating creature. Your cat is with the young masters," she gestured to the arched doorway. "They're downstairs in the garden, but we have to get you dressed and ready first." 

Sira groaned in response. "More gowns?" she whined, making Ena chuckle. 

"Yes Ma'am. Please follow me," Ena said as she led Sira back into her room. 

Inside the room, Ena opened the large white wardrobe standing against the wall. "This was brought for you, would you like to try it on?" she asked, presenting a short, laced back dress. 

Sira shrugged, "Yeah, sure," and locked the door before beginning to undress. Ena hesitated for a moment, feeling awkward, and finally asked, "Um, Ma'am? Don't you need your privacy? Do you want me to leave?" 

"Huh? Oh...no, it's okay. I don't mind you being here," Sira assured, taking the dress.

 "Oh...A-alright!" Ena stammered and quickly turned around, avoiding direct eye contact with Sira. Sira put on the dress and Ena tied the ribbons at the back. Sira let down her auburn hair, and Ena finished securing the dress. 

"Hmm...not bad at all," Sira said, checking her reflection.

 "Black compliments your olive skin," Ena remarked, and Sira smirked. "That's cool."

Ena's satisfied grin was hard to miss. "Shall we make our exit?" she inquired. 

"Sure," Sira agreed, and Ena led her out of the bedroom and down the stairs, guiding her towards the flowery path that led to the garden. The path was lined with yellow lava lamps that shined brightly. 

In the distance, Sira spotted Blu frolicking with Zev and Koa, both comfortably seated on swings. Blu's cheerful demeanor didn't wane, despite the bandage around her stomach. Sira couldn't help but smile

 As they drew nearer, Blu offered a meow of recognition before darting towards Sira. She bent down, scooping Blu into her arms, tenderly scratching the soft fur beneath her chin. 

"Hey there, furball. Did you miss me?" Sira inquired, smiling as she leaned in to catch a whiff of Blu's fur. Blu responded with a louder purr and nuzzled against Sira's cheek. Sira giggled and continued, "I missed you too," all the while affectionately stroking Blu's furry cheeks. 

But then, Sira's attention was now drawn to Zev and Koa, who were now staring at her with a mixture of awe and a hint of unease. It made her groan inwardly. 

Zev broke the silence with a question, "Your wounds... they're healed?" His disbelief was palpable. 

 Koa, on the other hand, couldn't contain his excitement, adjusting his glasses and speaking in a hushed tone, "Absolutely beautiful. Are you, by any chance, a blood elemental?" Sira groaned again, her exasperation growing. Was he fucking kidding?

Sira chuckled nervously "Blood elemental? Pfft. Are you kidding me? I don't know what you're talking about," she replied, her gaze briefly shifting to Ena, who seemed on the verge of bursting from curiosity. 

Koa squinted his eyes suspiciously. "Well, i suppose you won't tell us for now, and that's fine. I'm Koa Alvarez, and this is the person who found you, my brother, Zev." he introduced themselves as Zev waved. 

Sira nodded and extended a warm smile, "I'm Sira, Aesira." She gestured to her cat "And this is Blu, my cat. Pleasure meeting you all," she concluded as she glanced at the trio.

Then, a rumble from her stomach brought forth a blush of embarrassment. Koa couldn't help but grin and placed a hand on Zev's shoulder. "How adorable. Let's get her something to eat," he suggested, to which Zev nodded. Koa motions for Ena to join them, and as she approached, Zevran inquired, "Where's Twi? I haven't seen her yet." 

Ena bowed slightly, "Madame Twila is on her way downstairs. She was busy attending to documents from the Apothecary." 

Koa sighed. "Typical." 

Sira observed as the trio engaged in conversation. The man called Zevran looked compact with a tight bun of brown hair, a stubble, an unbuttoned shirt and brown pants. Sira glanced at Koa who smiled at her, his arms crossed. Blu meowed and Sira smiled at her feline. Her attention then shifted to Ena, who stood with both hands behind her back, nodding as she listened to Koa and Zev. 

 How weird. There was no sense of threat in the air. Sira had been grappling with anxiety since Ena found her, but now, in this unfamiliar situation, she felt...calm? Sira frowned, uncomfortable with her uncertainty. 

As she pondered, a vibrant female voice called out from behind them, breaking her concentration. "Zevran!" The voice rang out and Zev's smile widened, while Koa chuckled. Ena offered a silent applause as all eyes turned to the source of the voice.

