
Elaine: The Queen of the Night [dropped(?)]

She the famous rogue assasin was killed by commiting suicide together with her enemy was transmigrated to the novel that she reads where she needs to do alot of things to protect what was important for her.

LostPrince_19 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Elaine Mikhaela Von Pride

While drifting on the darkness, slowly sinking into the abyss. Abby couldn't help thinking if she would be sent to hell for all the killing that she did.

"To punish the evil you need to become the devil himself " that is what she hold onto so she can exact her revenge on people who hurt her.

She was able to take revenge for the children she grew up with on the organization but she wasn't able to exact revenge for herself.

Drifting towards the unknown darkness, she didn't know how long she had been staying her.

She wasn't scared nor she was feeling loneliness for she was always lonely ever since her parents died.

While she was deep in thought she saw a light from the distance.

She tried hard to reach it wishing just once she could feel how it feels like when you're staying at the light instead of darkness.


For unknown time she opened her eyes looking at the unfamiliar ceiling.



Hearing two poeple talking gibberish she look at where is the source of the voice.

To her suprise there is a couple who's looking at her with a tender and loving gaze.

The male looks handsome and dashing with his black hair, golden eyes, and coupled with his dignified and noble aura while he was wearing a western medieval outfit and with the crown in his head.

The female was also a beauty in which she her smile could cause a downfall to the whole city if she wanted to. She also has black hair coupled with her lovely blue eyes, her white jade-like skin, and her cherry lips. She looks like a good and loving mother.

"Look Gabrielle, your daughter is looking at us like she's asking who are we. Isn't she lovely?"

"I bet she'll become a gorgeous and beautiful girl like her mother when she grow up haha i can't wait to watch those men that will chase her became heartbroken haha!"

"Look at you! Your daughter just got born and you're telling her already that she should let those men who'll be chasing her to be heartbroken!"

"Mary you should name her already i bet she's looking forward to hear her name"

"You're right... Elaine Mikhaela Von Pride what do you think?"

"Haha! What a great name it sounds elegant while being domineering!"

Watching this couple bickering to each other she realized that she was reincarnated and what was worse is that she became the leading character of the last novel that she read who's gonna die because of betrayal.

Due to the shock she couldn't help but whimper and due to her body being weak she fall asleep easily.


Walking on the darkness where she couldn't see the end of the road.

She couldn't help but lament her luck being reincarnated on this tragic novel instead of the romance type where she could become a spoiled rich brat.

Unknown to her how much time has passed she saw a girl at the end of the road she was walking to.

She was crouching on the side while her face was firmly planted on her thighs, crying.

Unable to bear looking it she quicken her steps towards the girl and tap her shoulder.

"Hey are you alright? What happened? "

"Wu wu... i was betrayed... wu wu.. they all lied to me and betrayed me..."

Because she was given an unclear answer she observe the crying girl beside her.

She has black hair, flawless skin, and she has a blue eyes that when you look at you'll end up imagining yourself looking at the starry sky. She was breath takingly beautiful.

"If it's okay with you i can take revenge for you... so don't cry anymore.. you shouldn't cry because the people who betrayed you was still fine laughing happily. So stop crying and be strong and take revenge."

Her weak spot was always childen for she saw how those innocent children killed on another inside the organization because of the cruel and sick society.

"They told me mother died because of giving birth to me... my father died because he was worried about my future... they said I'm an unlucky star for the kingdom..."

"I tried... i gave my best when the kingdom was attacked by the surrounding kingdoms but when i get back home they said it's because of me that it all happened..."

"I only want to have a complete family..."

She couldn't help but look at the girl with pity.

She saw her self on this girl infront of her...

How many times did she cry everynight complaining why her parents left her alone in the world...

How many times she wished to have someone who'll embrace her and give her warm smiles when she's home...

But what greeted her everytime was the warm blood everytime she killed someone...

"Don't worry your big sister will help you"


The child raise her head and look at her with her blue eyes.

She was looking at her with an eyes looking for an answer confirming whether what she said was true or not.

When she saw her face reignited with a hope she couldn't help but chuckle after nodding when she saw the innocent face looking at her.

"Big sister thank you for being good... i hope you'll help me on getting revenge and treat my family well... i will give you a farewell gift... remember your name now shall be Elaine Mikhaela Von Pride!.. when you acknowledge this name as yours you shall receive my gift succesor of the nether realm."

After she finished saying that the darkness sorrounding the two of them vanish and replaced by the light. She also slowly vanish like a fragment broken into thousand pieces until it vanished.

Abby look at everything that happened in front of her eyes while she can't forget what the little girl told her before she vanished...

"Yes... abby is my past life and Elaine shall be ny new life.." she told herself while smiling... the warm and genuine smile that didn't appear on her face on her past life...


Unknown to her how much time has passed ever since she has fallen asleep but now you can see in her face that her mouth wad now curled upward.

She the cold-hearted killing machine who yearn to have her emotions back was now smiling.

And now she will forget the things that happened to her past life and she'll live a new life as Elaine.

By the time she genuinely accepted her identity something happened to her that she only thought would happen only on novels that she read.

[Welcome New Mistress!]