Sira turned to see a blonde woman approaching. She was of average height and had a fit physique. Her attire, featuring cotton pants and an unbuttoned shirt revealing a hint of cleavage, added to her charm. Twila, with her freckles, glasses, and casual clothing, emitted a an inviting aura.

As Twila passed by Sira, a unique scent reached her, a blend of lilacs and something else, something intriguing. Twila reached Zev and took what seemed to be a wrapped leaf from her mouth.

Exhaling smoke, Twila placed the leaf into a small box. She flicked her messy high ponytail, and her warm smile greeted Zev. Without hesitation, she pulled him into a tight hug, leaving him momentarily breathless against her breasts. "Zev!" Twila exclaimed, her laughter filling the air.

 Struggling for breath, Zev greeted her, "Hi Twi." She continued to laugh, and when she released him, he coughed and rubbed his nose with a smile. Their high-five showed the joy of their reunion. 

"I'm so glad you're back!" Twila greeted with a wide grin. Zev winced slightly as she ruffled his hair. Twila then turned her attention to Sira, moving closer. She appraised Sira, her glasses adjusting on her nose. "You're pretty gorgeous," she complimented, causing Sira to blush and offer her thanks. 

 "And you look even more stunning now that you've changed your clothes," Twila added. Sira glanced at her outfit, smiling awkwardly.

Twila continued, her smile warm. "Can I touch you?" Sira hesitated, her forced smile revealing her discomfort when Twila reached out. "Sure," she finally agreed. Twila nodded and examined Sira's arms, running her finger along them. "Hmm, you look better than you looked yesterday," Twila remarked, adjusting her glasses.

Feeling embarrassed, Sira took a step back unsure of how to respond.

 "I.. um..." Sira trailed off as she bit her lip, unsure of how to respond. Twila laughed and reassured her. "It's okay. I guess I shouldn't have done that. Hi, I'm Twila, Koa and Zev's older sister," she said, extending a hand. 

"Welcome to our home." 

Sira chuckled as she shook Twila's delicate hands. Twila then playfully tugged Zev's shirt as she led the way to the chateau. "You owe me some explanations! Let's chat over a meal. I'm starving," she exclaimed with a laugh.

 Sira smiled and said to Blu. "What a weird bunch, right Blu?" Blu responded with a contended purr.

 Eventually, they all made their way to the chateau. 


Seated at the dinner table, Sira perched on a tall chair drawn out for her by Koa. She felt slightly out of place in the opulent room, with Twila and her facing Zev and Koa at the opposite end. There were two vacant seats at the head of the table, and Sira observed as Blu licked her finger before a maid took the feline away, setting her on a plush cushion surrounded by an array of delectable dishes. 


As the maids, including Ena, served the meal, Sira surveyed the exquisite surroundings. A glittering chandelier adorned the ceiling, casting a soft, ambient glow. The table was adorned with a lavish feast, from seasoned salmon fillets to an assortment of fruits and vegetables, with a tantalizing cheesecake awaiting dessert. 

Sira began her meal only after the others had started, savoring each bite. Twila's utensils clinked against her plate as she broached a question.

"Forgive my curiosity, but are you...a blood elemental?" she inquired, causing Sira to freeze with a strawberry in her mouth. Zev facepalmed and shook his head. "Couldn't control yourself, huh?" 

Koa brought his hand to his neck, waving it. "Not a good time." he mouthed. 

Sira's brows furrowed as she considered her response while chewing the strawberry. She wasn't sure if she was ready to discuss her experience with the Silver Wolves and Neith's death, as it still traumatized her. How would they react? 

 "Sira?" Koa gently interjected, snapping her from her thoughts. "You don't have to share if you're not comfortable. Twila can be a bit... nosy," he remarked, giving his elder sister a playful glare that elicited giggles from her. Zev took a sip from his glass.

Sira let out another sigh. "It's fine. I-i think I'm ready," she stammered, 

grasping the hem of her gown.

"I'm ready to tell you everything about me." 

The room fell silent as everyone listened intently, except for Blu, who emitted a soft meow. Sira chuckled nervously. Twila giggled with anticipation, and Zev sat up straight. Koa, meanwhile applauded twice signaling the guards and maids, including Ena, to exit the dining room, leaving just the four of them and Blu. Koa cleared his throat. 

"Now that we're alone," he began, "we're ready to listen, Sira. Take your time." 

Help me with them powerstones, thank you❤️

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